
• Chapter 1: School 'Buddy'

"Stacy! Get your lazy butt out of bed, we're gonna be late!" Her mother yelled from downstairs.

"Coming MOM! " Stacy screamed back irritated. She hurriedly pulled off her eye mask when she smelled a bacon aroma filling the air. Eagerly, she jumped out of bed and raced downstairs with incredible speed.

She entered the kitchen after running through the hallway, library and living room. You see, Stacy has a rather passionate love for bacon. Panting heavily, she sat on a marble stool near her younger sibling, Narcissa. She was reading, like she always does, this time about Dragons.

Stacy rolled her eyes and looked to her right to see her older brother, Matthew, who was busy on his phone. Curious, she moved forward and leaned into his shoulder to see what he was doing. He quickly clicked the power off button and looked up to see Stacy with a smirk on her face.

"What ya lookin at Pegasus?" He groaned at the nickname and shoved her off his shoulder embarrassed.

"Nothing." He blushed as Stacy continued to smirk.

"Didn't look like nothing." She remarked breaking into a smile.

" Shut up." He grumbled eyeing the eggs in the pan. Their mother appeared behind the kitchen counter holding a plate in each hand. In the right one, crispy bacon and the left one buttered toast. This of course drew everyone's attention toward the food their mother was holding.

" Morning darling." She smiled to Stacy and gently set the plates on the table . She quickly turned around and scooped up the eggs in the pan. Narcissa stood and went to the fridge picking out orange juice. Matthew on the other hand got the glass cups while Stacy greeted her mother with a warm smile.

As soon as their mother left the kitchen to change, all three of them devoured their meal. Who could resist crispy bacon, buttered toast, fried eggs and the best orange juice in the city? After that, Stacy stormed upstairs to pick her outfit for the day while the two downstairs cleaned up the kitchen.

As you can clearly see; Stacy was the golden child meaning, she could get away with anything she wanted.

She swung her closet door open and looked over the millions of clothes tucked up neatly . Hastily, she grabbed whatever her eyes landed on first which was in fact, a tight jean with a showy shirt .

After finishing her make up and usual morning routine they all hopped into their limo and drove off. Matthew was complaining about his math teacher who he labeled as ' Idiotic Einstein ' and Narcissa about the library being too small, Stacy however, was busy thinking of a plan to get to her enemy, Katy.

Katy was a teenager girl with a heck of an attitude, black hair and green eyes. Stacy was positive that she could be the devil himself and Katy was sure Stacy was. They did not get along with each other because Katy would always stand up for Stacy's victims. Every morning, Stacy would lock nerds in their lockers before the second bell would ring, then she would beat up a small girl named Elen in the library, and after that; she would dump cafeteria food on Navy.

She would even go as far as throwing paper balls in class when the teacher wasn't looking. The most fun part for her was that she never got in trouble.

Their mother's phone rang loudly, pulling Stacy out of her thoughts. She glanced at the window as their mother answered the phone.

" What do you think?" Narcissa asked suddenly next to Stacy. She looked up at Stacy with glossy eyes and a mouth full of candy, her pig tails swaying lightly as she tilted her head to the side.

Stacy of course, didn't have the slightest clue what she was talking about, but she nodded her head in agreement. The little girl went in a frenzy, sticking her tongue out to her brother, jumping up and down in her seat and laughing her evil laugh.

Which, I have to be honest wasn't that evil. It was more like a witch that was choking on soap that had Tabasco on it.

Stacy looked at Narcissa and shook her head, deciding it would be wiser not to ask. Matthew simply rolled his eyes in defeat and looked out of the window.

A school with colourful walls and a blooming garden appeared in the distance. Narcissa instantly began to whine when she saw it. "Narcissa quiet down!" The mother hissed moving the phone away from the whining toddler.

Not long after, the limo came to a halt on the sidewalk. Gloomily, Narcissa hopped out of the limo with a rainbow coloured unicorn backpack and made her way across the road. Stacy observed all kinds of children walking through the gate of the school.

Not all of them looked happy, but not all of them looked sad. The car reversed and took off in the opposite direction, the mother still babbling on the phone.

Stacy sighed and pulled her Gucci bag closer to her chest. It was black with golden markings, making the famous Gucci logo stand out like a sore eye.

Stacy pulled out her phone and started scrolling through Instagram, hoping it will keep her busy.

A few minutes later, the limo stopped in the middle of the road. Honking and beeping filled the air as Stacy and Matthew climbed out of the vehicle. As soon as the noise started, it stopped.

'Being rich does come in handy sometimes' Stacy thought to herself as she started waving to random cars. Both of them walked through the large gate and attention was given to them instantly.

Three girls ran up to Stacy almost jumping over each other like baboons. Skyla, Darcy and Luna smiled and hugged Stacy tightly. Darcy began to talk in a manner of which you could barely hear her words.

" Okay, so you know Navy right? She actually got a Gucci bag this weekend! But me and the girls didn't fall for it, Luna grabbed her bag and ran. So Sky inspected it, and guess what? It was a fake!" She laughed holding her head.

Stacy giggled with her friends as Luna started gossiping about Chris. Luna with her pale white hair and clear blue eyes which made it hard for anybody not to fall for her. Darcy on the other hand, had black hair and mud brown eyes, which got a lot of attention.

Skyla was more the smart one in the group. She had dark blond hair and brown eyes identical to Darcy's. The bell rang, it's horrifying melody making everybody sigh. The group of girls made their way to their lockers and gradually started picking out books.

Luna slammed her door shut, unsatisfied of the lack of gossiping. Then she smirked obviously thinking of the Nerds. " Hey Stacy, where shall we start first?" Luna asked poking Stacy in the shoulder.

" What about the second hall? I heard there's a Science project to be done." Darcy smiled. The girls thinking the same thing, jogged their way to the second hall.

As Darcy predicted, there was about twelve boys and girls whispering excitedly with each other. The group dropped their bags and cracked their knuckles, smiling evilly.

Stacy walked first, leading the other three. The teenagers turned around and started scrambling in every direction possible, not towards them of course.

But before Stacy could grab her first victim, she was met with grass green eyes. Stacy narrowed her eyes threateningly.
