
Zombie Apocalypse: Gaming System

[Congratulation on obtaining the: Gaming System] Jordan Blade was an Orphan his whole life. He was bullied often for being an Orphan and having no parents. On his 19th birthday, an infection spread out. The infection caused the human's bodies to rot away and turn green-ish color and their mouth to split open. 'Zombies' were what they were called. The Zombies' attacked anyone they saw, wether it was a child, a woman, a man, a dog, or a cat. Any living thing was eaten by the Zombies. A divine voice helped the remaining millions of humans by giving them in-human powers. Using these powers, the humans set a goal: The goal to avenge their loved ones that were killed and destroy the Zombies. Jordan? He received the strongest gift. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The book cover is not owned by me, if the original cover owner is reading and want me to take it down, please, you can just ask me.

Bloody_War · ゲーム
14 Chs

C3: The Moon Sword

'SSS grade weapon?' Confusion was the first thing that settled on top of Jordan as he stared at the notification. It was as if the System had sensed the confusion and began to answer his question.

[The Weapons, items, armor, or other materials like medicines have a grade of how good they are. The grades are F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS. F is the worst grade and SSS is the best.]

"Aaah, so I got the best grade Item? Damn, my luck is so good! Hey System, how much chance is there of getting an SSS grade Item?"

[There is a total of 20% chance.]

"Is there anything else other than these?"

[Yes. There are some side things like {inventory}. Currently, there are 200 spaces in inventory. Each level increase causes 5+ more slots. The {Moon Sword} is currently stored inside the {Inventory}. If you want to see the information, you just need to think about it. The other side tab is the {World Chat}. You can use the {World Chat} inside the wristband but it is also stored inside the System.]

[All messages that will go to the wristband will go to the system and inform you if there is anything worth knowing or anything that you should know. There is also the {trading} function that will be unlocked later on in a few days.]

"Alright, show me the information on the moon sword."

[Moon Sword]

[Grade: SSS!]


[Moon Slash]

[Does 200+ Damage! The slash can cut through flesh smoothly and is fit for fighting level 5+ Zombie Boss!]

[Cool down: 5 seconds]

[Requirement: 5 shop points to level skill up]

[Skill Locked! Level requirement: 5]

[Skill Locked: Level requirement: 15]

[Skill locked: Level requirement: 30]

The shock was an understatement. Even if the other three skills were locked, the first skill sounded powerful. 200+ dmg were no joke. His health was only 100!

"15 points?" Jordan summoned his status screen.

[Host Name: Jordan Blade]

[Host Age: 19]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 1]

[EXP: 10/100]

[HP: 100/100]

[Strength: 10]

[Defence: 6]

[Dexterity: 10]

[Perception: 5]

[Luck: 20]

[Points: 15]

In the end, he decided to add 5 points to strength and dexterity leaving 5 behind. He put 4 in defense making it 10 and put the other one in Perception.

[Host Name: Jordan Blade]

[Host Age: 19]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 1]

[EXP: 10/100]

[HP: 100/100]

[Strength: 15]

[Defence: 10]

[Dexterity: 15]

[Perception: 6]

[Luck: 20]

[Points: 0]

[Shop points: 12]

Jordan felt his body ease and become 2 times stronger than when he woke up.

He then took out the Moon Sword.

The Moon Sword was big and sharp. It was a silvery color with a moon shape on the hilt of the sword.

It was strange.

Technology had advanced so far that seeing swords were considered a rare sight. There were no sword shops or anything of that sort in the City as well.

Swords were used in the old era of war but in this era, the only thing that was used were guns, Machine, Advanced Vehicle, or something that were never in the old era.

So now, all of a sudden when Jordan had to battle with a sword, it felt strange.

Jordan then glanced at the:

[Requirements: 5 shop points to level skill up.]

Jordan had 12 shop points right now so he didn't waste time and directly spent 5 shop points to level up the skill.

[Moon Slash lv.2]

[Does 400+ dmg! The slash can cut through flesh like butter and is fit for fighting a {level 10+ boss!} or a {level 5 elite grand boss!}

400 dmg!!!

"The damage doubled!" Jordan exclaimed in surprise.

[Requirement: 20 shop points for the next level up]

The Moon Sword gave off a mysterious aura and feeling. It was no eerie feeling or anything of that sort but it was very very strange.

"Time to try this on some Zombies.

Even though Jordan was a little cautious and slightly scared thinking about fighting with a strange weapon he never held before, he decided to put his trust in the system message.

And anyways, the Zombies' health was only 100! Maybe a level 2 would have 200 but they were not even close to matching the skill, Moon Slash.

So, basically, level 1, 2, or even 3 were an easy target.

After taking a deep breath, Jordan stepped out.

There was no one in the area or anywhere close to it at all. No one wanted to come out of their house, they were all too scared.

Just as Jordan stepped out into the streets, a Zombie that was near smelled the scent of human flesh and immediately began to run toward Jordan. The Zombies were running like mad men, wanting to kill a person.

"Moon Slash!"

And the next second, the Zombie fell down. The Zombie's head rolled on the ground and stopped after hitting a wall.

[Congratulations on killing a Zombie. Would you like to convert the energy into shop points or get a chance to get a crystal.]

"Convert into shop points." Jordan ignored the bloody Zombie that was laying on the ground and rushed to another Zombie that was nearby.

[Converted into... 3 Shop points.]

Finding Zombies was no big deal. there were hundreds of them going on the street.

"Whichever Zombie I kill, turn them into shop points," Jordan muttered before using Moon Slash on the Zombie that was charging towards him.

[Converted into... 2 shop points.]

The Zombies that were coming started to get higher and higher but so did Jordan's experience with the sword.

Due to high dexterity, he dodged several zombies at a super high speed before slashing them against their necks, arms, or legs.

It was only a minute before another message came.

[Congratulations on completing a Daily quest.]

[5 points are given]

*Slash* *slash* *slash*

[Congratulations on becoming lv2]

[2 points are given.]

On top of one Zombie, a lv3 was written with its health 350.

but using moon slash, the zombie was dealt with quickly as well.

[Converted into... 15 shop points!]

"Level up the skill moon slash."

[Moon slash lv3]

[Does 600 damage. The sword reaction attack and reaction speed have increased by 2X and the sword is capable of dealing a LVL 10 elite boss.]

"Add 4 points on perception."

[Perception: 10]

Jordan's senses enhanced and he began to deal with the Zombies quicker.