
Who Will Save Her

Eve rolled down the stairs, and after a brief period of dizziness, she hastily took out some nitroglycerin pills from her pocket and swallowed a few.

While they could quickly alleviate the pain, this time it was persistent and more intense.

Her entire upper body, even her fingertips, ached, and the pressure on her chest increased, accompanied by difficulty breathing.


She needed help!

Surveying the disheveled living room, she couldn't spot a single soul, and her phone was still upstairs.

Clenching her teeth, Eve, despite feeling her head spinning, got up and began the arduous climb back upstairs.

She couldn't afford to have something happen to her. She had two children...

The staircase seemed endless, and deep despair nearly shattered her willpower.

"Yvonne... Dave..."

She called out the names of her two children, trying to rally herself.

She dared not look back, as behind her lay an abyss that would consume her if she turned around.

Who would come to her rescue?