I am a proud member of no-harem (don't know if spelledright) sect and hate people who say they would have a harem if they could.Also I might be high when I am writing my books
Ik this is hella late but in the game, they do say that talion would have won the fight aginst Sauron if not for him finding out calbrimbar true ambitions
but how long has he been alive for he would have lost a decent amount of his humanity after all the killing he has done so I don't see how he would get that mad
yeah do that makes for a more interesting story when done right
bring a op enemy don't want it to get to boring make it so he has to actually try for the first time in so long when he fights the enemy
well his other one the marvel game making one had the same concept as another one but they made it so it went in a completely different way and some might even say better
it's pretty good so far idk how it's gonna be later tho but as of right now I think it's worth reading need the character limit hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
honsley that's the whole reason I dropped after his daughter died he went absolutely mad which I did not understand he has been alive for who know how many years and still some how has no mental fortitude
yeah it's all good I was confused for a second
How exactly do ninjas have weak body's every ninja has insanely strong body's