oh the plotarmor is strong with this one. first he changes the weapon scaling, now you suddenly dont have to challenge a tier 9, but 2 tier 8's instead
dont forget the ability to make firewood out a fresh tree -.-
I don't know why I even kept reading after I noticed the Harem tag, but damn, harem novels gets ruined so fast its kinda funny. It seemed like a good story and nice worldbuilding, but harem is just the bane of good writing.
Didn't get far before I had to drop this. But I still feel I have been generous with the stars. So, the reason I had to drop this book is primarily the grammar, but also the way the author writes generally. If you can look past obvious mistakes every few lines and what feels like a 14 year pokemon fanfic go nuts. Also, how the hell can you claim chapters are editted when even the first chapter is full of mistakes .. so gl reading this, and if you get past my highest chapter read: ffs get some standards !
gave up after 20 chapters .. spelling ranges from shit to good to shit again, idk whats going on, but it hurts my brain. for me the worst part is the characters, the way they act, talk, interact is just so ... forced