
Zelda: The Man who brought Doom

What a way to die, huh? Well at least I will be able to see my family again, even if it is in the after-life. Just gotta complete, this damn 'quest' I was tasked with and everything will be fine. But then again what could possibily go wrong, if you are a human looking Ancient Doomsday with even more potential than the original..... ///////////// So I am a new Author. So if you notice something wrong or bad just tell me and I will try to change it. English also isn't my main language, so do excuse any mistakes I make. Just write a paragraph comment and I will correct it. I am also unable to promise a stable update schedule. I will try to at least update twice a week though and I will try to get the first 10-15 chapters out as fast as possible :) The profile picture isn't mine. I found it on pintrest if you want to get the link to it or if you own it and want me to take it down just message me. I also don't own anything except my mc

mkoester · ゲーム
24 Chs


"I guess we just take his stuff and ignore him?" I answered. "I guess, there is not much we can do besides that. It might also be a good idea to bury him somewhere, or at the very least put him off this path." She nodded and then grinned at me.

"Well then, get to it. You wouldn't want my arm to get worse now, would you?" This little...

I just shook my head and started to take everything out of the Yiga Assassins' backpack, a few fire arrows, some normal ones, a bit of food, and one more of these sickle weapons. After I put everything on the ground Linkle started to slowly store them in her Slate. At least she didn't use her wounded arm...

"You got something with which I can dig a small hole?" I asked her, only to receive a nod. She then reached into her Slate and pulled a shovel out of it. 

"You really got everything in there, no?" The only answer I received was a laugh. I then spent the next few minutes digging a hole, throwing the body inside, and then filling the hole up again, which was a lot easier to accomplish. 

"So, you know, who this guy was?" I asked her while doing that. She seemed to think for a bit before she answered.

"Know is a strong word, although I know the group he was a part of. actually, calling themselves the Yiga Clan, a group of people that split off the Sheikah Clan in ancient times, their symbol is actually the same only flipped upside down.

If I remember right, then they worship the calamity and are one of the few human groups that want it to actually be resurrected. They even tried to assassinate the princess once, which was also my first encounter with them." Huh, I didn't know that. I always thought that they were just an evil organization kind of ground but to think they worship Ganon... well the more you know.

"Good to know, I guess. But he said that he and most likely the whole Yiga Clan, too, was searching for you, any idea why?"

"Well, there is the prophecy in which the Hero of Hyrule banishes the Calamity but then again, they shouldn't have known when I recovered completely... hell, they shouldn't even have known that I was mortally wounded in the first place, although I was missing for a hundred years so maybe that isn't too weird for them to know, now that I think about it."

"Mhm, makes sense that they are looking for you, if there is such a prophecy and maybe they simply searched everywhere for the last one hundred years? If they really do worship the Calamity as something like a cult, then I think that it possible to search for that long..."

"Maybe, while some of them can be quite fanatical... for them to search so long simply because of a prophecy? Not that likely." She shook her head at the end. "But it isn't really important now anyway. It's just good that we now know that they are searching for me... Besides, the Sheikah Clan might know more about them, so let's just ask when we have arrived at Kakariko-Village."

"If you say so..." While she said that it isn't important, I feel like she didn't really mean it... I don't even know why but it's almost like a small voice in the back of my head is telling me that she is very interested in knowing why they knew where and when to search for her... but if she doesn't want to continue talking about? Then there is nothing I can/want to do.

And so, we just followed the path for another hour, simply talking about whatever came to our minds, before we spotted something that we hadn't seen yet. An intact building and not just any building, but rather one where the head of a horse was on top of it? Ok, what the f*ck is going on here?

"What the f*ck is that?" Linkle looked towards me with unhidden amusement. 

"Heh, the stables around here are quite interesting to look at, no?"

"That's a stable?!? How can you even build something like that? Never mind, please don't answer that question." My reaction only seemed to further amuse Linkle. 

"While your impression of the stable isn't that great, we should still go to it. If we can get a horse, then we might be able to reach Kakariko today... Now that I think about it. Can you even ride a horse?"

"I don't dislike the stable or anything, rather I'm quite impressed with how it is built, it's just something very out of place, if I am honest. And no, I don't know how to ride a horse." 

And why would I? I was a city person through and through, never quite leaving it. But now that I think about it... do I even need a horse? I mean at this point I should be faster than one, no?

"Hm, I guess, I can try to teach it to you, but if it takes too long then it would probably be better to just ride on one together... might be the better idea anyways considering we don't really have a lot of money. We do have some things to sell but I'm not sure whether someone will buy rubies or the like at a stable."

"I guess you're not wrong... but who knows, maybe they won't have a single horse that we can buy?" 


We then fell into a comfortable silence and walked towards the stable, soon after we crossed another bridge and then arrived at our new destination. But even while walking towards it, I noticed something, or rather the lack of something. I was, in fact, not able to hear any horses, at least not in the beginning but after we almost arrived, I was barely able to hear some in the distance.

Still, I didn't say anything for now and just quietly walked beside Linkle. 

And as soon as we entered the stable, I was able to notice something else, there was almost no one there. I was able to only see a single employee and two others, who I presumed to be guests. 

Linkle without waiting for anything immediately walked towards the counter but before she was able to say anything, the employee spoke.

"Hello and welcome to the Dueling Peaks Stable. How may I help you?" 

"Hey, we would like to buy a horse." After Linkle finished the face of the employee changed into a grimace.

"I am terribly sorry but sadly we have no horses here right now. One of my co-workers is currently trying to catch some. But without much success..." Before Linkle could answer, I interrupted them.

"Would we be able to tame a horse on our own? Or does someone own the animal living in the area?" I was basically able to feel Linkle's stare, but I simply ignored it, for now. The lady in front of us visibly brightened up after hearing me.

"You would be able to do that! If you want to, you can even bring it to us afterward and after registering it, for only a small one-time fee of 20 rupees, we will take care of it and even transport it to other stables in the area, of course for only the small price of 10 rupees." She finished with a big, bright smile on her face.

I looked towards Linkle and saw her nod towards me.

"Well then, we will try to tame one ourselves." After which she motioned for me to follow her and walk outside.

"So, I hope you know where some horses are... I definitely don't want to search for one, that could take hours, if not days." 

"Yes, I do know where some are, I can hear some in that direction." I then pointed towards where I heard horse noises from. She looked at her Sheikah-Slate.

"That's north and in the same direction, where we need to go anyways, so even if we can't tame one, we will not have wasted time." She drawled on. "Now that I think about it, how are we going to tame one? I might be able to ride one with one hand, but taming a horse with only one hand? That's a bit much..." Ah right, there was something. "Really? You forgot about this?" She continued while waving around her bandaged arm.

"It can't be that hard, right?" She rolled her eyes.

"It can't be that hard, he says... next thing I know you will just jump onto one stroke it's mane for a bit and then say that it's tamed..."


How did she know what I was going to do?

"You... you really were about to do that, weren't you?" She looked at me with such a defeated expression, that even I was unable to stop my face from heating up. "It actually isn't that bad of an idea. For some it might work, at least as long as you don't demount it, if you do, I would put my money on it just running away…"