A poor random in the world of humans, who dislikes the paywall system to reading books
So bout that aniversary update
Hey mate, if you get the time, put your text in google docs or something to fix the lack of spaces
Dropping here, seems interesting, and honestly would be worth a read even as a non-crossover fanfic thing. The quality is better than certain other works that shan't be named, and honestly I would have loved to read more..... I just dislike the world it takes place in, sorry, but that's literally the only reason for me.
So does that mean there's now 19 seats instead of 20?
I would react the same as Neo
question, can't Akria bend plasma? Like this has been something that has been biting me in thr alps for a while. So let me ask again, can Akira bend Plasma, more specifically Plasma Fire. Seeming how he is steadily increasing his experience in lightning bending and knows how to condense fire into blue flames, can't he theoretically learn it if he's inspired by something? (also what happens if a fire bender bending lightning gets struck by natural lightning? Is it stronger than they can make? Can they influence it to target their enemies?)
and so, the plot thickens
so.... about the crow