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glocks are notorious for jamming.get a 1911 or literally anything else. glocks are like the disposable utensil of the pistol world.
the Pharoah king tutenkamen didn't have a pyramid. he had a tomb at the convergence of two steep and shallow ravine, which brought seasonal flooding and landslides that covered the entrance. this is the main reason it remained unlooted for so long, until a nomad discovered the entrance and reported it for potential exploration. to be clear, it was a tomb, not a pyramid.
love the story so far!
I also noticed i was treading water at this point. I'll go back and edit the flow of the story as I come up with more plot points.
This is just a rough draft. I'll go back through in a week or so and edit my chapters so the story flows better. Thanks for the feedback.
Just the obligatory self-review! Don't mind me. 😉
thanks for translating!
that was quite a jump... why did it skip ahead so far?
bro... I thought the Mc was a guy. who yhe heck names a girl after an old pervy author?