
Zero Point

After a road accident ,a 15 year old boy finds himself in purgatory with no memories of his past life at all. He meets a mysterious white man, which sends him into another world. There he is given the name "Jordan Glowthorne", learns about the world around him. However, there might be more to the world than he was told.

Ra1jinZ · ファンタジー
8 Chs


"So I heard you were looking for me,huh?! Well,here I am!"

Well,I can't say I was expecting this,at all. The flame elemental was standing before my eyes,both of his hands being engulfed in uncontrolled orange flames. He was wearing a brown jacket with nothing underneath,and saggy looking white pants. He raised his hands to try and shoot me with his flames,and I would be burnt toast if I didn't do anything.

"Hold up! I'm not your enemy!" I said to him,holding my hands in the air.

"Look!I'm like you-",I tried to say to him while showing him my tattoo, but before I was even able to finish my sentence,he had sent an entire wave of flames my way. Luckily,I was able to roll out of the way,but still got my knee burnt.

"I don't want to fight you,man!" I shouted over to the guy,but it was futile. It was like he was mad at me or something, but I have no idea what he's mad at me for. But then again, with the persistence of my efforts to find him, I guess he thinks I'm the government trying to make him a weapon or something? Anyhow, I had to make him settle. While I was training with Neytmir,I developed my own technique. One that he described as "impossible for any normal person to do," but I guess I'm able to pull it off with my lightning elemental genes or cells,or..whatever.

"Blade Art: Dashing Cut."

I placed my hand on the handle of my sword,looking up at the flame elemental in front of me. As I breathed,I waited for the moment where he brought his hand up to blast me,and as that moment struck,so did I. I dashed into the man at inhuman speeds,placing my blade underneath his arm,and the tip of the blade resting at his throat. I didn't want to kill him,but if he tried to attack me again I would've probably sliced his arm and knocked him out with the handle of my sword.

"Like I said,I don't have any intention of fighting you. Just hear me out for a second,goddammit."

"If you're not here to hunt me down,then who the hell are you?"

I let out a sigh of relief. It seems like the fighting had finally ended.

"An ally."