makes me remember my house of horrors
the dude is so famous that the association didn't even check a potion given by him... ok
I wonder how many brain cells I'll have left after this novel
did you already paid your student debt?
"pet" is a really broad spectrum depending on which race (alien) you are or at what historical age you are in... so nothing stops him trying to make humans his pets also and that's why the term beast would be better
I get that there isn't a beast master in the world yet but bro, Pet is a word with a meaning, if you have at least 2 brain cells you should be able to know you can "own" animals, only trial and error to know the limits of what the system consider a pert
well he did receive pay per search Google so I guess not that bad
around one hour or so, 20 min was the time it took to regain his will stat
I guess folklore got blasted after the first fail ascension, well it is asian folklore so I guess its's acceptable to not know about Imoogis (lesser dragons that look like serpents). still he could've guessed that "made to walk on their bellies" mean some kind serpent