
~Family Matters~

The grand patriarch of the Marwood family is murdered in cold blood. Who committed this crime? What grudge did they have against the elderly man? Find out alongside the Marwood grandchildren.

MoonyTheMutant · ホラー
1 Chs

Chapter One

It was a rainy November night, at Marwood manor it was a silent inside the home. The only noise coming from Tobias Marwood's study where the stubborn old bastard sat in his black leather chair.

Watching out the window as the raindrops hit the glass, the old man took a deep breath remembering the smell of rain from memory as he swirls around a glass of well aged bourbon.

As he hummed along to the music playing, he even sang some of the lyrics at random points during the song. "I could never belong to anyone sweeter than you, with you to stand beside me I'll never be alone."

Mentally dedicating the song to his dear wife Anastasia as he glances at her picture on his desk. As the music slowly begins to fade in the background, with one glup he chugs down the rest of his bourbon.

Setting his glass on the oak desk as his office door also opens a person in all black slowly creeps into the room trying to go unnoticed by the aging man.

Tobias staightens his posture as he has his eyes closed taking a deep breath as a small amused smile stretches on to his face as he opened his eyes keeping them on the window.

"I was wondering when you were gonna grow the balls to come here."

He slowly places his wife picture face down against the desk as if to shield her from seeing what is coming next. The person approaches Tobias in a fierce pace whipping the chair around to face them. Now being face-to-face with each other, Tobias scouffs looking at the mysterious person.

"Oh please you don't have the courage to show your face to me now after all your whining and crying showing me how much of a disgr-.."

A pained groan left Tobias's mouth as he glanced down at the knife in his abdomen. He brings his gaze back to his killer's supposed line of sight

"If you think I'm going to beg for my life and yield to give you what you want then you're wrong."

The old man spits a mouth full of blood in the masked individual's face. In anger the person throws Tobias out of chair to the ground, the individual grabs one of Tobias's prized golf clubs and with all their might they start beating the old man to death.

For what seemed like hours the masked person finally stops breathing heavily they looked around at all the blood splattered around the room. The person takes one finally swing at the body making sure that Tobias was really dead.

They drop the golf club near the body walking out of the office in a calm demeanor as they let out a relaxed breath closing the door behind them with their gloved hand.

The next morning the house keepers arrive at the manor, one of them stays downstairs while the other house keeper travels up the stairs.

She notices that the master bedroom door was open but no one was in their. She shakes her head

"I swear that old man is just wearing his own body out at this point."

She stops in front of the office door noticing a smudged red liquid on the door knob she wipes it off with a small towel before openig the door.

There she was faced with the horrorfying site of Tobias Marwood's bloody bludgeoned body on carpet floor. She lets out a blood curdling scream as she bolts away from the room back down to her coworker who ran to meet her at the bottom of the stairs.

"Alice why are yo-"

"He's dead Debby! Holy fuck someone killed him!"

Debby placed her hands on Alice's shoulders looking her in the eyes.

"Alice are you sure that it was him? You know the rumors about what that crazy old bastard has done."

Alice brushes off Debby's hands looking at her in disbelief

"Yes i'm fucking sure our boss is dead in his office!"

Debby nods grabbing her phone from her pocket as she opens her phone Alice grabs her hand.

"What are you doing?!"

"Calling the police duh."

"What if the killer is still here?!"

Debby shakes her head at the dramatic brunette.

"If they were we would be dead by now cause of your loud fucking screaming."

Debby pulls her hand away continuing to dial 911 putting the phone up to her ear.

"Hello we need officers here immediately, someone killed our boss."