
Zombie Apocalypse: The Demon's Rebirth

Have you ever imagined the irony of being a die-hard fan of zombies and then dying right at the beginning of a zombie apocalypse? Pathetic, isn't it? But what if death were merely the prologue to an extraordinary journey, filled with unexpected twists and dark revelations? After Ethan died, he was reborn as a weak and small demon in a demonic world. For a hundred years, he fought to survive, eliminating millions of demons. But just as he was about to perish in a final battle against the most powerful demon in that world, a cataclysmic disruption in the fabric of space-time propels him back in time, just moments before the zombie apocalypse begins! However, the intricate tapestry of fate is far from what it seems, woven with threads that extend beyond the discernible eye...

CosmicArchmage · SF
19 Chs


Ethan gently shook his head as he saw his pathetic state.

In the battle, he had only been spinning around without inflicting any real damage, simply interfering occasionally.

Nevertheless, he had suffered a lot of damage from both demons: his hair was singed, his skin filled with cuts caused by sharp shadows, and the worst was his back, with a wound that exposed even his bones.

"I'm still too weak..." he said disappointedly.

The last time he had suffered such damage was fifteen years ago, against an extremely annoying lava demon that hid and attacked him by surprise with ruthless lava strikes.

Although the satisfaction he felt when absorbing its essence was indescribable!

Since then, his skin and muscles had become so strong that no demon had been able to even scratch him.


Suddenly, he appeared and disappeared in less than a second, returning to where he had originally been. In each of his hands, he held a large essence, clearly belonging to the two powerful demons.

"Fortunately, these two essences that would normally be out of my reach will cover up those imperfections," he said with a somewhat malicious smile.

After all, he could easily count the few places on the entire planet that he classified as forbidden.

The current him had explored many fascinating places in this world, from shadowy forests with fruits capable of healing any wound to mines with crystals and minerals that could absorb a demon's blood within seconds if they managed to touch it.

Otherwise, they were just harmless rocks.

Overall, it was a world full of magic, but also a hell for any human!

Of course, when he mentioned humans, he didn't include himself in that equation...

After so many years, Ethan understood that the person he used to be on Earth had completely disappeared, leaving no trace of that pathetic personality.

However, he didn't care in the least, as he was delighted with his new identity. His only desire was to become stronger and engage in thrilling battles.

He openly admitted that he was now a true demon!

Anyway, there was no point in lamenting it, as it was impossible to return to Earth, and most likely, everyone was dead due to the zombie apocalypse.

"...Although sometimes I feel like watching those movies, they were the only interesting thing left from my past life."

He looked towards the horizon with nostalgia, but soon brushed it off. "Well, killing demons is much more fun anyway!"

With anticipation in his eyes, he brought the two essences to his mouth and absorbed them as if they were the supreme delicacy of the universe. And from his perspective, they probably were, not because of the taste, but because of the sensation of becoming hundreds, even thousands of times stronger!


In the blink of an eye, his body became an endless source of unleashed power, releasing an impressive shockwave that devastated everything in its path, evaporating everything hundreds of meters away!

To exaggerate everything, crimson clouds in the sky coiled around him as if he were about to transcend to another existence.

As strange as it seemed, this feat was not planned by him; his body decided to act on its own, as if it were purposefully showing off its newly acquired might.

"Well, that was quite impressive. Even I thought I was going to evolve or something," Ethan commented with a satisfied smile as he felt the immense power coursing through his body.

Although there were no significant changes in his appearance, his muscles became more perfect. The rest, his skin, face, and height, remained those of a man in his thirties, but with distinctive demonic features like wings and horns that no longer underwent alterations.

However, something stood out noticeably: his aura was so powerful that the auras of the two demons he had fought before couldn't even compare to his.

Even Ethan began to doubt the extent of his current strength!

Filled with joy, he scanned his surroundings and, finding nothing, decided to continue in search of formidable opponents and, of course, demons with more resistant skin since he was completely naked...

"...This is really uncomfortable; even my current self detests exhibitionism."

First, his clothes were severely damaged by the two demons, and to make matters worse, he himself had torn them apart in the exaggerated display of power he had performed earlier.


Without hesitation, he majestically spread his wings and vanished into the distance at such a dizzying speed that it caused a slight distortion in space, albeit only for a fleeting moment before disappearing completely in less than a second.

As the years passed, Ethan relentlessly dedicated himself to a singular and constant mission: killing demons.

Over time, his mental health deteriorated gradually, becoming more feral and consumed by an insatiable thirst for blood, as if he desired to eliminate all forms of life on the planet.

After countless battles and a grueling period of nearly a hundred years, he was finally nearing his goal.

Ethan had practically exterminated all the demons in the world!

The landscape turned desolate, with endless mountains of scattered corpses, creating an image reminiscent of the very hell from Earth's legends.

It was as if he had transcended those tales, delving into an even more infernal reality.

"Ah, now it's a mutated dog's turn. Great..."

Before him stood his final challenge: a majestic five-headed wolf, each gracefully releasing a different element from its jaws.

One head emitted electric sparks, another exhaled dark green smoke, one radiated the heat of lava, another released icy air, and the last one burned with a mysterious black fire.

It was the epitome of demonic elite, the last and most formidable enemy he would face in this world!


The demonic wolf roared ferociously, its five heads rising in the air, each one shining with unique destructive power.

Its imposing body floated with an enigmatic naturalness, defying logic by lacking wings. Ethan was intrigued by this mystery, but in such an unpredictable world, he decided to stop dwelling on it.

Crack! Crack!

Suddenly, the rightmost head unleashed a frigid breath of formidable strength, instantly freezing everything in its vicinity and forming sharp ice spikes!


Ethan swiftly moved with enviable agility, easily dodging the icy attack with minimal effort.

"Ice attacks? Seriously? I was expecting something a bit more interesting," Ethan taunted with delight. He enjoyed provoking his enemies and watching them grow increasingly enraged.

It might seem twisted, no doubt, but what other option did he have? It was either that or die of boredom!


As expected, the head that unleashed the icy breath roared in anger, as if it wished to devour him alive.


Disregarding its companion's fury, the second head spewed forth a torrent of scorching lava, forming a river of magma heading towards him. However, once again, Ethan easily evaded it. It was clear that the situation still posed no real threat to him.

He even began to feel a slight disappointment...

Although Ethan could end the charade and unleash his full power, he was curious about the abilities of the most powerful demon in this world.


The third head spewed corrosive venom, shrouding the battlefield in toxic clouds.

"Venom? It's the first time a demon has used it."

This attack actually piqued his interest. It was the first time he faced a demon with such deadly power. Instead of fleeing, he decided to let the poisonous mist envelop him completely!

The wolf fixed its gaze on Ethan with an expression of disbelief. Only those who had lost their sanity would willingly allow themselves to be struck by their opponent's attack.

However, the five heads reveled with confidence, convinced that it would be impossible for the small demon to survive their venom.

Victory seemed much easier than they had anticipated!

"Hmm, it seems to have no effect on me at all. I'm literally breathing it in, and it doesn't even cause a slight itch. What a lousy venom."

To the wolf's dismay, Ethan emerged completely unscathed as the venomous mist dissipated. Incredulity filled the eyes of the five heads, unable to comprehend how their potent venom had done no harm to the small demon.

Nevertheless, they didn't give up so easily!

The fourth head, charged with electricity, unleashed lightning bolts towards its annoying adversary. The power was so overwhelming that it could easily vaporize a shadow demon or even a giant demon.

But for Ethan, who had long surpassed the strength of those two demons, such an electric attack proved insignificant.

"Your sparks are as weak as your pathetic siblings," he commented discontentedly, waiting for the next attack from the final head.

The fifth and last head of the demonic wolf enveloped itself in dark and demonic flames. From its snout, it launched a massive ball of black flames that devoured everything in its path, consuming all in its wake!

Ethan, on the other hand, remained unfazed, facing the flames with an expression of complete indifference.

"So, your last resort is demonic dark fire? Sounds like something you would have acquired through a shady deal in the demon black market. I have exterminated countless demons with that same power, what makes you different?"

Practically, except for the venom element, he had already witnessed everything demons could display.


Finally, the black flames struck him, but as expected, not a single hair on his head suffered the slightest damage.

"Alright, that's enough. Let's finish this."




The demonic wolf could only watch in horror as the small demon suddenly appeared before it, and that was when everything ended.

It couldn't witness any more as each of its heads simultaneously exploded like exploding watermelons. Its gigantic body wavered in the air and, without further ado, fell upon a pile of dead demons.


Ethan sighed in disappointment. That supposed final battle had been nothing more than a terribly boring experience.

Still, he wasn't going to let the opportunity to harness the wolf's essence pass him by. He descended onto its fur and calmly grasped the essence in his hands. Then, he sat quietly as he brought it to his mouth.

If you've made it this far, it means you're enjoying the story so far. However, if there's something that almost made you give up on it, please let me know and I'll try to improve it.

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