reading till here i dont like much the way mc speak. Supposedly he is 40 something years old reincarnated. Even if we forget this fact, he is a university student, but the way he speaks reminds me of a teenager. There isnt a speck of maturity but this also happens with the other characters. It is like seeing a bunch of kids trying hard who is the most annoying one. Other aspects to take note are the incongruity between mobs the mc fights and others characters fight. It feels like when mc fights, the fight is in easiest mode, one hit with trash stats, trash skills 1 kill and when other characters with epic clases better stats and better skills needs to work a lot. To finish my review, the jokes in the story are too forceful and too many making one tired. This is how i felt when reading till this chapter, i hope it is of any use. This is not my mother languaje so i ask you forgiveness for misspelling or gramnar errors when writing this hahahaha
i think we will see the use of the grimorie of souls trait. was it calles like that?
English is not my mother languaje but here we go, i hope its readable. This is a novel that could have gone big, but became bad. The world in itself seems interesting but... I can understand that you want to make an OP mc. Okey good, but if you do it, do it with logic. Make a progression so the readers can enjoy how he gets OP. The way is done here is too fast, no development at old. Feels rushed. Many cliches used in a bad way, it feels forced and boring. The mc is supposed to be reincarnated from an old man, i cant feel any maturity in his way of thinking. Even with all this issues i congratulate the author for keep going with the novel. Its not my cup but if you enjoy it keep going.
welcome back midgard!!! but health is first, so take your time to recover.
Morgana will turn as the morgana in lol 😔
i think he is very arrogant to think all happened because of him, the others also have thinking and they choose to go with him knowing what could happen, because they wanted. They died? well life is not perfect but they died doing what they wanted. Taking all by himself, self blaming, is denying the choice and worth of the others. Selfish, naive and arrogant or thats what i think. great work by the way!!!
he is now in super saya..wolfyans!!! cool