
Zombie killer Reborn

Jones li gets reincarnated to this world that has been infested by zombies for some reason, and he tries to kill them all , kind of like attack on titan but it's zombies lol

Samod_the_Creator · ファンタジー
7 Chs

The Royal palace

 [wakes up]

 [Eyes blurry]

"uh, where am I ?"

"Oh shit, white robe girl."

"She knocked me out."

"Welcome to the Rayan temple Zeist" said an old man in front of a throne-like seat.

Zeist? That was what white robe girl called me a while ago, What's with that crap?

"I would like to know where I am, please, and what do you people want from me ?"

"This is the Planet Colgar, and we have summoned you here for an important mission, you see-" he said


"No ?" he said looking confused

 Everybody around me was having this sort of sad expression, like as if I had owed them anything, these guys brought me to their planet against my will, I don't know what they expected, to be honest. I looked over the room filled with a sad energy and a kind of defeated vibe, even the "Elder" that was speaking to me seemed to be loss for words, I looked over to my left and I finally saw the white robe girl, and it seemed like she felt bad for what she did because she couldn't even keep eye contact, or she could be "disappointed" like everyone in this room, the silence seemed to make be feel like I was some kind of villain, so I had to break It.

"Why are you people looking at me like that"

"you guys brought me here against my will."

"What was I supposed to do ?"

"Whatever must be happening to you guys must be tragic, but I want to go home, I wish you good luck In handling the Situation."

"But that's not what the scripture says" whispered a middle-aged woman who looked like she was about to cry, and her voice sounded like she was hopeless.

"What did you say? Scripture ?"

"Old man, what is she talking about ?"

He cleared his throat

"Our holy book tells of a Savior that would be summoned, when we the Rayans are In an existential crisis, and that Savior shall have blue eyes." He said, "And you fit the description, perfectly." He said, "No, you all must have gotten this all messed up, I might fit the description, but I'm not your messiah."

"Can't you guys summon another person, I wanna go back home"

"That's the problem, there cannot be two Saviors, we cannot summon another"

"Even If we take you back, If we do the summoning ritual again, we'd still end up summoning you once more."

"Well, let's give it a try then, send me back."

The whole room gave me that disappointed look again, white robe girl, couldn't even look up anymore.

"We-" The elder said, he took a deep breath,

"we can't, we don't have the power to send you back."

"According to the scripture, only you have the power to do that."

"Okay, so how do I do that ?" I said

'well, we don't know anything about the details of your abilities from the scripture."

"But it says you're the only one with the ability to exit this dimension."

"Dimension ?"

"So you mean, I'm in another universe"

"precisely, according to the scripture you are from the 19th universe."

"And in that universe, your planet would be the only planet that can Inhabit living things."

"Is that correct ?" He said in such a confident way believing his so-called "scripture"

He was right about Earth being the only planet to inhabit people, but the fact that it's not even the only dimension in the universe but the 19th? That makes me feel like an American. The people on earth are very, very clueless, and I'm just finding that out.

 I had finally noticed that I had gone on a thinking spree, and forgot that the elder had asked me a question. Everybody was In suspense waiting for my answer, they probably didn't realize that I wasn't even thinking about it like that.

"Hmm, You're right, your scripture is accurate, I am from the planet Earth, which is as you described"

"Let us start the Celebration the Zeist is in town" The elder said in a happier tone than he had spoken all day.

 The doors burst open with some sort of parade band drumming and playing music through the door.

"He is here, He is here, the one who will save us, the one who will end the zombie apocalypse" They sang.

I was confused, and I didn't know what was going on, just as I stood up, the white robe girl dragged me my hand.

"Follow me" she said

 It seemed that we were heading for some kind of carriage, but It was a metal horse carriage, as expected of this planet, the technology was far exceeding Earth's by a long shot.

 The whole roads were blocked, full of people curious to see who I was, these were the same people that were afraid to look at me hours ago, don't they have access to the scripture like the elder and those folks in the court? Hmm.

"How are we going to go through here, the road is blocked" I said, completely exhausted, I still didn't know what was going on but If I wanted to get out of this place I'd have to go with the flow.

"This is a flying horsecar." She said with a smile on her face

 Of course why didn't I think of that? Flying cars were one of the first things I saw when moving out of that abandoned part of this planet.

"Put on your seat belt, it's going to be a rough ride up"

 I was looking for the seat belt when the white robe girl, pressed a blue button beside me, and the seat belt wrapped around me.

"Woah" I said because I couldn't hold my excitement, this is some unfathomable technology I've seen in a couple of hours

"Are we ready to go ?" said the driver

"Yes, carry on."

 The mechanical horse carriage moved up, and It was still a rocky ride until we got up. One thing I didn't notice was that my clothes had already been changed, I was wearing a pretty well-made suit, I didn't even pay attention to it once. Well, you can't blame me because there were other weird things happening at the time. I noticed I wasn't speaking English, yet I understood every bit of what they were saying.

"Hey, How come I know your language ?"

"Um, I don't know grandpa said you would be able to speak the language automatically, he said it's one of your gifts"

Ah fuck, am I really this Savior guy, If I had a choice, I'd give it to another person literally. But I guess this is what we get. Sigh

While we were up we were able to see the whole town from a bird's-eye view. I also saw those green people that I was so terrified of before.

"who are those green dudes ?" I asked.

"Those are zombies." she said in a sad tone, almost bursting a tear.

Zombies, huh? I wonder what significance they hold or what they are, or why she sounds so sad talking about them.

hey there , yeah I Know I had a bit of a rant in the last chapter but if you notice any mistakes I made , kindly do a favor and um point it out. Thank you

Samod_the_Creatorcreators' thoughts