
Zygmunt and Order of Prank Lords.

Young men was reincarnated with corupted memory in the world of Harry Potter. He have a Weasley twins as a classmates.

Teramire · 書籍·文学
2 Chs


Zygmunt Twardowski, born in a small full wizard village in Poland, was always fascinated by magic and the supernatural. He grew up in old manor hunting with his muggleborn father and training their dogs to track down game. He also had a keen interest in potions and alchemy, often experimenting with different ingredients in his free time. This is what made his mother send him to the bed without supper. God bless his grandpa who took him often to his private laboratory when mother worked at the Polish Ministry of Magic.

As he grew older, Zygmunt realized that his true passion was magic. He learned about Hogwarts School of Magic and was overjoyed when he received his acceptance letter like all of his family members. Only his father was a Beauxbatons absolvent.

Zygmunt Twardowski always had a feeling that he didn't quite belong in the world he lived in. He had vivid memories of another life, one filled with magic and adventure, but he couldn't quite grasp hold of the details. Despite his best efforts, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was meant for something more. But in this dream world where all the supernatural adventures were simply stories. And in that world, Zygmunt was a hunter.

As he progressed in his life, Zygmunt began to have more flashbacks of his previous life. He remembered being a hunter, tracking down game in the forest and honing his skills. He began to realize that his previous life was not a dream, but a real memory. This aparentry is not a bad thing. His life is real in both worlds and gives him only an advantage. Who knows? Maybe all seers are some kind of reincarnated people who only act to look normal.

He packed his bags and took the portkey to England with his parents. This is when he parted with them. His only companion and trusted messenger was Valor, his favorite owl and best game finder he has. Valor is the pinnacle of his father's hobby. He was successful in owl breeding for hunting. Valor looks like an eagle owl but more regal. Although his colors are more bloody red and gold than forest themed he can be pretty stealthy. With his draconic like claws are razor sharp and strong beak he is a force that no mundane animal in forest can escape. Now he entered a train to Scotland, eager to start his new life as a wizard, only little worry about the dark lord in future.

Zygmunt stepped onto the Hogwarts Express, feeling both nervous and excited about his new journey. He had heard many stories about Hogwarts from his family and some of his dreams show him this place, but he still felt overwhelmed by it all. As he made his way to the free compartment, he heard a loud explosion from a nearby one.

Curious, Zygmunt made his way to the source of the noise, where he found two young boys, Fred and George Weasley, laughing and grinning from ear to ear. Zygmunt approached them, introduced himself, and soon the three of them were chatting and laughing like old friends.

Over the course of the journey, Zygmunt learned that Fred and George were notorious pranksters, always up to some mischief or another. And as it turned out, Zygmunt had a mischievous streak of his own, having spent his childhood playing pranks on his friends and family back in his village.

As the train pulled into the station, the three friends said their goodbyes and made their way to the Great Hall, where they would be sorted into their respective Houses. Zygmunt was nervous, but he was also excited to see what the future held. If his dreams were true about the future? He knew that no matter what, he had made two great friends in Fred and George.

As they entered the Great Hall, Zygmunt looked around at the hundreds of students, all gathered to start their journey at Hogwarts. He couldn't help but smile, knowing that he was exactly where he was meant to be.

Zygmunt Twardowski always felt like he was meant for something more. He grew up in a small village, where he spent most of his free time fooling around and training his dogs. But he had a feeling that there was something missing from his life.

But as he progressed in his studies, Zygmunt began to have flashbacks of his previous life. He remembered being a hunter, tracking down game in the forest and honing his skills. He began to realize that his previous life was not a dream, but a real memory.

Determined to uncover the truth about his past, Zygmunt poured through the Hogwarts library, searching for any information about reincarnation. No surprise, he never stumbled upon a book that changed everything. Overwhelmed with emotion, Zygmunt realized that he was indeed reincarnated, and that his true purpose was to protect the magical world from the forces of darkness. He dedicated himself to his studies, determined to become the greatest wizard-ninja the world had ever seen. And he knew that his previous life as a hunter would serve him well in his new life as a wizard.

As Zygmunt was looking at the magical ceiling of the Great Hall, he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see Fred and George grinning at him.

"Hey, Zygmunt," Fred said. "Ready to see what House you'll be sorted into?"

"Yeah," George added. "And to start planning some pranks, of course."

Zygmunt chuckled. "You two really do love your pranks, don't you?"

Fred and George exchanged a look and grinned. "We live for them," Fred said.

"So, what kind of pranks do you have planned for this year?" Zygmunt asked, intrigued.

"Oh, just the usual," George said, winking. "A little bit of magic, a little bit of misdirection, and a whole lot of chaos."

Zygmunt raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like fun."

"It is," Fred said. "But we can't do it alone. We need someone who can help us execute our plans."

"And that's where you come in, Zygmunt," George said. "You have a mischievous soul, and we think you'd make a great addition to our prankster duo."

Zygmunt thought about it for a moment. He had always loved playing pranks, but he had never had the opportunity to do so on such a grand scale before.

"I'm in," he said finally. "Let's do this."

"Awesome!" Fred said, high-fiving Zygmunt. "We're going to have so much fun this year."

As they entered the Great Hall, Zygmunt felt a sense of excitement and anticipation. He was finally going to have the chance to be a part of something big, to make a name for himself as a prankster, and to have some fun along the way.

And he knew that with Fred and George by his side, anything was possible.

Zygmunt, Fred, and George approached the sorting hat, they could feel their nerves starting to get the best of them. They all knew that the sorting ceremony was an important moment, and that the hat's decision would determine their fate for the next seven years.

When it was Zygmunt's turn, he approached the stool and sat down, placing the sorting hat on his head.

"Ah, a curious mind I see," the sorting hat said. "You have a thirst for knowledge, but also a mischievous streak that could get you into trouble. I think...GRYFFINDOR!"

Zygmunt felt a rush of excitement as he removed the hat and walked over to the Gryffindor table, where Fred and George were already seated.

"We did it!" Fred said, high-fiving Zygmunt.

"All three of us in Gryffindor," George added, grinning from ear to ear. "This is going to be the best year ever!"

"I couldn't agree more," Zygmunt said, feeling a sense of pride and camaraderie with his new friends.

As the sorting ceremony continued, the three of them chatted and made plans for their future pranks, already looking forward to the adventures and mischief that awaited them at Hogwarts.

And as they sat at the Gryffindor table, surrounded by new friends and new opportunities, they knew that they were in for the ride of their lives.

As Zygmunt, Fred, and George approached the sorting hat, they could feel their nerves starting to get the best of them. They all knew that the sorting ceremony was an important moment, and that the hat's decision would determine their fate for the next seven years.

When it was Zygmunt's turn, he approached the stool and sat down, placing the sorting hat on his head.

"Ah, a curious mind I see," the sorting hat said. "You have a thirst for knowledge, but also a mischievous streak that could get you into trouble. I think...GRYFFINDOR!"

Zygmunt felt a rush of excitement as he removed the hat and walked over to the Gryffindor table, where Fred and George were already seated.

"We did it!" Fred said, high-fiving Zygmunt.

"All three of us in Gryffindor," George added, grinning from ear to ear. "This is going to be the best year ever!"

"I couldn't agree more," Zygmunt said, feeling a sense of pride and camaraderie with his new friends.

As the sorting ceremony continued, the three of them chatted and made plans for their future pranks, already looking forward to the adventures and mischief that awaited them at Hogwarts.

And as they sat at the Gryffindor table, surrounded by new friends and new opportunities, they knew that they were in for the ride of their lives.

As the first year Gryffindors made their way up to their dormitories, they were accompanied by their prefect, a seventh year Gryffindor named Laura Evans.

"Welcome to Gryffindor tower," Laura said with a warm smile. "This is where you'll be spending the next seven years of your education. And just wait until you see the common room!"

As they climbed the spiral staircase, Zygmunt, Fred, and George chatted excitedly about their new home. When they finally reached the entrance to the common room, they were met with a cozy, warm space filled with comfy armchairs, sofas, and a roaring fire in the fireplace.

"This is amazing!" Fred said, taking in the sights and sounds of the common room.

"I know, right?" George agreed. "We're going to have so much fun here!"

Laura smiled at their enthusiasm. "To welcome you all to Gryffindor, we've planned an integration party for tonight," she said. "Just to get to know each other and get comfortable in our new home."

As the night went on, the first year Gryffindors mingled and made new friends, sampling sweet treats and playing wizarding games. Zygmunt, Fred, and George were in their element, laughing and joking with their new classmates.

"This is the best night ever!" Fred exclaimed as they sat by the fire, sipping butterbeer and chatting with their new friends.

"I couldn't agree more," Zygmunt said, feeling grateful for the warm welcome he had received at Hogwarts.

And as the night came to an end, the three of them settled into their armchairs, feeling content and excited for the adventures that awaited them in the coming years.

This is not my first story, but first that I have not enought shame to burn after first chapters. I start my road as a writer and I'm looking for writing style. This is my playground and more... I give my heart too. Soo I'm lookin for your opinion what is passable, what not. Have a nice time and God bless you all!

Teramirecreators' thoughts