I would answer that but that'll just be a massive spoiler and ruin the story. Sorry man
Ayy thanks for the kind words and hope to see you back when you have a larger stock pile of chapters to read
I think its easier for us to evaluate things because we are not involved but just looking at things from above. Sometimes we know our own faults but still fail to correct ourselves because we are too occupied with our present just like the MC who is too busy with his present to worry about the future
If you want to look at it from a pure survival perspective then cockroaches are the best meal you can get in the wild other than meat because they have high energy content or so I've heard
Thanks for the support <3
It's natural to underestimate people who just recently couldn't even imagine what fire was other than god's anger.
Yeah English isn't my first language but the later on chapters the dialogue follow has been improved upon
Thanks for sticking by and reading this.
Thats interesting to hear. Thanks for the info
Like I said in another place, this wont be a system novel (With status screens and all) and the system part is something for the later... much later part of the story