

The light that is in all of us and guides us. The light that no one dares go to at the end of the tunnel. The light that keeps us warm. The light above us. The light eternal

Penny_4thot · ファンタジー
1 Chs

The Beginning

Far away in the distant I saw a shimmering light fall to the lake . I didn't think nothing of it . My buddies, Andrew and Pam also didn't either. But my curious nature which always precedes my wisdom embarked me on this bold journey.

After walking endlessly we find ourselves at a cliff . Below it the bright light that drew us was in all its glory and awe. "Magnificent" Pam said . It was truly magnificent . What is this light

The light is eternal burning. Not mere words could be used to describe it. It came from the stars or the heavens Andrew said. I said it could be an asteroid. Pam corrected me and said you're wrong it can't be a meteor because it's still shining. We all stood there still gazing and wondering what it is then we heard it.

The Author is trying to get the readers interested. What is the light . And what did they hear . Whoever is telling the story has a story to tell

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