Novel addict
No, stop spreading misinformation. Oda always meant what he said as a joke
The story is great, it is one of the few fanfics that I would classify as actually good storytelling. (Ignore the mha reviews as those were from people who can't understand that sometimes readers don't know the MC every plan and we don't need to know)The MC hasn't yet made any decisions that made me question why. The story is good and has an actual update schedule I can wait for(Every 2weeks).Just don't drop this author please.
bruh go reread the previous chapters
edit to all new people that see this The Author of one piece literally invalidates all ur "thoughts" in an interview he had in the past so NO, the human fruit doesn't give any powers to humans. so STOP THINKING IT DOES
the author rly is gonna keep him alive for a long time
he was
let the man give some exposition dude
or the word "them" works too