

 Zora woke up in cold sweat and felt sore all over. His head felt heavy on his shoulders, his eyes were red, his throat was dry and he felt dizzy. The moment he took a step outside his room, he colasped on the ground. When he woke up, the King was sitting by his bed. King Eith stared at Zora with a look in his eye... one as terrifying as death. "I see your'e awake now Zora" he said . 

 Zora looked around . He was in his room. All the pain he had felt earlier was gone. " I guess your'e wondering what's wrong with you . You felt a lot of pain before but now it's gone,right?" 

"How did you..."Zora said. King Eith's eyebrows shot up. He looked suprised for a while but then a cruel smirk spread on his face." I see that your'e finally willing to speak".

 He moved closer to Zora and patted his hair,"You went to the royal kitchen for water last night right? Well,the water was poisoned." Zora's eyes widened in horror. "I asked your maid about you and found out that you wake up for water every night due to your high hydration needs. You began coming for it yourself after you turned four. I took advantage of that."

 Zora thought of why someone responsible for him would poison him and how he was still alive. " Just so you know , I gave you the antidote in your sleep and you only felt the pain because the antidote takes some time to work and gives slight concusions."

 King Eith informed Zora that he had never liked the previous king and believed that the only way of ruling of through serious dicipline and that the king was stupid was ruling with kindess and that he deserved to die. How could he be saying this to a child? King Eith went on to tell Zora that from then on, he would be eating poisoned things. Not all the time, but long enough for his body to get immune to it. He couldn't add too much poison due to Zora's age and pain-threshold.

 He also began threatening Zora to torture him to death if he ever disobeyed his orders. His plan was to push Zora to such a corner and let him rule one day , just the way he wanted. He was going to make Zora a strong, straight forward, poisen immune ruler. Litererly making him his puppet.

 For a year, Zora underwent harsh treatment from King Eith. Getting poisoned, scolded everyday, told how useless he was and underwent training so hard that he could colapse from exhaution. His personal maid, Tinalia, felt so bad for the prince but she could do nothing. She had been taking care of him since he was a babe and she couldn't bear to see the horrible way he was being treated by King Eith. When things began getting out of hand, Tinalia decided to spring into action. When she was ordered to send poisoned food to Zora, she trew it away and instead, gave him a good meal to eat.

Unfortunately, someone snitched on her and when the King found out, he was furious. He got Tinalia captured and exactly two days of torture later, he had her decapitated. Her body was burnt and her head placed before the maiden quarters and he did all this to Tinalia right in front of six year old Zora... talk about brutal. That night, Zora didn't sleep. Memories of the times he and Tinalia spent together. He had lost both his mom and mother figure. He was NEVER going to forgive Eith Kedon for that. NEVER...