
Every WHY should be ADDRESSED!

Why happy people still victim of sadness? Why every extrovert wants to be quiet and isolate? Why it takes so much of your lifetime to find out the REAL-YOU? Why few get the purpose of life early while many people run on the track so far & so hard? List of WHY's is so long but having answers to them is just like driving a car on a road covered with intensified fog. Half of our lives, we have doubts in ourselves, we lost in-betweenness of right or wrong, long story short as we are relying on others for the answers of our own created WHYs. Always remember that you will only reach the destination safely when you are the driver of that car moving on foggy road and by that way you can help the other riders sitting with you. But do you think that you get a car someday and you start operating it without proper guidelines and practice. No, it seems impossible. WHY? Because learning has given emphasis over self-relying in some scenarios. Here it is again WHY? Because when it comes to the safety of our life and the action connected to the protection of others as well primarily need appropriate training. So, don't ever feel ashamed or disparage in life when you need help from others. This is the primary phase of grooming and in return serving of others from your experience. What if you do not have a car? You will not have an urge to know how to operate it and have a ride on it by yourself. Every time you just sit on a rear seat and depend on a rider who then become in-charge of your life until you are in the car. Here again a question arises, possession of anything need something either sacrifice or monetary effort. It is true, you shall reap, what you bow. But I must say not only you bow, also your parents bow in their period of struggle. That's the reason few people posses the car early or get a meaningful life at very start because they find guidelines at very early stage of their life. They are clearer about their goals as compare to peer group because of getting key of car initially from their elders. Here criticism on predecessors is not a purpose of whole writing but motivate you to be a person who will lead the generation at the initial phases of their lives. You must have an urge to get a car even bit late in your life but must have it because of yourself, other riders waiting for you and for the sake of those who need it early in their lives. If we relate the above explained story with today's generation thinking process or psychology, we can better address them on self-illusion, overthinking, criticism on parental possessions, comparison & envy, lack of knowledge, dependency on others and clarity of goal.