

Lightto is on a quest to recover his memories of his past on the way he must help a runaway princess get to the City of Zazel while being on pursuit by the Infamous mercenary band know as Zeven. (formerly Known as Lightto's Quest)

SinisterEvil · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Lightto Rapunzel, Witch Sword

In the Dark Forest near a river bank nine years ago a young Lightto was found by a witch named Rain she had blue hair, purple eyes and pale skins she wore robes when she found Lightto. Rain then says, "a human boy he seems to be still alive he seem to feel I can't just leave him there." Rain then brings Lightto then brings him to her clinic since she was a doctor. She took care of him till he woke up after a week. Rain then says, "alright sweetie now then do you know where you live." Lightto then says, "no...I don't even know my own name." Lightto then says, "after I fell off the airship I woke up with Amnesia but miss rain took pity on me and stay with her I went to school with other witches and learn there ways School for witches is quiet different they finish at age of ten due to magic after that I trained to be a guard I wanted to protected them I would become closes friends with the Queen's Daughter her name is Lulu till one day I summoned to see the queen." a fourteen year old Lightto and Rain come to the throne room to see the Queen and Lulu. Lightto then says nervously, "you wanted to see me ma'am." The Queen then says, "please dear your in trouble." Lightto then says, "okay what is it then." the Queen then says, "Lulu you can ask him now." Lulu then says, "okay hey Light." Lightto then says, "yes Lulu." Lulu then says, "will you marry me." Lightto then seems shocked and says, "wait um why me I'm the only human in the village and I barely know who I am." Lulu then says, "why not you kind and a nice person." Lightto then says, "well if you want me to marry you then fine." Lightto then says, "witches marry at a young age when the female witch ask the male even though they live a long life span It was long after my wedding with Lulu my memory returned around my sixteen birthday."

Lightto then was at manor then says, "Lulu I finally have my memory back." The Queen then says, "for real so who are you." Lightto then says, "I'm Lightto Rapunzel from Zazel." The Queen then says, "Rapunzel are you part of the Zazel Royal Family." Lightto then says, "yes my father is King Luto Rapunzel." Lulu then says, "this is great Lightto." The Queen then says, "so what you plan to do my dear." Lightto then says, "well I need to return to Zazel my parent haven't seen me in eight years." The Queen then says, "I see then well you should go."

Lightto then says, "then something strange happened a creature came from my shadow and attack a witch and ate there leg off so I decide to leave the forest and gave myself a hex as atonement for what I did even though the guy didn't blame me for it I felt I need to take responsibility I left for letter to tell her what going on."

Lightto then says, "so that the jest of it." Lynch then says, "of course a tragic love story let me get my hanky out." Lynch gets a bandanna out of his pocket and cries into it. Lulu then says, "it okay." Lynch then says, "oh okay." Lulu then says, "what he fine." Lightto then says, "he a bit of a clown." Diablous then says, "so you were the prince after all." Izor then says, "your shadow attacks people." Lightto then says, "well not lately it just happened once so far." Izor then says, "did it have a red eye." Lightto then says, "wait did you see it." Izor then says, "it blink I think." Lightto then taps his foot on his shadow and two red eyes come up. The Queen then says, "it a beast of unknown to us but it seems to connected to Lightto somehow." The Beast then comes up out of the shadow it had a huge jaw with red eyes. Lightto then says, "it's a strange one but it can be controlled." Lynch then says, "it like a dog hey boy..." Lynch then feels a strange pain in his chest even Soma, Izor and Lightto felt it. The beast goes down back into Lightto's shadow. Diablous then says, "you okay Lynch." Lynch then says, "yeah." Lynch then thinks, "it's like I seen that beast before but it the first I seen it." Lightto then thinks, "man I have this feeling that I'm starving out of no where."