
Zieg's quest to punch Odin's face

After getting hit by a truck again, Zieg decides to keep his word to punch Odin in the face.

dervishscyth · アニメ·コミックス
49 Chs

Losing a bet

With the new true god, Tet. Claiming control of the Suniaster. Changes were immediately made to the war-torn world.

The bleached red sky had cleared. Warm sunlight bathed the world in it's radiance. The black ash that had ruined the world disappeared, leaving life in their place.

To all people around the world, this signalled the true end of the eternal war.

Zieg stood atop Avant Heim. Tired beyond belief. He was truly exhausted after everything that happened. From keeping his body in a weakened state and enduring pain for 3 years. To taking the combined attacks of both the Elves and the Dwarves super weapons. To clashing head on with Artosh's most powerful attack.

He had to quickly send Draig and Albion to rest with Kokabiel. The two had been forced to use much of their power with bodies still unfit for battle at the moment.

He felt like he would drop dead. But oddly enough it was a good feeling to him as he looked at the lolified Flugels around the place.

An interesting fact about the Flugels. When a Flugel uses Heavenly Smite or Godly Smite at full power. They are left in a weakened state, with their appearance regressing into a child. In the past Zieg had actually seen this happen a few times, but never had the time to take a look up close.


Despite his complete exhaustion, he swung around a bunch of the child-sized Flugels in his arms. Gushing at their tiny adorable frames.

"Waahhh! Let me down! Nyaa!!!"

The loli form of Azril who was caught in his arms along with about 8 of her other sisters were beginning to get dizzy from being spun around by the man.

"Hm?" He suddenly stopped, noticing a voice coming from the skies.

[No one created you. No one wished for you. And no one asked for you. Purely of your own will, you went from beasts to walking on two legs.]

The voice of Tet, the true god of the new world began to make his speech.

[Attaining knowledge and becoming what you are today. A nameless race, who called themselves humans. But I, the one true god shall give you a name.]


"The fuck!?" Zieg was actually annoyed. 'What was the point of changing what was already there!?' Were his thoughts. He actually wanted to go complain to this new god.

[To all Ixseed, the self appointed sentient races!]

If Tet actually heard of Zieg's annoyance, he didn't show it.

[First, there was Achete, to honor the fallen. Then Aschent, for consent between races. But now you will use Aschente. As of this day, the world will be forever changed!]

All of a sudden. 10 covenants, in the form of world laws appeared within Zieg's mind. This wasn't simple compulsion to follow them, this was the world itself acting on these new appointed rules. Something Zieg knew even gods couldn't go against, let alone himself.

1. All murder, war, and robbery are forbidden in this world.

2. All conflict in this world will be resolved through games.

3. In games, each player will bet something that they agree is of equal value.

4. As long as it doesn't violate pledge three, anything may be bet, and any game may be played.

5. The challenged party has the right to decide the rules of the game.

6. Any bet made in accordance with the pledges must be upheld.

7. Conflicts between groups will be conducted by designated representatives with absolute authority.

8. Being caught cheating during a game is grounds for an instant loss.

9. In the name of god, the previous rules may never be changed.

10. Let's all have fun and play together!

He felt it. The life of the world shifting in accordance to these new rules.

"Well, at least I won't be here for that." Zieg smiled tiredly, dropping the small Flugels on the ground. Deciding to make his way to the throne to grab his spear.

It would be a world without thrill of battle and violence of war. Obviously he wouldn't stay in a world without those. As a person, he was someone who thrived on war and bloodshed. Although the world would seem interesting in another sense, he felt like he wouldn't do well. He sucked at games and bets that didn't involve murdering each other.

"Nnng, where do you think you're going nyah!?"

"Grabbing my spear and leaving. A world without war just isn't for me."

For some reason, he was being followed by all the Flugels who couldn't do anything to him as they were all in their loli forms. But even if they weren't the new 10 covenants would stop them, since they were beginning to spread across the world.

Reaching the throne room, unimpeded. He saw it. Artosh's muscular figure, seated on his throne. The Gae Bolg pierced through his chest. He was quite the hulk of a man. If he was standing, then he would be double the height of a regular man. He had bulging muscles, a black beard and 18 wings on his back that draped over like a feathered cape.


Some of the Flugels actually began to cry at the sight of their lord, father, creator. His eyes were closed, a peaceful visage on his countenance. A smile remained on him, as if he had a great time.

"Thank you. Without your presence lording over me all these years, I wouldn't have been able to find the resolve to breakthrough my limits."

Zieg stood in front of the god seated on his throne and thanked him sincerely. It could be said, that without an opponent to stimulate his potential, Zieg wouldn't have been able to become as strong as he was now. He actually felt a bit melancholy, to lose such a great opponent.

Reaching out for his spear, he failed to pull it out.

"What the...?"

At the other end of the god slaying spear, Artosh's hand had gripped it. Stopping Zieg from pulling it out. He jumped back, completely astonished at the fact that he was still alive.


Some of the Flugels had cried out in joy. Artosh opened his eyes, revealing his bright golden pupils. However he didn't pay any heed to his creations, instead he stared deeply into Zieg's eyes.

*Shrnk sfx* With a single tug. He dislodged the barbed spear from his torso. Not a single grunt of discomfort made. The war god held the spear close to him. Examining it closely, as if to not miss any minute detail.

Then a pulse of divine power exuded from him and the Gae bolg's color shifted to a slightly darker tone. Zieg watched quietly, not wanting to make any sudden moves.

Artosh tossed the spear back to Zieg, he easily caught it in his hand. He looked at the man with confusion as he stood from his throne.

"That was two attacks."

Were the first words to be spoken to him. It was the first words, Zieg had ever heard Artosh speak to his face.

"You lost."

It took Zieg a moment to process his words. Then realization hit him, forcing him to let out a weary sigh.

"You're that petty?"

"Were your words false?"

Before, Zieg had said the words. "This is my first bet as an Elden Lord! I'll end this here, with one attack!" And Artosh heard them clearly. Zieg had used two attacks.

"...No, fine I admit my loss. Want a prize?"


Artosh immediately nodded to the question, the sarcasm being completely lost on him. Zieg was legitimately speechless at that, so speechless that he didn't even react when Artosh raised 3 fingers.

"One, take care of my daughters." Artosh listed his first demand.

"...Isn't that unfair to them? Not even going to give them a chance?"

Surprisingly Zieg argued with that. He rationalized that Artosh knew that the Flugels only thought of themselves as tools of war. Tools with no master would be lost, they might even kill themselves. Keeping them from falling into despair was what he thought Artosh was asking for.

"Will you refuse the demands of the victor?"

"..I won't, but give them some time first. I'll come back one day and if they haven't found an answer yet, I'll take care of them. You hear me back there!?" Zieg turned and shouted back to the mob of mini Flugels who watched their interaction silently.

The reason he was entertaining his demands, were that he was the type of guy to do what he said. He made a bet, and failed to win that bet. As the loser it was only natural for him to listen to the victor, as long as the demands weren't too insane. Plus, he sort of empathized with Artosh. He felt like it was nice that he would be worried about his children after his death.

He could see the god was clearly going to die soon. A god of war, in a world without any war and chaos. Even if he didn't die, Artosh would undoubtedly disappear since he was a god birthed from the world conceptually based on the concept of war.

"Very well." Artosh nodded to the arrangement. He knew Zieg would keep his word and come back to the world and keep his word if needed.

"Two. Call me father."


Zieg was truly dumbfounded, confused, muddleheaded and honestly didn't understand what the hell was going on anymore. After the second demand, he immediately thought back to the first demand and thought of something horrifying.

'Did this guy just betroth his daughters to me!? DID I JUST AGREE TO MARRY ALL THE FLUGELS!?'

Color drained from his face. He had gotten Artosh's intentions wrong. He thought Artosh was just worried about the Flugels being incapable of surviving in a reality without their god. When in reality this was some sort of crazy shotgun wedding.

"...May I ask why?"

"I just believed that if I were to ever have a son. Then you would have been it."

"...You know what, considering the fact that my actual father is the shittiest person I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. Fine, hello dad."

Zieg crossed his arms and accepted it. Mainly out of spite for his actual father of this current life, Jacques.

Strangely enough, after being called dad. Artosh looked even brighter than before.

"Three. Accompany me to my last moments." Artosh stated, raising up his fists.

"We won't have much time. The world laws are shifting as we speak."

Zieg felt the world laws shifting in accordance to the new god's wills. It wouldn't be long before they were incapable of resisting it.

"Then we have no time to waste."

"I guess not. Alright, BRING IT!"

Zieg laughed, rushing straight at the dying god with a fist cocked back. The two would punch each other till death.

"I am beginning to question my intelligence of deciding to throw hands with a god of war." I grumbled, laying in the bed. Completely bruised all over.

"Only now? A bit late don't you think?"

"We've tried to tell you, but you just never listened."

I ignored Draig and Albion's snark as they layed beside me on the bed. They were still exhausted from the battle, so we were all forced to recuperate.

I got into a bloody fist fight with Artosh until he died and completely vanished into nothingness. It was sort of awkward being watched by the Flugels. Considering they just watched me duke it out in a messy slug fest with their god.

Despite being there for the entire conversation. None of the Flugels made any objections. Even as I was leaving, they didn't look at me with hatred which was surprising. They were just lost, and some actually wanted to follow me anyway. I told them again that I would return if they couldn't find a reason to live without their god.

After that I left without any fanfare. I'll keep my word and come back to this world in the near future and check on them.