No shit sherlock...
Judging a book with a system if its worth reading after only 2 chapters is insane loll...i need at least 20 because I always give a chance to see if its worth investing time or not
So he keeps leveling up his constitution stats but it doesn't seem to do anything....
fr after reading a couple of hundred if not thousand of novel its getting hard to find good stuff to read...I'm lowering my standard by reading some shit novel just to pass time
This is a review section, not a crying section...if you find it bad at least tell us why so we can see this as a review and know if its worth reading or not
This is a paid review, so don't bother replying to it XD
Thx you saved me time
Quality drops significantly after ch 140...i have seen so many mistakes in one chapter that I'm wondering if it's the same author who is writing or another one ?? There was a quest a couple of chapter back in the shadow world where he got a mission to kill Arthur Shadow solo and the mission reward was Time affinity but it was forgotten Ch 100 : [Quest: Singlehandedly defeat the Shadow of Arthur Kingsley.] [Reward: Immortal Exp +50, Time Affinity] [Accept/Refuse]
Wait 500+ real chapter divided in 1200+ chapter LOL