
Onlookers at the Scene

Eve gritted her teeth, realizing she must have been out of her mind to fall in love with such an arrogant and heartless man in the first place.

Bryan coldly snorted, intending to leave, but witnessed Cecil entangled with a woman heading upstairs, skipping the formality of entering a room and engaging in passionate activities right there in the living room.

Seeing the woman's clothes about to be shed completely, Bryan's face darkened, and he restrained his anger by turning away.

This was a sunroom with half-drawn curtains, conveniently obscuring them from view.

Eve tilted her head, catching a glimpse of the heated scene, and hastily turned away, startled.

Cecil was behaving worse than a dog!

Such matters should at least be confined to a room!

Moreover, they had just met; not even two hours had passed, and this was... especially considering her role as Cecil's companion, the embarrassment was toe-curling.