
Did You Cry?

Heavy snowfall blocked the mountain, and before one snowfall could melt, another one followed.

Fortunately, Eve had foreseen this and stocked enough supplies for the winter.

The three of them could comfortably stay at home.

Sometimes, they gathered around the fireplace.

Walter played games while Eve and Judy played together.

Other times, Eve watched movies, Walter took Judy outside to build snowmen, and they even made dumplings together—Eve rolled the dough, Walter wrapped them, and Judy arranged them.

After a winter passed, Walter noticed that Judy didn't throw tantrums as often.

She listened to what he said, paid attention to her studies, and even helped with chores.

It's an age-old saying that children need their parents' company.

But he didn't know how to do it until Eve taught him how to be a good dad.

Of course, Judy's positive changes were mainly due to Eve being a good mom.