
Zombies In Deep Dive.

A deep dive zombie apocalypse video game comes to live, trapping several million players inside, and they now need to figure out to escape....ALIVE.

Goreleech · 都市
19 Chs

Well. Now it's a fortess.


DAY 18.






Tyler was awakened by something soft being pressed into his face. His eyes opened and he smirked at the large nipple Yuna was shoving in his face as she slept on top of him. His arms were around her back while she was firmly perched above him and seemed to be quite comfy....and not one to refuse an offer like that the teenager latched onto the busty blonde for a morning suckle.

"Okay. ONe. THAT feels GREAT. 2. Cute as HELL. 3.....you BETTER do more to me then just ARROUSE ME you dirty fuck."

Yuna's amused and aroused voice made her suckler chuckle as a hand went to her needing slit....and she moaned through a morning orgasm.

"Ohhh I needed that!"

Tyler chuckled as he let her go with a plop.

"Mornin Yuna."

She smirked as she jerked HIM off now below the blanket.

"Good mornin to you too ya friggin horndog."

TYler made a mess of her hand and the pair left the camper for a shower in the bootleg thing together. Much to Yuna's enjoyment as she got her hair done up for her, and she blinked as she saw the result in a reflective piece of glass. Her golden tresses seemed to be ACTUALLY glowing in the soft morning light while hanging in silky waves. She smiled at the image.

"Okay. YOU are the ONLY ONE that gets to do my hair now."

"We'll need a better comb."

"YES we WILL."

They returned to the firepit and Tyler smiled as he looked to the still slate grey object covered in a green tarp.

"THAT will look so FREAKIN cool when the moss comes in. And it'll actually help with the reinforcement too."

The rest of the group came out of the camper now and Tyler smiled as they al took spots around the firepit...and Bird smirked as she settled beside him.

"MY turn tonight."

"Yes Birdy."


TYler then refocused and smiled.

"Alright, ladies and leftovers. We'll get the last three floors in. The ROOF we'll build in an upswept V shape to deal with the snow. And we can add in AA bastions when we have a turret to put in. Any questions?"

He got crickets.

"Out-FUCKING-standing. Survivors ready? GO!"

They got to work with a will. Tyler smiled as he and his crew raised two floors in under two and a half hours while behind them the concrete layers matched their frantic pace. By noon the third floor was secured and the old school Japanese style rof was raised complete with several openings for space to construct antiair platforms and additions to the initial structure. Even the rof got a triple layer of brick and concrete reinforcement with the standing beams. The result was a surprisingly ugly yet beautiful building rising close to 80 feet in the air and was a good 30 feet shorter then the 130 to 150 foot tall trees surrounding it. Tyler then had one of his gem ideas to rig repelling lines to the ground from the roof and upper floor in the event of an evac. Tyler smiled as they moved to the wiring stage.

"When THIS is done, ladies, YES we will be getting the pressures right for your showers."

That got a mas of excited cheers from the ladies while the gold plated wiring was ran throughout the fortress. Tyler and Benni used the portable generator to testfire everything and when they finished up, the entire fortress was EMP proof and could tank a direct bombarding of 1500 pound bombs for nearly three days before being pierced. The crane was stored and the group gathered around the campfire for a late lunch. There Tyler lifted a can of vodka they had been storing for such an occasion. The Survivor smiled proudly as he nodded to the fortress.

"See that? WE built that. US. With our bare hands. In a videogame that is trying every moment of our lives to KIL US or worse. WE built a FORTRESS. From SCRAP AND WITH OUR BARE HANDS."

A mas of smiles was seen on their faces and Tyler lifted his can higher.

"We're not done. Once the interior is situated, we can throw a PROPER housewarming party. For now we'll get the vehicles secured in the bunker and get the AA module fitted onto the halftrack. Tomorrow, we're going to be scouting out the outpost nearby. I want to give the fortress three days to settle in before we move in anything important. But for now....WE BUILT A FUCKING FORTRESS FROM SCRATCH WITH OUR BARE HANDS IN A DEATHGAME ZOMBIE GAME! If we can churn out a quality fortress like that in under three days....WHAT ELSE CAN WE DO?!"

He got a mass of cheers for that and the Survivor smirked.

"I like that attitude....and we are going to find out just WHAT we can do out there! WE ARE THE SURVIVORS! WE CAN DO ANYTHING, BECAUSE WE STARTED OUT WITH NOTHING! We are HERE. We are NOT going anywhere. WE ARE NOT DONE! To the SURVIVORS!"


The drinks were thrown back and another mass of backpatting cheers went up before Tyler smiled.

"Alright. Let;s get the ground based defenses situated. And the AA module attached to the halftrack."

And like that the friends got back to it. Tyler, Benni and Ronny worked to refit the halftrack into an Antiair M-5 halftrack while the rest of the crew laid out wooden spikes, tripwires, some makeshift landmines, and even a few snare-rope traps around the fortress with room for the vehicles at the 8 major points of the compass. A job that did not take long and they moved to setting the moss-growing concrete walls up using freakin treetrunks to do so. The result was a solid grey wall completely surrounding the fortress with a large section of forest inside it. These walls were close to 4 feet thick and reinforced with steel rebar cages holding the logs in place and encased in the moss growing concrete. Which would create an eerie green wall when the moss grew. Tyler smiled as they reconvened at the campfire inside their secure zone.

"And now for the final test."

He brought out a map that had NOT been opened yet and unrolled it. Everyone gathered around to see what their work would look like from above...and a mass of whistles were heard as the small speck of open woodland the cabin had been sitting in previously had completely vanished. In it's place was a solid green spot that blended in PERFECTLY with the rest of the forest around it. Tyler smiled as he noted that even the perfect circle of cut trees they'd used for their projects blended in perfectly due to the moss growing under it.

"Alright we are completely invisible here ladies and you. NOW we just need to be sure to makr our map with our hideout when we leave and NOT lose it. Otherwise I doubt you'd be able to finf it again."

They got chuckles for that one as Yuna smiled.

"So what's our hideout called, Tyler?"

The Survivor thought for a moment....and smirked.

"THe Green Mile."

A few smiles were seen on those that knew's faces...and Bird tilted her head.


"It's a Stephen King book."

"Oh. Kay! Why not just call it The Slab? That way we know what we're talking about."

Benni chuckled at the dark haired girl's idea.

"Let's do hers, Gore. Too much of a hint in Green Mile."

"Fair. Alrighty. Tomorrow we'll do an injury check in and go from there. All green, we'll see about scouting the outpost."

The heads nodded and Yuna smirked.

"So HOW are we going to scout an ACTIVE military base, Tyler?"

"I am going scouting. YOU will be going looting. The radios work and we have about 50 miles range on them."

That got a mass of nods and Grudgia smirked.

"So who'll be in charge while you're out, Boss?"

"Benni since he's an actual soldier."

The MArine nodded with a smirk.

"Roger that."

They chuckled at that one and made a dinner of some roasted meat and ale before Tyler snuggled up with Bird on the camper bed. The dark haired girl smiled as she got her longed for orgasm and sighed happily as they snuggled after.

"Ahhh! Best way to end the day!"

Tyler chuckled as stroked her soft back fondly.

"You are just way too damn sweet, Birdy and I FREAKIN love it. Night."