
Zombies In Deep Dive.

A deep dive zombie apocalypse video game comes to live, trapping several million players inside, and they now need to figure out to escape....ALIVE.

Goreleech · 都市
19 Chs

Now we're building a base from scrap metal and the leftovers of a haunted cabin.


DAY 13.






Tyler woke the next morning to the soft feeling of breasts in his face. He opened his eyes to see he'd stuffed his face into Yuna's large and comfy bust with his arms around her narrow waist....and Bird had HER face pressed into his back and HER hand fondly gripping his hose in a worrying manner. Yuna? HER arms were wrapped around them both. TYler blinked at this nippled surprise and found he liked it....as the blonde busty beauty smirked.

"Okay. THIS is CUTE as HELL and never mention a word you snuggly teddybear."

TYler chuckled at her smirk as her blue eyes opened.

"SUre thing, Yuna. Gotta say...warm in here."

Bird chuckled as she poked her head up now.

"Yuna's always warm to snuggle with....and her BOOBS are AWESOME!"

TYler smiled as he rolled on his back and Bird let his dick go to rest her head on his chest now.

"You got a great set yaself, Birdy."

"Aww thanks! I'm still growing too."


He poked her own modest bust curiously and whistled at the firmness under thr soft skin.

"Damn, Birdy."

She smiled around a slight blush now.

"Be. NICE. And yup!"

Yuna smirked as she flopped down now....and her larger bust bounced.

"And MINE?"

She got her own poke and he chuckled.

"Large and soft. PERFECT for pillows."

"Ha. I GUESS we can let snuggles go."

Bird giggled as she pointed downtown.

"SO long as he's careful with THAT!"

Yuna looked....and whistled at the hardon.

"Yup we need lube. I'm still a virgin thank god."

Bird giggled again.

"ME too! I DO like to jerk off though."

"Well don't let me stop ya, Birdy."

The dark haired girl chuckled at that attempt.

"Sorry. I don't put on shows for the unworthy."

TYler chuckled at that one, reminded the others were still in the camper.

"We'll be sure to enjoy that in a proper setting them, Birdy. You in Yuna?"

"Oh fuck me yeah! I like girls too so yeah."

TYler smiled at that new revelation before he hugged the two girls, making them laugh.

"He's a HUGGER!"

"And a SNUGGLER too, Birdy! Looks like we'll have some fun."

The trio smiled again before they got dressed and headed out to the campfire al the while stepping around still sleeping shapes. Tyler relit the gril while Yuna and Birdy stretched in the cool morning air. A small layer of fog was seen gliding over the ground and Tyler smirked as he opened his panel.

"I have 10 points to place. Alright. I had STRENGTH: 15. DEFENSE: 15. STAMINA: 15. AGILITY: 15. DEXTERITY: 10. INTELLIGENCE: 15. I'll put five into dexterity, and slap the other five into...stamina. I have STRENGTH: 15. DEFENSE 15. STAMINA 20. AGILITY: 15. DEXTERITY 15. INTLLIGENCE 15. Perks....oh? Ha. I knew it. My rescue of Sori awarded me the perk Unseen Hero. Decreases detection range by 15% when sneaking to rescue someone. I got two perks from the Ghost Trial. First is Spiritual Accountability. Increases strength, defense, and stamina by 10 points when in combat for a reason justified by my own ideals. The SECOND is Angel's Embrace. An activated ability that will summon Selena for a dreamscape vision as I sleep. In this vision the angel and the user may cavort as if they were alive. Helluva way to say I can plow my angel wife in my sleep."

Yuna smirked now.


"Looks like there won't be any sign."

"You get cum on me from a wetdream I wil be VERY pissed."

Birdy snickered.

"I'll keep that in mind, Yuna!"

"Don't you DARE jerk him off on me you sneaky bitch!"


TYler just shook his head at the girls' argument.

"NOW I'm gonna be molested in my sleep. Great."

HE returned to his perks as the girls' argument turned to WHO would be the first to blow him in his sleep....

"Okay. 20 stamina opens up....oh a stamina cost reduction when swinging a bladed weapon or tool. That works. Last is...Dextiritous Manuver? Decreases stamina drain when preforming high energy dodges or acrobatics. Can be used for intercourse as well? Ha. Might be a good idea."

He hit apply as Yuna and Bird's argument had them now groping reach other in a clear booboff....and he chuckled.

"LAdies, I'm flattered. But come on. We can fool around properly later....and where's there NOT an open flame in tackle distance."

THe girls smirked at that plea and let their little dispute die to sit around the fire...and Tyler smirked.


THey laughed as the rest of the camp climbed out of the camper. Yuna and Bird were quickly taken by the remaining girls for their VERY indepth interogation as Ronny sat beside Tyler with a smirk.

"Dude you a player. Nice."

"You got anythin goin on Ronny?"

The skinny guy shrugged as they all got cups of coffee.

"Not really. Not into blondes or burnettes. Gimme a sexy redhead anyday."

"Ha. Okay that's funny."

Benni smirked.

"Still don't swing that way Benni."

"Oh boo."

The friends chuckled at that one as the four girls returned all wearing smirks.....and he smirked.

"MAss snuggle ladies?"

THey laughed at the cockiness and Yuna sighed.

"Great. We're gonna be BURIED in girls all wanting a piece a the big badass....and I am perfectly fine with that. I saw him first!"

A new war of words was about to break out between the VERY miffed ladies....and Tyler chuckled.

"You can argue THAT ONE out later ladies. Breakfast is ready and we got work to do today."

The girls put their latest pissing contest aside to have breakfast and Tyler nodded.

"Alright. Today's mess. We have food and beer to hideout for two more ful days here before we need to go on a resupply mission. Today it's more of what we did yesterday. I'll be cranking out more spears and spikes. Benni, you and Ronny I want to help the girls with stripping the roted wood and siding from the house. Yuna you can take over Dirk's crew to get us more trees. We'll regroup at noon and see where we're at."

The heads nodded and once breakfast was eaten Bird smiled.

"Hey Tyler? Mind changing our camp name?"

"Sure. Survivors?"

"Ha. Why not?"

THe Survivor used the paper to change their Camp name to The Survivors....

"Survivors ready? Go!"

They broke to their tasks and Tyler was at the forge with more scavanged iron for rods...as a smirking Yuki appeared on his screen.

"Looks like SOMEONE is getting popular."

Tyler chuckled as he cranked out rods.

"And I am loving EVERY moment of it."

"Typical badass hero teenager. And I got a call from Eric, the rep for Disney. He presented your story to his higher ups...."

"How bad?"

THe Delta Sniper chuckled.

"Dude they loved the idea. So much in fact they're working to get the rights and studios that MADE the characters on board with it. When they do, since we KNOW they wil since it's DISNEY, the project will be greenlit....and YOU'LL be the director."

Tyler just stopped and looked at the asian soldier in utter shock....

"Yes I just said that."


"You got metal in the forge."

He jumped and refocused on the task at hand with a smirk on his face.

"It'll be fun being a voice actor for myself."

Hannah appeared then.

"How's Bird and your's wouhnds?"

TYler smiled as he set the nest set of five spears aside.

"YUna's been bathing her wound like clockwork and she hasnb't complained. Same with me. Not even an itch or twitch."

"Good. YOUR shoulder bandage can come off tomorrow. Bird I'll need to look at."

"We'll have you look her over at lunch."

She nodded and Tyler returned to his task with a smile...as Yuna came over.

"We found a good sized sugar maple, Tyler. We got the stuff to tap it?"

"Nope, But I'll crank it out since maple sryup is AWESOME."

THe busty blonde girl watched with a leer in her eyes as Tyler hammered out the needed awl, several dozen gallon buckets, and passed em to the girl in the sport's bra.


"Sure thing, Yuna. Work it hard."

She smirked with a liplick.

"Oh I ALWAYS work it hard!"

"And my GOD does it show."

She laughed at that wolf whistle and strutted off like a model on a walk...and Tyler chuckled at the sway in her heart shaped ass.

"She is FAR to sexy for her own good."

He looked to his livestream chat..and chuckled at the mass of awe and adoration for the busty and sweet blonde.

"Ha. Oh yea she's awesome, guys. And girls? YES they are VERY MUCH real."

He got a mass of thirsty replies before he ran out of iron for the spears. He had another 150 and so went over to place them. This task didn't take him half an hour to knock out and he smiled at the line of razor sharp spikes now ringing a quarter of their hideout's perimeter. He was also out of repurposeable iron to use. So he extinguished the forge and went to help strip the rapidly being gutted cabin. Tyler found Benni and Ronny in the living room inspecting some main support beams of the cabin as he walked in.

"Out of iron for the time being. Howsit lookin in here?"

Ronny had a frown on his face as he replied.

"ALL the main support beams for the cabin are rotted right through, Tyler. LIke to the point I am amazed the place hasn't collasped yet. We MIGHT have to completely demolish the place and start over from scratch."

"MAkes sense. If we have to start over from scratch we'll go from there."

Benni smirked as he looked at him,

"THe chimmney stil needs to be ripped out Gore."

"I got it."

THe Survivor got to work with the rest dismantaling the brickwork chimmeny, which was knocked out in a mere two hours. Tyler then placed the scavanged bricks by the forge for use in the cobblestone walls. The Survivor smiled as they reconvened for lunch around the grill.

"Alright. We got plenty of wood for the time being. I'll cradft some wooden spike traps and some barricades too. Hey Bird, how's your cut?"

The dark haired girl smiled.

"It's fine. No itching or stiffness."

"Hannah wants a look at it so."


The pair went into the camper with a smirking Yuna and Bird took her shift off....revealing a lack of bra as Tyler looked her belly over. Hannah apeared and smiled as she saw the clean scarline along the sexy girl's body.

"You're healing nicely, Bird. All that'll be left is a scar."

Bird smiled in relief at this as she puled her shirt down.

"Thanks for that, Tyler."

He hugged her warmly.

"Sure thing, Bird."

Yuna smirked.

"Surprised YOU didn't offer to clean her wound yourself."

"Well...I was GONNA...but you seemed to be having fun."

Bird smirked at that one.

"Oh she DID have fun! She would tease me the entire time! My poor pussy hurt!"

"Stop. My penis can only get SOO erect."

THey laughed and Bird smirked with a blush on her cheeks and a leer in her green eyes.

"WQant some HELP?"


Yuna was seen to POUT as the hose was exposed and Bird went bopping for apples.

"Dammit. I WANTED to do that!"

"Well, Yuna if YOU got an issue...."

She shivered at THAT offer!

"Oh FUCK yes!"

Now BIRD was pouting around her suck as Yuna's shorts were dropped and the trio fell to the bed. The busty blonde firmly seated on the loving life teenager as he fed on her succulent slit and Bird got a mouthful. Yuna groaned as she was eaten to orgasm and was pushed aside by the horny Bird.

"MY turn dammit!"

TYler just smiled and accepted the second meal...while Yuna got a drink from the hose. Sated, the three teens all laid in the bed.....and Tyler chuckled.

"I love my life."

THe girls smirked at that one.

"And don't worry. I can set up a bootleg shower in-"


His chuckle was met with a sudden SCREAM from the girls and he smiled.

"As you wish ladies."

They smiled smugly and the industrious teenager headed out....and was met by a smirking Ronny.

"YOU are a GOD. And there's a stream just outside the south line."

"Ha. 10 out of ten man."

"Dude not cool."

Tyler chuckled as he gathered some materials and headed to where a bubbling stream 5 feet wide flowed through the rear of the clearing. TYler used some pipes connected to an aircompresser to draw in water that was then pushed through more pipes into a welded shower head for cold yet surprisingly powerful shower effects. And anyone could use it since the lever to turn it on was a mere rope connected to the aircompressor's on switch. Once he was finished, the cocky teenager gave a flourishing bow to the foot tapping girls as they watched.

"LAdies. Your OUTDOOR SHOWER, is ready!"

Yuna smirked,

"Oh think fast."

He tossed the busty blonde a large bottle of a VERY high tier shampoo and bodywash.

"Been saving THAT for a rainy day."

Bird smiled sweetly now.

"Okay. YOU are MY new favorite person. Now GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!"

The boys were effectively banished from the area as loud, relieved, and happy groans broke out from the girls at their first semi-true shower in days. Benni chuckled as the guys sat around the firepit listening to the relief.

"Nice one, Gore."

"Ha. THAT'S just a hold-over. I PLAN to build our very own hotspring out here."

They blinked and Ronny looked at him curiously.

"HOW the HELL are you gonna do that, Tyler?"

TYler took some paper over now.

"THe trick is to redirect the stream where WE want to go. And thread exhuast pipes from the forge under it. Done right, all the heat will be redirected into the water itself. THis is how they heated pools in Japan and ancient worlds, using large firepits like giant cauldrons. And all it'll take to drain the water for fresh is a simplistic sluice gate at one end."

The guys whistled at the idea and Ronny chuckled.

"And HOW big will this hotspring be, Tyler?"

"Oh they'll be divided by cobblestone walls, Ronny."



The screams of relief died down and the much refreshed ladies returned sporting glowing and smoothened hair, softer skin and a lavender bodyscent. Tyler smiled as he saw the lok of relief on Yuna and Bird's faces.

"Better. Now OUR TURN lads."

THe guys cleaned up one at a time and Tyler felt immensely refreshed afterwards. After they gathered at the firepit and the girls all blinked as he laid the plan for the hotspring out....and Yuna had wide blue eyes as he finished.

"I think I love you."

TYler smiled at that one before he refocused.

"That one won't be until we got the defenses in place. When we don't have to really worry about something just WALKING up to the house we'll put work into the quality of life. So let's get back to it."

Yuna perked up.

"We cleared all the brush from the treeline, Tyler. Right to the dirt too."

"Good. YOUR crew folds into the cabin strippers."

"On it."

Bird was next.

"We cleared every tree 1 foot or thicker from the perimeter, Tyler."

"You help the cabin too. Sooner the cabin is ready for building the sooner we can get our own rooms back."

They smirked at that incentive and the friends got back to work. Tyler crafted several hundred wooden spike traps while everyone else worked to strip every bit of rotted wood from the cabin....with rapid progress. TYler smiled as he completely encircled their lair in wooden spikes with room for the halftrack and jeep to drive through at four different points. At these points he dug a series of 7 foot deep holed he would then cement 80 foot tall oak trunks in for gateposts. Once the holes were in place the ever industrious worker trimmed 8 of the thickest red oak trunks and set them into the holes before pouring some molten lead from the forge to keep them in place. Now the base had guideposts for the walls and Tyler smiled as he saw the cabin had been stripped to the skeletal beams. Benni came over then.

"Bad news, Gore. Even the floor beams are rotted all the way through. We'll need to build from scratch."

"Damn. Alright. We'll need a lot more wood then. Demolish the cabin and we'll lay the new beams freom the trunks."

"On it. We're going to need more tools for this though. That maul is completely dull."

TYler nodded and the camp regrouped at the firepit for the meeting.

"Alright. We need more supplies. I want a list of what we need MOST. Tomorrow I'll take the jeep and two with me for a raid on the nearby town of Tubury. Benni, you're in command while we're out."

They nodded and Tyler smirked.

"Yuki can be our messenger since she'll have become your advisor too. The halftrack has plenty of ammo in the 50s in case of problem and the rockets ARE loaded. My team will fil the jeep and our backpacks and head back. Any questions?"

Yuna smirked.

"Yeah who's going?"

"I'll take you, Yuna and Jaria."

JAria nodded. He was a taller, more muscular guy with darker skin and bright blue eyes. He spoke in a firm bark as the Survivor looked at him.

"You can count on me, Gore."

Bird was seen to pout at not being picked and Tyler patted her fondly.

"YOU got next run....and I got YOU tonight."

"Oh HELL yeah!"

The girls chuckled at that compromise as Tyler unrolled the map.

"Tubury's a small riverside town so we can also expect fishing equipment and maybe some fish-based food. If possible, I want to secure an excavator or a dumptruck since we're gonna be doin a lotta diggin."

Benni crossed his arms.

"And survivors?"

Tyler sighed.

"I'll say not right now. We've seen the movies. We know the tropes. If we just open a safehaven to all an sundry, it's just ASKING for something to go wrong."

They nodded....and Yuna smirked.

"UnLESS they're busty right?"


TYler didn't answer and it made the girls smirk at the copout before the Survivor refocused.

"Alright. So we'll try to limit the players we bring in if they're not hot as hell."

The girls chuckled as the guys looked at Tyler like he was god before the friends refocused AGAIN. Tyler nodded.

"I have enough steel left over for a few mauls and saws, but that's about it. You chop that sugar maple down, Yuna?"

THe blonde shook her head.

"No. We drained it though. It's still standing since it'll refill and we can harvest it again."

"Smart. When we get the means we'l transplant the tree inside the perimeter and try to grow our own syrup trees. Any fruit bushes or vegatables, Ronny?"

THe lanky ginger nodded.

"Plenty, Tyler. Strawberries, grapes, some potatoes, onions, garlic, blackberries, and even some carrots. We made a garden over there."

Bird smiled.

"Mom runs her own stall at the farmer's market. I got it."

"Thanks Birdy. Way we do this is two harvests are to be replanted as fresh plants BEFORE we start keeping anything for our supplies."

She nodded.

"So we have plenty and can afford to let it grow. Alright."

TYler smiled and looked at the darkening sky.

"Good work everyone. We'll call this a day and ready the jeep for the raid tomorrow."

They nodded and the friends went to it. The jeep was refueled, the guns were collected and Tyler detached the camper from it.

"We find a PROPER trailer that'd be kinda nice too."

Ronny tilted his head then.

"What about an outright semi, Gore? You could refit it into a friggin tank and it can haul so MUCH it's scary."

"On the list, Ronny. We find a lowloader for heavy machinery we'll go from there."


Once the raiders were ready they all gathered around the firepit for dinner. Bird all smiles as she sat beside her night's snugglebear and Tyler patted her fondly as she did so. That night's dinner being some roasted sandwich meats on leftover bread. Once fed they all returned to the camper...and Bird smiled sweetly as she flopped on one of the beds.


TYler chuckled at this ALSO super sexy girl as he climbed in beside her...and found her to be already naked under the blankets. Yuna was chuckling from her all girl cuddle on the other bed.

"WQow, Grudgia, your boobs ARE rock hard!"

Tyler smirked at the tease...and Bird saw the idea in his eye.


So the ever hungry teenager slithered down the shivering girl's body to latch on her slit, filling the camper with her over the top moan....until she groaned through her orgasm. On the OTHER bed the other 3 girls all wore looks of jealousy at their loss as Tyler kissed Bird's taste down her throat, making her sigh.

"Oh you are a DIRTY BASTARD, Tyler! And I love you for it! Night!"

"Night, Birdy. And DAMN GIRL, you sweet!"


Ronny's amazed voice was heard now from the floor.

"Guys? I think we can all rest in the knowledge WE SUCK."