At the moment you are reading this, I your grandfather am destroying your puny sect.
Something around 100. It never gets better. Ok. Whatever. It's your taste and your problem. It's extremely childish to attack all people that don't like what you like. Grow up. If you like it... then like it. For me its boring. I have right to write opinion based on my feelings. I don't care man. Basing on fact that some people agreed with me. I am not only one disliking this story. Get over it. Additionally what's wrong with basing your opinion on first 30-40 chapters. Basically author should make those first chapters even more entertaining to attract more readers... I didn't feel entertained. I felt bored and disgusted by amount of same shit being released as new novels. Waste of time.
Wrong review. 49 people agreed with me. How many agreed with your review? 2 people. Your brain is wrong.
What the ****? Glorifies? Maybe. Cannibalisms seems acceptable and child rape too. Couple bloody rituals are fine in contrast.
I want to see Vikings conquering the world. Obviously using science from modern world. Not ignorance and stakes. Awe science! Death to cannibal pedophiles.
Worst kind of system novels in existence. Points gathering? Extremely repetetive and zero fun. I don't care 1 star is too much. I hope it won't be realeased but... It fits requirements for release. Bad, not really funny and system. Done. If you add bribe from author. Release is set in stone.
They forget about one little detail. Destroying forest will cause even worse floods. Obviously, this is probably in fictional world where trees are only wood and nothing else...
China nr. 1 ! This is artistic math! Way beyond our westerners comprehension!
It's actually 14.96 USD... Not 100 bucks... I don't know why authors always fake this part. Asian currencies are just cheap. Sometimes they completely swap their RMB to dollars to be more international...