
Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Xiaoyun was a boy born in Guangzhou, China. He had been living as an orphan since he could remember. One day, he met a girl who looked way too similar to himself. This can't be a coincidence, right? "So, can someone explain why there is a zombie apocalypse just as soon as I see my mom and sisters for the first time? And why can I create things out of thin air?" ---- Reader Advisory: This book is not meant for people who can't tell fiction from real life. Please read the tag before asking something and refrain from personal attacks on other readers or me. There is no NTR (both ways) and no system. Yuri is restricted to purely for the MC's enjoyment. Also, as a heads-up, some of the love interests are related to MC. A little note: This book is a hobby of mine. I'm not going to abandon it even if there's no reader or rush the ending. But I am currently in college, which means the upload may be infrequent. I'll try my best to upload daily. I'll be free during summer break. As of 5/28/24, updating older chapters is on pause. I'll get back to it when summer break starts. --- Edit log as of 6/5/24: 1) One bonus chapter for every two hundred stone. Every twenty golden tickets also count toward one bonus chapter. Gifts are also considered as one bonus chapter. 2)If the cap of ten bonus chapters is reached, it will no longer increase until it is below ten. (This is on pause until summer, but I'll still add to the count in my Discord channel. It does not cumulative into next month if it doesn't reach that breakpoint.) 3) Congratulations on reading this far. Not many people read the edit logs. Give yourself a high five, and leave a review if you feel like it. Thank you for reading a dummy rambling in the synopsis. 4)Discord server for the book if you want to talk to me or have an idea or comment directly to me: https://discord.gg/hnXMFwfVR3

IPI · ファンタジー
355 Chs

Chapter 37: Aftermath

As the festival ended by the time it was at nine, Yezi and Yiyi with several people stay behind to clean up the tables.

Xiaoqi and Yunyun was completely wasted as Xiaoyun and Yanyan had to carried them back home.

"Geez I thought Xiaoqi could at least drink more than this." Xiaoyun puts Xiaoqi on the sofa.

"Well despite working in the company, she never drank somehow." Yanyan commented as she put Yunyun on the sofa.

"How about Yunyun? She just collapsed after like three drinks." Xiaoyun looked over.

"Well I'm pretty sure that was her first time drinking." Yanyan sat down.

"Well me and Lily going to go take a shower and sleep." Xiaomi yawned and walk upstairs with Lily.

The two sat on the sofa in silent, until Xiaoyun spoke up.

"Hey babe... didn't we had Xiaomi because we were drunk one night?" Xiaoyun laid back down on the sofa.

"Yeah... we never planned that one out." Yanyan laid down next to him.

"It had been so long... I miss those days." Yanyan moved closer to Xiaoyun.

"Me too... those were much simpler time." Xiaoyun thought about the past with Yanyan.

"No kids to worry about and just be free with ourselves... honey can you pass me a pregnancy test?" Yanyan suddenly asked.

"Um sure... what is it for?" Xiaoyun looked at Yanyan in confusion as he handed it to her.

"Well we had been using protection past few weeks but... you remember that night? And that day with Yunyun, it wasn't with protection at all. What worse is my period had stopped." Yanyan face blushes.

"Oh shit..." Xiaoyun started recalling those two day.

"Those two need to get it checked too... I'm going to go check now." Yanyan got up and went upstairs.

"Hm? What was mom talking about?" Xiaoqi seem to finally sober up a little.

"Um... Qiqi has your period came out yet?" Xiaoyun asked.

"My period? I-its stopped coming almost for a month now... FUCK SHIT!" Xiaoqi sudden realized it as Xiaoyun hands her the test.

"I-I be right back!" Xiaoqi ran up stair.

"Why was sister yelling so loud?" Yunyun woken up as Xiaoqi's ran upstairs.

"Yunyun... had you had your period?" Xiaoyun asked.

"I don't know, I haven't check the days yet. Let me take out my phone... I haven't had it for almost a month. I think I always have it a little late right?" Yunyun casually said it out loud not realizing anything.

"Um... Yunyun just take this." Xiaoyun hands her the test.

"This..." Yunyun face blushes as she understood what Xiaoyun was trying to say.

"I-I will be right back." Yunyun went upstairs as well.

"FUCK, there no way all three of them are... No fucking shot." Xiaoyun slapped himself in the face.

"You fucking dumbass, why didn't you use protection?" Xiaoyun slapped himself again.


After ten minute, the three walked back down.

"Um... Xiaoyun." All three of them looked extremely nervous.

"What is it? Just tell me. I am fine with whatever it is." Xiaoyun had accepted the fact during the ten minute self reflection.

The three lifted their test up.

"Fuck, of course this has to happen." Xiaoyun kicks the floor in frustration as all three of them was positive.

"Maybe I can go to city to get like um... pills?" Xiaoyun suddenly realized a way out.

"No that too dangerous. W-we had decided to keep it... as long as you don't mind." Yanyan spoke up.

"I'm fine with it. As long as you guys don't mind me give a wedding to you before your guys belly get too big." Xiaoyun joked back to lift up the mood.

"Hey don't say that! W-we can't let anyone know of this." The three nervously looked down.

"You know... its kinda of hard to hide this. Yezi and everyone is going to see you guys at some point. I'm serious about the wedding." Xiaoyun changed his tone to be fully serious.

"Y-you not afraid of the scandal?" Yanyan asked.

"Scandal? If anyone have problem with it, they can leave. Beside, its the apocalypse, and we consented it. I don't care what other people think." Xiaoyun walked closer to the three.

"W-we really can get a wedding?" Xiaoqi and Yunyun looked at Xiaoyun in excitement.

"Yes, I promise you that. Yanyan too." Xiaoyun added.

"Wait why me? I already married." Yanyan took a step back.

"You don't want to wear your wedding dress again? Beside, don't you want to be equal to your daughters in front of everyone?" Xiaoyun asked.

"I-I do..." Yanyan looked down in embarrassment as she said it.

"Come on mom, we don't mind it. Let marry together!" Xiaoqi and Yunyun brought Yanyan as the four group hugged.

"Um... what are you guys doing?" Xiaomi and Lily stood on the stairs.

"We are getting married!" Xiaoqi excitedly announced.

"You guys aren't hiding anymore? Oh..." Xiaomi noticed the three positive test on the table.


A week has passed since festival. Xiaoyun was sitting inside the security room with Yezi.

"W-wait you serious? You are marrying your mom and sisters? They all agreed to share you?" Yezi's face was in complete confusion.

"Yes, we had been in love since the outbreak." Xiaoyun replied.

"Didn't you said you were an orphan and just found them as the outbreak hits..." Yezi mumbled.

"Hm?" Xiaoyun couldn't hear what Yezi said.

"How about what other people think? I am fine with it." Yezi warned.

"If they don't like it, they can leave." Xiaoyun stated his intention.

"I-I guess... let me go call Lingang to make this easier for you guys." Yezi took out his phone.

"Hm?" Xiaoyun looked confused at Yezi.

"Better let him spread rumor first, then we can hear what people think and determine what to do. Do you think I'm just going to announce it to everyone that the leader is marrying his own family member out of nowhere?" Yezi dial Lingang's phone number.

"Hello Mr.Yezi."

"Can you come here for a second?"

"Yes sir."

Yezi hanged up the phone.

"Thank you." Xiaoyun bowed down Yezi.

"Don't worry about it, just go plan your wedding and tell me the date. I'll get everything sort out. I guess Yiyi won, love always prevail."

"What do you mean by that?" Xiaoyun asked in confusion.

"Well Yiyi predicted that you guys were in love from the way you guys acted around each other. I thought she was just being overly sensitive." Yezi replied.

"Oh... I am going to go now." Xiaoyun left the room.

"Sigh, always more work to do... Maybe I should start thinking about my own wedding with Yiyi." Yezi took out the picture in his wallet.


Another few days has passed, as Xiaoyun waved good morning to people going to work, he could hear people talking outside the field as he walked inside the security room.

"You heard? The leader is having an affairs with his mom?" One of the man whispered.

"What? I thought it was his sister Xiaoqi. I mean I don't blame him. You seen how hot little Qiqi looked? Don't tell my wife this, but I think I'm falling in love with her. She is so beautiful and nice when I traded the food stamp for food." The other men commented.

"Come on, wake up. She never going to like someone like you." One of the women laughed.

"Hey shut up! I can at least dream okay?" The man replied back.

"Wait what? I heard it was his twin sister Yunyun? She's always next to him and act almost like his body guard. One time I even saw her lift tree by herself. She's so strong and dominant... she is so attractive too." An fourth man chimed in.

"W-what if he married all three of them?" One of them sudden suggested.

"He would be so lucky! I wish I can marry just one of them and I will be satisfy. Miss Yanyan's look so young despite giving birth to four kids, and she teaching people how to grow food was so magnificent and noble. She perfectly my type." The first man replied.

"B-but aren't they r-related?" One of the women finally spoke out.

"So what? Its the apocalypse. Who's going to enforce the law? You? Or boss with the gun and food? Quite frankly, I would do it if I was him." One of the men spoke up.

"Hey, no chattering. It's time to get back to work." Qijian walked over and warned them.


"So what do you think?" Yezi asked.

"Um... its seem people don't care?" Xiaoyun scratched his head.

"People mindset has completely shifted since the outbreak. The only thing they care about is food and security. They can care less if you proclaim yourself to be a king as long as they keep getting what they need." Yezi responded back.

"Its like people... has less morals." Xiaoyun stated.

"I wouldn't say less morals... If you ever been in a war zone, people care about their basic need more than anything. If a dictatorship can mean all their basic need are met, they would all support it over some useless democracy." Yezi thought back to his smuggling days in the middle east.

"Anyway, you got an date for the wedding yet?" Yezi snapped back to the present.

"Yeah, they wanted to get marry before the month end, so two weeks from now." Xiaoyun replied.

"Okay, how about the layout and plans?"

"Here it is." Xiaoyun takes out a piece of paper from his jacket.

"Hm... yeah this is doable." Yezi put the paper down.

"Thank you Yezi. I can't imagine if I had to do this alone." Xiaoyun bowed down.

"No need to say thanks. We are brother you know. You saved me and its my duty to return the favor." Yezi lifted Xiaoyun back up and patted him on the shoulder.

"Anyway lets get back to business. So the store that Xiaoqi is running only offers food right now right?" Xiaoyun nodded in agreement.

"Some people are having too much food stamp but nothing to buy. They want to buy things that are not just basic needs."

"Okay just give me a list of what people want and I can try to stock it in the store. Assuming I had touched that item in the past." Xiaoyun didn't think much of it.

"Okay I'll ask Lingang to collect a list." Yezi wrote it down on the piece of paper.

"This isn't going to be a long term solution... It's only kicking the can further down the road. We need some other way to solve this inflation." Xiaoyun stated his worries as Yezi finish writing on the paper.

"We either lower their wage or increase the food price. But both of them is going to be noticeable and people might get mad, people had gotten used to the price at this point." Yezi gave his ideas.

"Hm... wait I got it! How about we charge rent? We literally own the most valuable thing in this town!" Xiaoyun sudden realized the best way to leech food stamp off of people.

"Genius idea, but whoever is going to implement that is going to get blasted... fine I guess I will do it." Xiaoyun handed Yezi's favorite wine that Yezi once showed him.

"Anything else?" Xiaoyun asked

"Oh right, I had been sending Qingtian to drove toward the city outskirt and you wouldn't believe what he saw." Yezi face over exaggerated in shock.

"What?" Xiaoyun was interested.

"A massive three meter tall zombie throwing rocks at buildings. It was like a hulk that isn't green, trying to break inside the entrance of a skyscraper."

"Did he got any picture of it?" Xiaoyun asked curiously.

"He was using a binocular, so he couldn't drive too close to it. What's worse however..." Yezi left a cliffhanger.

"What? Come on just say it. Don't leave me hanging like this." Xiaoyun was getting impatient.

"Well he saw an entire horde of zombies walking outward. So they are exiting the city."

"What! Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" Xiaoyun started to get worry.

"No need to be alerted, they are walking on the main road toward the highway. By the time Qingtian drove back, they already on the highway looking as he looked in his binocular."

"Whew, why you have to scare me like this." Xiaoyun punched Yezi on the shoulder.

"That what you get for making me the bad guy. Go away now." Yezi pushed Xiaoyun out of the security room.

All things always bit someone in the back... Xiaoyun getting a taste of his own medicine.

One bonus chapter down! 14 more to go. (Totally not shamelessly removing two chapter a day to fullfill the bonus chapters orz).

Edit:Bruh i just took a 5 hr break writing this chapter, and suddenly it went back up to 15?.... Smh thanks god I change it.

Anyway just picked my two classes. Now free until friday where I had to pick another two classes. Very cool class system (Sarcasm)(I hate it)(Why don't you just let us pick them all)

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