
Bab 22

The sound of rushing water awakens me. Opening my eyes reveal that I am underwater but rapidly ascending to the surface. So severe is the water pressure that I am instantly flattened against my ship which has been fully summoned and is in its true form. 

Now nearing the surface I brace myself and soon after, find myself weightless as my ship bursts forth from underwater. The resulting explosion of liquid sends shockwaves blasting off in all directions which I can clearly see from the height it tosses me. Fully aware that I am most certainly going to fall, I try to prevent myself from hitting the deck but I can't seem to transform. What's happening?

My eyes dart open right as I am about to hit the deck. Was it all a dream? Sitting up, I look around to find I am indeed on my carrier's deck but the others are nowhere to be found. Still dazed, I stand and begin making my way to the bridge but on the way there, I feel my connection to my ship return and become instantly aware that I am nowhere near Iris Libre. Furthermore, all my aircraft that had been deployed during the battle are now safely tucked away below deck. 

Not fully comprehending my situation, I continue making my way to the bridge. I need to confirm if the data I am receiving is correct. Surely I can't be back in the Pacific Ocean. Did that girl who attacked me cause this? I have so many questions but they are all seemingly answered when I am suddenly reconnected to my previous country's network. With such a large influx of data now flooding into my head, I fall, clutching my head in agony. It's too much! 

????: [Where are they attacking from?]

????: [We can't tell. Our radars aren't detecting any ships.]

????: [Don't force an engagement. If they want to attack our fleet let them come. We're perfectly within the range of our land forces and will be better equipped to handle their threats with their assistance.]

????: [Sir!]

As the influx of data finally slows down, I manage to finally stand once more and make it over to the walls of my island before crashing to the ground. Using my seemingly last remaining strength, I force myself into a sitting position, using the wall as support but as I do, my ship's AA gun's fire up. 


Three incoming missiles explode, knocking me out of my stupor. I'm under attack! There's no time to waste. Standing, I am surprised to see an entire American Fleet practically right next to me. How did I miss them before? They fire more missiles at my ship but my AA guns, apparently still possessing the power of my KANSEN form, easily shoot them down. Still, if they are this determined to sink my carrier again, I won't go down without a fight.

Me: [Return fire!] 

The 6 HQ-10s (18 Cell Missile system) I have, turn to face their ships and all begin firing. Now under a full barrage, the ships that had been attacking me are forced to switch tactics and begin taking a defensive stance. Using the breathing room gained, I have my planes begin preparing to launch but they're taking a while to arrive on deck.

Deciding to try another approach, I again try changing forms but much like the dream I had, I am unable to do so. Does that mean it wasn't a dream? I'm thinking about this when my HQ-10s finally stop firing, needing to reload. Now, no longer under fire, the nearest ships begin targeting me again, however, they've learnt from their earlier mistake and instead of using missiles, begin turning their gun turrets towards me. With no other alternative, I resort to the only ace I have in my deck.

Me: [This is PLAN carrier Zhejiang requesting immediate support! I am under heavy fire from American ships off the coast of the Philippines and require immediate assistance!]

There's a brief pause in communications before everything seems to explode into utter chaos. The sheer confusion and disbelief coming from allied forces are so overwhelming it almost causes me to burst out in laughter. 

????: [Zhejiang? Didn't we lose that ship?]

????: [It's a trick to get us to move our forces away from our coast and out from under our land-based protection.]

????: [Sir! It's showing up. That might actually be the Zhejiang!]

????: [Don't be silly, soldier. I personally saw to it that every last living being on that ship evacuated. Even if that's the Zhejiang, there's no way for anyone to be on board to contact us!]

????: [This is Dragon Squadron. We're nearby on patrol and are requesting permission to visually confirm.]

????: [Granted! Find out what's really happening here!]

As they continue bickering about what to do, the first shells from the enemy arrive but do seemingly little against my armour. What's more, the first six of my planes have finally made it onto the flight deck and are quickly moving into position. 

The minute they lock-in, I have them launch. There's no time to waste. Luckily there doesn't seem to be a carrier in their group and they don't seem to have air support. This means that I still have a chance but the longer I wait around, the lesser my chances become. 

????: [This is Dragon Squadron! It's the Zhejiang sir! It really is the Zhejiang!]

????: [Are you sure so-]

????: [I'd put my life on it! I'd know our ship anywhere! She's just as I remember! Wait...she's launching fighters! Requesting to provide assistance!]

????: [Granted! Hold the enemy at bay! Don't allow them to sink her again, do you understand!]

????: [Don't worry admiral. I'll never watch that ship fall again!]

????: [To all naval forces nearby; make your way towards these coordinates as quickly as possible. Our capital ship is under attack and must be rescued at all costs!]

????: [Sir, I think this is the fleet that was attacking us from range.]

????: [Then that's even better. Don't allow a single ship to leave the battlefield. You'll be receiving reinforcements from our nearby airbases shortly. Hold out till then but prioritize protecting the Zhejiang.]

With the assistance of Dragon Squadron, the six planes that have already been launched from my flight deck manage to halt the enemy's bombardment of my ship and just in time too. With their AA guns now occupied fending off missiles from my aircraft, there's no way they'll be able to defend against my HQ-10s.

Me: [Fire!]

Sure enough, the destroyers on the outskirts of their formation all get hit successfully as their AA defence gets overwhelmed. At the same time, I manage to launch another 4 planes but before they can join the fight, reinforcements do indeed arrive. Watching from my bridge, I easily make out the incoming aircraft. They are J-20s and their arrival finally forces the American fleet to disengage. They still haven't lost a single ship, however, even while under constant attack from my missiles. 

????: [You're here. Perfect. Don't let a single one escape.]

As my planes return to rearm, the arriving J-20s begin opening fire on the retreating ships. They prioritize those already damaged from my attack and easily stop them in their tracks before successfully sinking one of the destroyers. The others return fire with missiles of their own and a few aircraft get hit but their pilots eject safely. Despite these losses, however, the airforce is relentless in their attack and as more of their planes get shot down, they renew their attack. They really do seem very determined to not let a single ship escape.

It takes some time, but eventually, with more and more aircraft arriving and the first ships arriving on the horizon, the enemy fleet finally surrenders. I guess they figure it'd be better to not lose both ships and experienced crew needlessly but the fighters are having none of it and continue their attack, even going as far as to carpet bomb their position. With no other option, they begin evacuating the ships as they begin tipping to the side. With the battle seemingly over, I slump into a nearby chair, utterly exhausted though not sure why.

Soon after, the first ships arrive and with them, a carrier that looks almost exactly like mine. They radio that they'll be boarding but I'm too weak to even respond. As this new carrier pulls up, alongside mine, it comes to a halt and helicopters begin ferrying people from its deck to mine. As the first helicopter lands, I immediately recognize the first person to disembark. She was the admiral on board my ship before. She's quickly followed by the captain, who falls to his knees and kisses the deck, seemingly overjoyed to see it again. 

[Diagnostic check complete. All systems are semi-operational. Warning, system reboot commencing in five minutes.]

Both make straight for the bridge as armed personnel disembark and begin looking to secure the ship. They all seem a bit taken aback by the fact that there's no one in the planes on my deck or seemingly on the ship at all but the two don't waste any time heading my way. 

When they arrive at the door, however, they both seem surprised to see me there. I don't know how I look but whatever the admiral sees certainly isn't good as she backs off her cloak and rushes to wrap me up. As she does, their names finally return to my memory.

Admiral: Don't push yourself. You're safe now. Is there anyone else on board?

Me: Liang...

My voice is weak but they both hear me clearly. Shock written over their faces, the captain rushes forward, perhaps to question me but as he does, my vision goes dark.

[System reboot, now commencing. All systems will be momentarily disabled.]