
Zelda: The Man who brought Doom

What a way to die, huh? Well at least I will be able to see my family again, even if it is in the after-life. Just gotta complete, this damn 'quest' I was tasked with and everything will be fine. But then again what could possibily go wrong, if you are a human looking Ancient Doomsday with even more potential than the original..... ///////////// So I am a new Author. So if you notice something wrong or bad just tell me and I will try to change it. English also isn't my main language, so do excuse any mistakes I make. Just write a paragraph comment and I will correct it. I am also unable to promise a stable update schedule. I will try to at least update twice a week though and I will try to get the first 10-15 chapters out as fast as possible :) The profile picture isn't mine. I found it on pintrest if you want to get the link to it or if you own it and want me to take it down just message me. I also don't own anything except my mc

mkoester · ゲーム
24 Chs


And just as expected Linkle had a minor panic attack after seeing what happened around the shrine, then grew concerned over my health and after that, she became angry, just as I expected...

"You know, I really thought you would at least be able to just quietly wait for a few minutes, but I swear you are worse than a damned small child! Like can you really just not do anything for a few minutes???" And although she seemed angry at first, it felt more like she was just annoyed or something like that.

"While I do understand what you are thinking, I did have a good reason to do this. I tried my new power out and tried out what I could do with it." She just raised an eyebrow in my direction, after which I willed my hand into the shield, the one I created before, that I then raised to show her.

And weirdly she seemed quite happy over it...

"See? I can kinda form a shield with it." She had quite a big smile on her face. "In general, I found out that I am able to move muscles to wherever I want to and am even able to create a few new ones. I can also strengthen myself quite a bit with it. My punches get about twice as strong, but it does take a bit to move that many muscles..."

And after hearing that she just shook her head and started mumbling.

"What did I even expect?" A kind of sad sigh followed.

"Anyways, let's finally start moving again. Maybe we can at least reach Kakariko tomorrow."

I simply nodded. Not trusting my not existing social skills to make her feel even worse. Although I think I kind of know why she is a bit mulled about what I did... she probably wants me to think of a few different things than just punching everything and me creating a shield is a good first step and I should have probably just stopped there... but well, can't change what happened.

Ignoring that, we simply continued our supposedly small journey. Or at least we did until I was able to, once again, hear Bokoblin sounds. 

Ok, so at this point I'm not even surprised anymore. But still how many Bokoblin camps are there in the area of this road?

"I can hear Bokoblins again..." I said, sounding a bit more defeated than I would have liked. Linkle at least seemed amused at my reaction.

"Heh, you know, I thought you would be happy to have more things to punch."

"Only because punching solves most of my problems, doesn't mean that I want to go seek new problems." I rolled my eyes, really now... although now that I think about it, the only thing I did since arriving here was punching things... or jumping around, I guess. Not that much better but that should count for something, no?

"Well, could have fooled me. But if you don't want to go around punching even more things, how about simply watching me clear this camp this time? You might even be able to learn some things..." Well, why not? If Linkle wants to have some fun, too, who would I be to deny her that? Although I do think that I am missing a point here...

"Sure, go for it and show me what the Hero of Hyrule can really do." I ended everything with a big smile on my face and Linkle started blushing a bit and rolled her eyes but continued looking at me for a few seconds.

"So... you going to tell me where the camp is?" Oh, right.

"Oh right, sorry, it's that way." I said, pointing towards where the camp is. We started walking in that direction and soon we were able to see a small camp with 4 Bokoblins, a single blue one and the other three remaining ones were red.

Not a single one of them had a weapon in their hands. However, a few were lying around. But this time there were only clubs and a single shield on the ground and not a single metal weapon. There also was no one watching their surroundings, most were actually sleeping with only a single one being awake and even that one was simply poking the fire with a small stick, and it even was a red one...

Well, this should be quite easy for Linkle to clear. I looked at her, only to see her, too, looking at me.

"Well then, I am going to start now. I want you to watch how I do this and tell me a bit about what I did different in comparison to you clearing the last camp."

"Sure, but do be careful, yes?" She once again rolled her eyes.

"Whenever you clear a camp, you just go all in and punch everything but now that I am about to clear a camp, I should be careful?" Now that she puts it like that... "But yes, I will be careful?" I smiled.

"Thanks." I then saw her nod once more, after which she crouched down and started sneaking towards the camp. 

Soon, it seems, she was close enough to be able to use her crossbow, which she pulled out from its holster on her leg. She loaded a bolt, with a motion too fast to not be practiced hundreds of times. And shot it at the only Bokoblin that wasn't asleep. Only to instantly explode into motion, still making almost no sound, barely enough for me to hear at this distance. 

She then pulled a sword out of her S-Slate, with which she then beheaded the Bokoblin, that probably wasn't alive anymore anyways, at least if the bolt in its head did what it was intended to do. She then looked around to see if any of the other Bokoblin woke up from the noise that the dying Bokoblin made.

Only to see none of them moving an inch. She then started sneaking towards the blue one and slit its throat, while at the same time holding a hand over its mouth, to not give it any chance to wake the others up. This she then repeated with every other Bokoblin till the last one died in its sleep.

This, this is not what I was expecting, to be honest. I kind of thought that she would just take out the first one, maybe two, while sneaking and then fight the others in direct combat. But it seems like Linkle is a lot better at stealth than Link was in the games, or I was, I'm not too sure if it is possible to do this in the games, I didn't really try it though.

After every Bokoblin exploded into that weird purple smoke, Linkle started to collect everything they left behind and then came back to me.

"So, how was I and what was different from your clear?"

"You were simply incredible! I wouldn't have expected my teacher to be such a silent killer! And that crossbow shot... wow. To think that you would be able to load that thing so fast and still shoot so accurately..." I started, only to see her grow a bit red after hearing what I said. 

"And for what you did different? Well for one, you took every single Bokoblin out without them realizing anything, even I was barely able to hear you move. Besides that, you also took the one out that was awake first, after that you went for the strongest, the blue one and then you simply started killing them one by one."

She nodded. "And what are the advantages, in clearing camps the way I did?"

"Well, you didn't have to fight a single Bokoblin in direct combat, so you were never really in danger, or at least not as much as you normally would. Besides that, every single weapon was completely unharmed, and we could have taken them all. Besides these reason I can't really think of any other things."

She seemed a bit proud at my reasoning.

"Do you think there are any disadvantages?"

"Well, if any of them had woken up, you could have been surrounded quite easily and if any of them had been more careful than this probably wouldn't have worked or at the very least not as easy as it was just now. Besides that, I don't really think that there is anything else."

"Mhm, you're right again. Although I would have probably used my crossbow more if any of them had been awake."

"Well, if all you shots are as good as the first one, then I'm sure that that would have been a sight to see."

I, once more, saw her starting to smile and her face growing just a bit red. But instead of hearing now noises the monsters made, I once more heard Bokoblins and another Stone Talus, actually.

"So, good news and bad news. Which do you want to hear first?" She shook her head at my words but answered anyways.

"Bad ones first, I guess."

"I can hear another Bokoblin camp, I think I hear at least three different monsters grunt, or whatever sounds they make. Besides that, I can also hear another Stone Talus." This time she groaned but I continued anyways.

"And good news. I can hear more Bokoblins and another Stone Talus."

"Haha, very funny." She almost growled the last bit. But instead of being intimidating like she probably intended it to be, it only sounded kind of cute to me. And I swear if this would have been an anime than she would definitely have cat ears on top of her ears and she. Is. So. Damn. Cute.

So, bad news. I got an exam coming up... and with work and studying for it, I don't have as much time to write chapters as I have right now, and I really didn't want to hold back chapters, which means that I also don't have some ready that I could instantly publish. And while you might think that studying doesn't take up that much time, sadly you're wrong. Besides that, I also need at least 1.5 hours for a single chapter, which I can't spend daily.

So sorry to say but I will not be able to update daily from now on. I will try to do it at least every other day but I can't quite promise that either... I hope you all can kind of understand why I am doing this... but I am still sorry.

Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and have a great day

mkoestercreators' thoughts