has intense interest on tge literary field
Brilliance at its best... haters you knkw nothing
the story is getting hot and so interesting
at least Regan is on the right track. Eradicate Evelyn's fears ad draw her close to him
love has already sprouted till it bears its fruit
so very disappointing that this story has been going in a never ending up and down. Hope this ml never gives up until he finds out the truth after years of misunderstanding and many hard incidents...jumping in a bear death window then car accident also near death.
I think the author is slowly killing the ml. He is already so brken and low. All misunderstanding between fl and ml only is a great advantage to Lu Mo and a great tragedy to QA specially. When can the truth be finally revealed? So much suffering by the lead characters.
becaseof her first life incidents leading to her death Heather have lost many things including confidence in herself losing sight of who she really is daunting her full potential as a beautiful woman inside out. Heather is still broken as a person
QA exposed the things that happened then and let retribution be given. Those evil doctor and her mother should be punished and this stupid ml should also be punoshed for being a fool!!!!!