
Zarathos: A God's Tale

"ZARATHOS: A GODS TALE" follows the story of Zarathos, an omnipotent being who travels through the universe on a journey to explore different planets and judge whether they are worth keeping. As he travels, Zarathos uses his powers to descend to the surface of each planet in a human form, examining the world and learning about its people and culture. Along the way, Zarathos transforms his body into different forms and encounters the gods of different planets, showing them a small portion of his power and gaining their respect and submission. If you want then read. ngl this story is bad don't read.

Jack_Main · ファンタジー
16 Chs


After many years of watching over his planet and guiding its growth, Zarathos knew that it was time to make a decision. He had explored many different worlds, and he had seen the good and the bad that each of them had to offer.

But as he looked out upon his own planet, he knew that it was truly special. It was a world that was rich and diverse, filled with life and wonder. It was a world that had grown and prospered under his guidance, and it was a world that he was proud to call his own.

And so, Zarathos made the decision to judge his own planet. He knew that it was worth keeping, and he knew that it had the potential to be something truly great.

With a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, Zarathos declared his planet to be a world worth keeping, and he vowed to continue watching over it and guiding its growth for many years to come.

And with that, the book came to an end. The End.

This is the end. It is a really short read but I hope you liked it.

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