


stop being toxic

2018-08-20 入りましたUnited States









  • SexyDonut
    に返信 Rotharius

    Game would mean he's litterally inside a game. Like a VMMO. This is not, this is a world that has been given game like elements via a universe spanning system. Which at this current point in time of the story within this chapter there is no known way to heal outside normally healing via time. which regrowing hands is not part of. As for a joke? done blame me for your inadequateness to convey properly

    Blade Aura could only be applied to a weapon. His hand didn't seem capable of withstanding the Gene Talent without a great amount of pain. It had felt like he stuck his hand in a microwave when he tried. In addition, Blade Aura seemed to only be as good as the medium through which it was used. 
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 Rotharius

    This is a system world not a game world. What your doing is called hindsight. If hindsight was an acceptable form on argument then no one would ever lose. unfortunately it's not

    Blade Aura could only be applied to a weapon. His hand didn't seem capable of withstanding the Gene Talent without a great amount of pain. It had felt like he stuck his hand in a microwave when he tried. In addition, Blade Aura seemed to only be as good as the medium through which it was used. 
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 Rotharius

    Your using future reading to try to to prove your point. doesn't work that way buddy

    Blade Aura could only be applied to a weapon. His hand didn't seem capable of withstanding the Gene Talent without a great amount of pain. It had felt like he stuck his hand in a microwave when he tried. In addition, Blade Aura seemed to only be as good as the medium through which it was used. 
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 Rotharius

    There not in a game world though. Death is death here and I'm sure permanent damage to the body is just as hard to reverse

    Blade Aura could only be applied to a weapon. His hand didn't seem capable of withstanding the Gene Talent without a great amount of pain. It had felt like he stuck his hand in a microwave when he tried. In addition, Blade Aura seemed to only be as good as the medium through which it was used. 
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 Areck

    Not everyone starts at rigid

    "Don't look at me like that. Aren't we all insane? A flashing screen appears in front of us and we actually clicked yes to the madness. Then, instead of picking a nice cozy city, we picked weapons instead?
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 William_Litsch

    good thing this is a fantasy novel then and the author can set the rules however he wants. Don't read fiction if you want it to work like real life buddy

    Sylas' eyes narrowed. He felt that his guesses were pretty close to the mark, but what of it? What could he do with this information? Did he just have to randomly pour Genes in and hope it popped out something good?
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 William_Litsch

    yes cause a magical cursed item that bound itself to him without his permission is going to stop him from using his fingers

    Maybe that was why there was no number attached to it. This Skill could raise his Dexterity to whatever it needed to be for him to unearth his full potential and then some.
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 William_Litsch

    and u have?

    'Comprehension… that's the only explanation.'
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 William_Litsch

    Why did u assume it wasn't?

    The cobblestone path leading into what looked like an ancient ruin or city of sorts.
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 William_Litsch

    he hasn't been punching monsters. you just 2 stupid for this story

    [Name: Sylas Grimblade]
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 William_Litsch

    good idea. hope author puts that in

    'That much Strength? That's a four times multiplier. But what if <Little Madness> and <Big Madness> were activated at the same time? Would the +300% be added to the base number or the already +100% of <Little Madness>?'
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 William_Litsch

    Man u just keep skipping chapter after chapter huh? At the begining on this chapter he stated how he collected as many of the minion fangs as he could

    His intention pulled at the ground again just as Big Madness managed to regain control over itself. Unfortunately for it, slowing down was the last thing it should have done, as its remaining good eye was ripped through by yet another fang. 
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 William_Litsch

    This is great I agree. OP just the way the story tags promised

    [The Madness consumes you, but does not control you. Instead, it becomes your tool to both control yourself and others. You, while steeped in Madness, maintain your wits about you. Your enemies, though, are not so lucky]
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 William_Litsch

    Another trash comment made by you due to your inability to read

    Sylas activated <Little Madness>. Since he felt relatively safe with the difference in Speed, he thought that he should try to test the limits of his body. His plan was to use his fists and the antler blade he had and see if he could do some real damage with the help of the boost in his strength and constitution. 
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 William_Litsch

    You have to be skipping over several chapters to be missing crucial details like this

    Sylas slowly relaxed and retracted Madness. Indeed, he had probably been a bit unlucky with an attack coming immediately on Floor Two. But that didn't mean there weren't minions here as well. 
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 Nobody_0wens

    Good thing his other skill provides constitution

    His stats said 50 was his limit, but Middle Madness could still increase that by 200% when it was activated. Clearly, Aether was a huge factor in one's strength, and it could be maximized with the use of Skills and Comprehensions.
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 William_Litsch

    you have a really bad habit of commenting something that is answered within the next couple of paragraphs

    The process took several minutes, and yet for all his efforts, he was forced to look at a highly disappointing screen.
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 William_Litsch

    your the only one with your panties in a bunch kiddo

    Sylas had truly not expected things to end so easily. Little Madness had gone wild for a long while, but when he thought about it, the Fragmented Genes he got from Little Madness were all Constitution-based. Obviously, Middle Madness' Constitution wasn't high enough to counter the Speed it was running into the barrier with. 
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 William_Litsch

    This is a dungeon in the tutorial where he's fighting the same things over and over again. no need to go through every single one at this point.

    With his Speed increasing, it was easier to deal with the wild movements of the snakes. In addition, he had realized he barely had to use Madness for a few seconds for them to lose themselves for several minutes. Due to that, he could slowly find an opportunity and strike. 
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec
  • SexyDonut
    に返信 William_Litsch

    if you read like 2 paragraphs more you would've found out

    [Fragmented Genes: Grimblade Lineage (F); (2) Dexterity (F); (4) Constitution (F); (9) Speed (F)] 
    Genetic Ascension
    ファンタジー · Awespec