

Auo stood dumbfounded.

'Sh*t. I have to actually partake in this. I could sit on the sidelines but then one team would have nine members. The game may be stopped and, judging from others' determined looks, a riot may ensue.'

Auo sighed and placed his hand on his forehead, he was starting to get a headache. Noticing this Becker lay a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry mate, it's just a game."

Auo gritted his teeth, it seemed like this was more than just " a game".

'They must be testing us and our abilities now to see whether we're fit for war. Should I purposefully fail the test? No, that wouldn't work, they would notice and I might have to do another test. I'll give my half instead of my all and hopefully that will be enough to get me out of here.'

"Hey! Blue haired kid!"

The boy who called was of average height, had blonde hair, crimson eyes, braces, and a bony body.

"Let's be teammates. I'm Bryan, that's Ash, this is Logan, and this is Johnathan. I can run pretty fast and so can Logan. Ash and Johnathan are more average players, but they can hold their game. What do you say?"

Ash was a short boy, possibly 4'11, and had short curly green hair. He had a slight gap between his two front teeth and a gray tooth. Johnathan was a tall boy, around 6', with fiery red hair and burning red eyes. Logan was of average height, had blue hair, yellow eyes, and a scrawny build.

"We just need two more people now. Sh*t we only have fifteen seconds left!" Marcus cried out.

"Three actually, this girl isn't on your team, right?" Ash said while pointing to Ahira

"What?" Ni asked, in his lazy voice.

"I mean, look at her. No offense girly but you're kinda fat and I'm sure all that weight won't make you any faster."

"Listen you motherf*cker. You were the one who decided to come and join our team, not the other way around. If you don't like her then you can leave!" Ni growled.

Even though he had just met Ahira that morning they had a great conversation and were more alike than they were different. The fact that someone who hadn't even gotten the chance to meet and understand Ahira irked him greatly, especially since she was a soft spoken person.

"Woah, feisty. My bad, I didn't know she was your girl," Ash replied.

Before Ni could refute the outrageous claim, two girls had approached the group of eight.

"Excuse me, may we join your team?" The girl with orange hair asked.

"Yes, we need more diversity anyway," Ni acknowledged.

Ash rolled his eyes and did a double take of the girls.

Orange hair was short with a busty chest and light curves. Her skin tone was dark olive and she had heart shaped lips and a mole on the center of her forehead. Black hair was of average height, had luscious curves despite her chest being below average and a perky behind. She had freckles across her face and a small birthmark on the side of her face. They were Ash's type.

"I'm Smilia," orange hair began, "and this is Ha Eun."

"Nice to meet you." Auo said.

The timer beeped and Alix called for everyone's attention.

Becker, who had walked over to talk to Lenix, had come back from his endeavors and joined the group of ten.

"Glad to see we were able to form teams on such short notice. Administrators, I need four of you to pick a team, you will be the coaches. The rest of you stand at the sidelines to be the referee's"

Since Beck was already with one team only three volunteered to be coaches. Mosco was the coach of the team where Lyca, Mirna, and Kelya were on. Lerri, a man with long squash colored hair that sat on top of his head, went on the more athletic looking team, while Maxine, a man with bronze short hair went on the remaining team.

"Coaches, please take your team to an endzone. Once you've arrived, there will be ten colorful jersey's. Whatever the color the jersey is at the end zone, that is what your team's color will be."

While the patients were busy forming their teams the layout of the room had changed. There were now small hills and lines painted across the grass to mark an end zone. In some places the grass was wet or had holes. Auo was impressed with the sheer amount of detail and took note.

'Before this field was flat as a chalkboard and now the ground has more texture to it. Alix must have controlled the room with his Minc phone while we were busy looking for teammates. Is this the power of an administrator, with a click on the phone an entire room can change?"

Snapping out of his thoughts, Auo realized that his teammates were walking towards the far right corner of the field, he jogged to catch up with them.

"Uh, Beck, why are we going to the end zone with a hill?" Marcus put forth.

"Strategy mate. After all of that running to get down here any person from the other team will be too tired to run up the hill."

"What about us, when we get a flag, we'll be too tired to run up the hill too!" Ash shouted.

'Such simpletons.' Auo thought

"One of us should stand at the halfway point of the hill. Once one of us gets a flag we'll run as far as we can up the hill while the other reaches towards it to deliver to our flag keeper." Auo commented.

"I was just thinking the same thing!" Bryan expressed.

"Who will be our flag keeper?" Johnathan questioned.

"I'll do it," Auo answered a bit too quickly.

Ash shook his head.

"I honestly think you should be one of the guards," Ash started, "let the girl be the flag keeper so we have less of the chance of failing."

Auo sighed.

Ni frowned.

"The girl has a name," he said calmly.

Ash glared at Ni.

"Oh, you haven't given us your names yet!" Bryan pointed out.

"I'm Auo, this is Marcus, that's Ni, and that's Ahira."

"Nice to officially meet you," Bryan intoned.

"What're your names?" Smilia asked while looking at the four boys.

"I'm Ash, this is Bryan, this is Johnathan and that's Logan, nice to meet you," he said while smiling.

"I don't like your attitude." Ha Eun said.

Ash's smile faltered.


"I know you heard me so why are you saying what? You seem to treat women like objects."

'What a quick analysis. Not only does she have looks but she's intelligent as well. What was her name again? Ha Eun? I wonder what that means in Korean. When I get to the library today, if I have time, I should start studying Korean.'

"You flat chested b*tch. You have no respect huh?"