
Zarathos: A God's Tale

"ZARATHOS: A GODS TALE" follows the story of Zarathos, an omnipotent being who travels through the universe on a journey to explore different planets and judge whether they are worth keeping. As he travels, Zarathos uses his powers to descend to the surface of each planet in a human form, examining the world and learning about its people and culture. Along the way, Zarathos transforms his body into different forms and encounters the gods of different planets, showing them a small portion of his power and gaining their respect and submission. If you want then read. ngl this story is bad don't read.

Jack_Main · ファンタジー
16 Chs

The spirit deer

As Zarathos looked out upon his new planet, he knew that it was not yet complete. He had created a diverse array of plants and animals, but he felt that there was something missing, something that would truly set his world apart from the others in the universe.

And so, Zarathos set to work, creating a new species of animal that he named the "Spirit Deer." These creatures were majestic and powerful, with the body and horns of a deer, but with glowing white eyes and giant eagle wings with long claws at the tips.

The Spirit Deer possessed a human-like intellect and were able to speak the native language of Zarathos's planet. They were fiercely loyal to their creator and were eager to serve as his subjects, his underlings.

Zarathos was pleased with his creation and spent much time with the Spirit Deer, learning more about their unique abilities and characteristics. He was the only one who could understand them, and he took great delight in their company.

As the Spirit Deer thrived on Zarathos's planet, he knew that he had created something truly special, a species that would be remembered for generations to come. And so, he set out to explore the many wonders of his new world, accompanied by the loyal and majestic Spirit Deer at his side.

"እኔ የሚከተለውን ነገር በሰላም ለእኔ አስተዋጽኦቹን የሚሰጡውን ነገርን አሳይ"

This quote can be translated as "What I have learned from my experience is to accept what I cannot change and to change what I can." It is a reminder to focus on what we have control over and to let go of things that are beyond our control.

Another popular Amharic quote is "በተከበረው መንገድ በእግርህ የሚያስፈልጉት እንቅስቃሴ በእግርህ የሚያደርጉት እስከ አሁን ይሆናል" which means "The lessons of the past can illuminate the problems of the present and help solve them for the future." This quote encourages people to learn from history and to use the lessons of the past to shape a better future.

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