

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he therby become a monster. Zodd a "lucky" person who finds him and everything he was dragged into the world of monster's and demons.As they live among human society corrupting the world slowly with evil desires eating men,horrible acts of violence,any thing they want to do.Can he really continue living when his days are filled with violence and his night's restless filled with dread and destruction.His blood calling to the monsters non-stop,a delicacy to them.Though all hope is not lost for Zodd as something very ancient and powerfull favors him.Join Zodd on his Journy through hell and beyond. Authors note:check the chapter comments if there is a big event Or important story event I will add a personally hand drawn image to show the event like I intended if my words can not express it.

13 Chs

Night of the Red Sands 1

The helicopter blades wooshing in the air as the fleet of giant helicopters rises over the horizon.The desert sands glowing orange in the setting sun.

Control-*over radio*Approaching destination in t-2 min.Prime those weapons.

As the order is shouted from Control center,all Knights in the helicopters begin readying their weapons,putting their helmets on.


The sound of 40 knights dropping down onto the desert sand.Their heavy armor increasing their weight drastically.

Great Beast Knight Akun-Alright men,prepare for monster's.Word was a Collosus Worm made an appearance here as all of you know that means a Monster Lord is here or close.

They reach the giant gaping hole in the ground where Zodd and Aziel had jumped down into.Their Spartan Helicopter covered in sand.


They drop down into the hole.Landing onto mushy monster corpses.Their powerfull flashlights lighting up the cavern.

Knight Hokron-Jeez!Look at this ain't this something.

Knight Koran-Yes Brother,this nest is huge.

The army of Knights continues down the tunnels,blood soaked deep into the black goo in the ground.Hundreds of monster corpses all over the ground piled up.

Soon they come across the caved in floor.Looking down they see it splits into two half of them drop on each side the Great Beast Knight Akun drops down onto the right path.With 19 other Knights.


Hmmm there is something off about this place.For a Monster Lord to apear in a nest is unheard of.Of all the 26 Monster Lords killed throughout history.Each battle resulted in devastating casualties.

But here in such a lifeless tunnel system,It must have been here for something...someone.


I raise my fist as something comes crawling to us.The other Knight's aim their weapons at the thing coming out of the darkness.Groaning almost lifelessly.

After moment's in suspense it comes out.


I rush over to the man.His body torn and destroyed.Bones jutting out of his body.

How is this man still alive?

Only a Knight could have survived this,thats even if they got appropriate medical help quickly.

It has been 2 hours since Aziel called for a retreat.No word from him since and I heard there was a squire with him...could this have been him.



The man collapses on my arms.I can feel his heartbeat slowly fading away.

Akun-Jok get this this man back to the Evac point.He needs a medic...do anything to keep him alive!

Jok-Yes Commander!

He hurries off and takes the man,carrying him on the shoulder and rushing off away.


We continue down the tunnels,Everything looks normal for a nest destruction.Why was a Monster Lord here?

Something shimmers in the corner of my eye of a light.Walking over to it a chunk of golden metal.It's distinct pattern telling me It's uru...Aziel must have passed here.

We continue marching in the dead silence of the cavern,except for the sounds of corpses being crushed and the gooey ground squishing with everystep.

As we turn the corner a golden shimmering thing shines.

Akun-by the king!!!!

You could hear all the other Knights at the same time gasp in suprise,their guns darting onto the giant mountain of Monster...Monster Lord.

Akun-Hold Steady!!

Cautiously I approach the golden axe embedded into the Monster's Head.As I get closer I see brain matter soaked in the black blood of the monster.

By the king,did Aziel really defeat this Monster Lord.

One hasn't been killed in at least 2,000 years.This is also probably the biggest one ever killed!It's size is unheard of.

I knew he was good but this good wow...Aziel really is something!

As the Knights look and inspect the corpse.I examine the area.In search for Aziel.Just then something shimmers behind a mound of corpses.As I match through it moving piles of monsters put the way.


How could this had happened if He killed the Monster Lord!

His armor scattered everywhere and destroyed.His body on it's knees hunched over headless.

He broke the seal!And became Beast!


Nothing...his body lays motionless as I walk over to it.Lifting him with my arms and grabbing his head.

Aziel who lived for a long time,A great Knight who taught me when I was younger.

My heart trully dims a little after losing a brother.Those memories I had,battles we fought together in all gone now.

Just what exactly happened here?

Akun-*over radio*Great Beast Knight Aziel is dead...yes...Evacuation requested...yes.

I walk over to my brothers and we continue marching back.The silence seems to be even more unbearable.I've had brothers die right in front of me before.Yet now one I had known all my life,to see them in such a state...it hurts.All the more reason to continue fighting this evil.So that none may deal with such monsters.

Control-*over radio*There seems to be some seismic activity nearby.I would advise you move faster and leave before it caves in.

Akun-*over radio*Yes understood.

8:35 PM


I leap out the hole the other Knights following.

I make way to the Spartan Helicopter I landed in.It's black steel almost blending in the darkness of night.I lay Aziel down strapping his corpse down and placing his head in his hands.

As I board the Spartan the ground begins to rumble.


The giant armor plated worm erupts from the ground.



It crushes a Helicopter,destroying the pilot as a Knight leaps out.It continues on it's pathos destruction destroying helicopters.


I jump out of my helicopter,slamming the door shut and telling them to take off

As they take off blowing sand everywhere.I can only think that this is going to get really bad.

Fucking Worm!