

 In the demon realm, a king ruled with his queen. They formed peaceful unions with their shear opposites, the angels. The demon realm was a peaceful place because of them. It was a place of sear happiness and joy, where children always had smiles on their faces... a paradise.

 The king and queen had a two year old son they named Zora. Zora had inherited his mother's black horns, his father's white hair and red eyes; quite the handsome boy. They loved their son more than anything else in the world and they were always there for him. Provided him with everything he could ever want or need. They made a perfect family.

 Everything changed when Zora turned six. On that particular day, the demon realm fell into choas. It began earlier that morning when a maid found the king and queen dead right in the middle of the hallway leading to the throne room. The news spread like wild fire through out the six realms and the demon realm fell into choas at once. The little Prince was traumatized and couldn't sleep, eat or talk for days... he only cried. The gaurds ensured that Zora was safe and watched his every move . After losing their king and queen they couldn't lose their prince also.

 It all seemed hopeless until a certain someone stepped up. Lord Eith Kendon, a demon second only to the King.Due to the state of the realm and the condition the demons were in, they were very easy to convince with a few sweet words. He claimed the royal couple wanted him to care for the child if anything happened to them and that he would have to take over as king in order for Zora to be his successor. He was able to easily manipulate them so easily that he became King Eith Kedom.

 The moment King Eith stepped foot in the castle as the official ruler, Zora knew his life was about to turn a full 180 degrees. Even though Zora was basically just a kid, he could sense that something was seriously wrong with Eith. Something was offf about him.

 "Hi there Zora."'King Eith said to him with a smile."From now on I will be taking care of you okay."'

Zora stared at him blankly without a word." My prince it is not very nice to ignore people when they speak to you. It is rude." Zora looked at his maid, who had said that but remained quiet.

"I'm so sorry your majesty but ever since the previous rulers died, he's been like this", the maid explained.. King Eith nodded and smiled at Zora.

 "I guess it never hurt to teach a child some respect", the King thought."I'm gonna have a lot of fun with you... Zora Vincill." 

What was going to happen to the young Prince Zora. Would his life ever be the same again? ...