
Chapter 1- Prelude

Huihuihui hewoo itsh ur author! Hehe here's the first chapter enjoooyyyyyyy!!


Everything was going good so far. BTS were promoting their newest song!All of them had yet another photoshoot today and they seemed surprisingly too excited for it. Why though?....... Well it's cuz they were trying out a new theme~

All were excited yes but not one person. That person coincidentaly seemed to have their heat around the corner and the clothes were....well annoying in his case more like Yoongi's case. You see our Yoongi was an omega but his band members didn't know , they thought he was an Alpha and the clothes......well they weren't quite the material for heats you see. The material was soo thin that an omegas slick and easily seep through and maybe wet the clothes along with whatever they are seated on 0.o

Yoongi being like any other omega had his insecurities, some.of them being 'What will my members think if they know I'm an omega?' 'will they be disgusted?' 'what about my heat?' 'what will they think about it?' 'will they make fun of me?' 'will they change?' 'will they be as considerate as they are now?'.

These were the thoughts that clouded the mind of the poor omega. You see before he became a member of a member of his band or before he became famous....

He was treated badly by the society and seen down on. When his family members knew he was an omega they disowned him saying he was a disgrace and a shame to the family.

He was abused and almost raped.

Concluding, his insecurities took up on him and he t his manager and the staff to not tell his members about him being an omega.

Well there were already two other omegas in their group yet why couldn't Yoongi tell...because even omegas bullied him once that he never again trusted anyone other than himself.

The two other omegas being Jin and Jungkook, one of them was already mated whilst the other was not mated as he was still 17 and not yet 18 well in another month our precious golden maknae will know who his mate his.

Jin was mated Namjoon widely known as RM. Yoongi knew who his mate was and he knew his mate could find him any moment so used quite an amount of surpressers to not let anyone know his scent nor his rank.

Hoseok was around the corner of getting mated whilst Jimin...mmhhhh he...ummm is still single.

Their newest song was a soft one which gives you fuzzy feelings making the theme for their photoshoot "fuzzy". Now all the members were in their onesies.

A/N Note*

----*You'll have to read shit for a bit as i'm not the best at writing like describing clothes in writing manner so yeah😅*----

Jin was wearing a unicorn onesie with a mythical themed make-up on and making him look absolutely beautiful. The onesie was a thin fabric for all of them no doubt. Jin's unicorn attire obviously needed some pink on it. Pink and purple combined along with some yellow and light blue were his colours  making look ummmm delicious? ok ok etheral and umm absolutely fUcKaBlE(Forgive me for I have sinned).Namjoon was having a hard time on the other side of the make-up room.(i'll insert the onesie pic below)(i've chosen two outfits for jin, ya'll can chose the one you want and yes ur a/n was lazy to describe with her horrible skills so here the pics)


(Getting a deja vu~😏? *Wriggling brows*)

Next Yoongi was wearing a cat onesie which made all the members including the staffs coo at him. His onesie was a mix of white, almond brown and midnight blue. His left leg was midnight blue


How it looks on yoongi without the hood part👆🏼

Jimin's outfit ,a cute pup!

Jungkook's outfit, of course a bunny!

Taehyung's outfit. Tae's outfit was actually a tiger but none of the pics in google could satisfy so I decided on a hamster kind of reminds me Jin but I decided unicorn for him cuz he looks absolutely adorable.

Rm's outfit , a panda! A cutie pie he is!


So that was my first chapter guys! How is it? Hope y'all like it. I'll update once in a week or once in two weeks but don't worry I'm active in wattpad.if I'm having troubled I'll tell my sis to update about it. I was sick just yesterday but forget it. I have my own plot for the story but don't worry I'll also take yall's opinions.

Stay tuned for what happens during the photoshoot.

Meme of the day!
