
Her Tombstone

Eve and Judy exited the accessories store.

Glancing back, Eve saw a little girl following a woman wearing a light pink cheongsam.

When they got off the elevator, the woman didn't even turn around to look at the little girl.

The little girl seemed a bit scared, holding onto the handrail, hesitating for a while before stepping onto the elevator.

She took several steps down and stood behind the woman.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

"Then let's go eat, and later, I'll bring some for your dad."

"I want to eat hamburgers and fried chicken!"


"Please, I haven't had them in a long time."

"But you didn't eat much for breakfast. How about this: we'll have beef noodle soup for lunch, the kind you like, and in the afternoon, when we go home, we'll buy a large combo for us and your dad to eat together. How about that?"


Eve smiled.

The little one was easily fooled.

When it came time to eat, if she and Walter grabbed a bit more, the little girl wouldn't eat much.