
Zero’s click

A man named zero, that was placed in the white cube

Lelan_Jones · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Zero’s first appearance

<p>He opened his eyes, All that man saw was white Not a single speck of black was seen. No resemblance of life was seen, no sound, Not Even his breathing was heard.<br/><br/>He looked around and there was nothing the only color that man saw was himself, he was standing on a white surface that seem to make him float. No other humans, no life nothing he was completely alone.<br/><br/>He began to think whatever was happening wasn't real. Then a black Like screen appeared before his eyes the first words he saw was a name. "Zero" he pondered, what is the meaning in the name zero why is there only a word there zero. The black screen then translated words that Said "hello zero Welcome to "white room" you are the very first to experience this" the man was surprised his name is zero? Why was he named that, he can't remember anything, who is he, why is he here the only thing he knows about himself is he is "human". He quickly accepted his name it felt natural, his instincts were telling him to listen to this black screen. Everything that has happened so far is unnatural so zero pushed forward and accepted reality.<br/><br/>"Im joyful that you have accepted this situation, Great then if you want to get out of this room please just follow my instructions" zero read Everything, quickly nodding "the first mission I would like for you to do is create fire" zero was completely shocked how was he supposed to create fire when there wasn't a single object in this room. Zero told the black screen " but I can't I have nothing to create fire, please tell me what should I do" the black screen quickly added "there is nothing I can do to help you. I wish you luck bye for now" the black screen disappeared and zero was left standing there by himself. <br/><br/>Zero thought in every way to create fire rubbing his hands together, his shoes together. But he couldn't find any way to create fire, zero started to lose Hope in all of his actions there was nothing he could do now. He laid down on his back completely hopeless. His thoughts were racing Across his head, he thought of every idea to create fire but all of them required an object. He Even thought of imagining it shooting the fire out of his hand. Time slowly passed turning into 1 month of being stuck in the white room. His Hope was drain, Zero's eyes were beginning to drain, he has tried everything to Even meditating. Zero feels like his mind is breaking, So much stress overtaking his body.He slowly Fell asleep….<br/><br/></p>