Like comics and novels
It’s good. I found it on mTL. It is a fun story to read. I read it without much thought. Good for passing time.
It’s so good. I really like the bold female lead and the grandma. If anyone can find the Raws please let me know 🙏
It’ really good. I read 40 Chs so far and it’ s enjoyable. If anyone can find the raw pls let me know.
In other countries the legal ages vary from 15-21.
It’ pretty good and funny. I really like how lazy the FL is. I think it’s nice to see the interaction between siblings get better slowly. The developmental of the story is slow but not too slow. A good pace. Please update more chapters and make it go past the trial read.
Do any of you guys know the story where an actress becomes a soldier and she falls in love with this general guy?
Please give a system. I’m desperate
The classic line in almost every novel.