
Zenith Season 2 Morn kunthea+meng lu

In a civilized society with colorful lights, many aspects of the story we already know, there are good and bad parts that happen every day. Like some murders that ordinary police can not solve and murders that do not come from the work of ordinary people. A group of terrorists who hunt people for entertainment and food. They are known as the Black Blood, a group of mysterious assassins. But no-one know what they look like and where they live. Of course, due to the presence of a group of bad guys with special spiritual powers, there are also royal police officers who are active in resolving those cases. But some difficult cases are not immediately resolved by the police. Therefore, if any relatives of the victims want to get information about the specific cause of the murder and the crime, they can use a special service to hire a private detective agency called zenith. The zenith group was contacted through a telephone system with the number 00 and the voice of a woman answering the phone. The voice of the automatic machine will tell you to dial 1 or 2 to use the service you need. If you dial 1, your number will be redirected to the normal media service area. But if you choose 2 numbers as a special service, you hear people telling you where to make an appointment. The zenith is a group of people with special powers and originated from a mysterious aristocracy with the backing of special civil servants behind their backs. The bloodthirsty Wright, and a gamble by life begins. Zenith The zenith is an imaginary point directly "above" a particular location, on the imaginary celestial sphere. "Above" means in the vertical direction (plumb line) opposite to the gravity direction at that location (nadir). The zenith is the "highest" point on the celestial sphere. The formation of the zenith team is made up of a special group of people with the same views and ideas, adhering to the success and high level of progress. The group works privately with the government to hunt down black blood terrorists. Zenith teams Grandpa Kira Lexi Eisuke (永祐 ) Yamada Mimi Sara ( 冴咲 ) Aiyaka Wan Fei Jin&Lin Officer dealers Kentaro Sen & Ayaka Monster Leader of monster Hatachi Monster girl OZ Monster girl OV Monster girl OJ Monster boy OG Monster girl OS Monster girl OA Monster girl OW Monster girl OB Monster girl OQ Monster boy OY

Mayumi_Mk · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Special dance club * Episode two * Mission holder (Jin & Lin ) * Monster OV

* After the Meiji Restoration at 1868, the young people of Japan, who sought for new cultures under the auspices of modernity, longed for such Western cultural forms as the opera. Many talents participated in the Iwakura Embassy (the leaders of early modern Japan), which was dispatched to learn the new ways of the societies and cultures of the West at 1871. Advertising brochures were distributed by a group of boys hired by the Media Association of a well-known newspaper. In the flyer, there is advertising of dance classes opened by well-known dance teachers who have just retired. she has also won numerous gold medals in national dance competitions or international dance competitions. which made her name famous across the country when she was a dancer. Even though she retires, she still has a good reputation and many students have trained in her class, and for the next generation, she will be teaching waltz dance to students who enroll with her. (Waltz, (from German walzen, "to revolve"), highly popular ballroom dance evolve from the Landler in the 18th century. Characterized by a step, slide, and step in 3/4 time, the waltz, with its turning, embracing couples, at first shocked polite society. It became the ballroom dance par excellence of the 19th century, however, and tenaciously maintained its popularity in the 20th.)

* The screams of all the student dancers are locked in the room as their dance teacher walks up to grab a fruit knife from the table to kill them like psychopaths. There was a student who can escape and run out of the building with a serious shoulder injury. She was rescued by a security guard and rushed to a nearby hospital. then the security guard was immediately contacted with the police. When Sen's police officers arrived at the dance class, they found the corpses of many students and a teacher whose criminal committed suicide by cutting her neck and taking the bulldozer cut on her arms and legs with knife looked so scared.

* Sen and Ayaka police asked a close murderer friend for her daily information. They said the dance teacher was nice and gentle, never being violent with anyone. Hence, they still surprised that their friend can do it. The police officers who were guarding the victim come to tell them that the victim has woken up. then the sen and ayaka police rushed to ask the victim for information. The victims, who were pale, told them in a shaky voice that on the day of the incident their dance troupe had danced mistakes several times without knowing why they did not get along as usual. So their teacher gave them a break and sat down to listen to the music, suddenly she turned off the music, locked the door and took a knife to kill them. And she remembers that at that moment her teacher was very strong and her eyes were turning frightening red, screaming at them like useless and impatient students. She doesn't know why the teacher got so cruel immediately, as she never showed scary behavior and yelling at the students. Sen and Ayaka police recorded details of the victim. suddenly the victim had a sprained ankle and bleeding her eyes, caused them to call a doctor for help quickly. the victim mother whose stand by her bed is unconscious after her daughter change like this. the symptoms curse on victim, Sen and the ayaka police knew it must have been the work of a black-blooded terrorist.

* Mimi was sitting with a resentful face on Lexi, who was sitting next to the other members, he smiling and do not caring that Mimi was looking at him. they share their adventure experiences for 10 years. Suddenly the phone rang and was picked up by Jin. After speaking to the client, she told her team that she was going on a mission directly with Lin, because according to the victim's story, it must have been a curse of connected black magic, and they both have learned to solve all kinds of black magic at the temple of the ice mountain. The group members nodded and allowed them to do the mission by telling them to be careful because the first generation of black-blooded terrorists are so strong.

* After checking the victim's condition and Jin tied a magic string to the victim's arm to keep the victim's soul from melting, the twins went to inspect the dance class. They encountered Sen police officers who were looking for more clues around the perimeter of the building. When Lin approached the chair to inspect the shelves, ceilings, and roof of the room, she found numerous corpses of mice and human skeletons. Lin used a ball of light to illuminate the ceiling. Suddenly, a woman's long hair spread out and grabbed Lin's wrist, knocking her off the chair. And the hair was trying to pull her into the ceiling, but she used the fire to burn the hair. As the dead rats came to life, they fell from the ceiling and attacked them. In the vicinity of the building, several terrorists of black blood appeared and attacked the police. Jin and Lin used the two forces to form a ring of fire and shoot the rats. And Jin, she uses sheet metal origami paper which is not cut and cannot burn put on the ground, turn a tiger to fight the monster, which only has long hair and a skull. This hair has the power to destroy everything around it. Jin's tiger used its lightning claws to pluck the monster's hair into several pieces, but it pushed back and coiled the tiger's neck hard to make it become paper again.

* Seeing this, Jin meditated with the force on her arm, grabbing the monster's hair directly with her icy hand, waving it so hard that the head of the skull hit the wall, and she squeezed the hair tighter with ice. energy in her hand transformed into cold smoke and freezing the hair and skull, and Lin used a hand that melted the monster's hair like dust. then they rushed to the rescue of several injured policemen. Jin manages to freeze to black blood, and Lin kicks and crushes the ice that freezes the bodies of all the terrorists, causing them to die and disappear. Suddenly, the place they were standing on started to shake when the building collapsed. ov monster appears from the building collapse, she is the skeleton monster holding the fans, used her fans wave to create a whirlpool that hit them both and they fall from the air hitting a tree near a building.

* then the oz monster casts spells to order them to hug and waltz, as if they can't control their movements. The monster started to laugh happily and said that when " I was a traditional dancer I was always overlooked by time and not appreciated no matter how hard I tried. " But now I'm going to kill all the dancers and no one dares to dance anymore. After saying that, she turned her fans around to order them to spin, then she bent one of her fans so hard that she ordered Lin to dance backwards bending her back to intend to break Lin's waist . In fact, the twins had already solved the monster curse, as she spoke to them , the twins clawed at the finger on their hands take their blood to solve the black curse. Lin pretended to bend her back so Jin could shoot an ice arrow at the monster Ov. The OV monster flew out of the ice arrow, taking its two fans to protect it, made it pierce cannot used it again .

* The OV monster, she is very angry, using her hands to pull herself together to form a lump of black smoke that can easily dissolve the human body, shoot the twins, causing them both to escape black smoke. But Lin pulled her snake-shaped bracelets and hair clip spear puts it together , her spear head with a snake, absorbs the black smoke and shoots the monster back, causing the monster's body turns into a poisonous black color melts into ashes. Sen police arrived after they completing mission and he ordered his police officers to pick up the corpses and injured police officers for immediate treatment. Jin and Lin bought watermelons on the way home for their group to eat because it was summer season.