
z land

A newborn Vampire fights her way through a zombie apocalypse discovering what she's capable of while trying to not become discovered by the people she saves and protects. Follow her dangerous, gruesome journey through the zombie Apocalypse. Will she save everyone or become worse than a zombie itself?

Cayenne98 · ファンタジー
8 Chs

5. Walmart

Nikki's POV:

I hold tight to my 2 year old daughter shaking and crying with fear. I gasp for air in between sobs. "Momma why you crying?" Sylia asks as she wipes tears from my eyes. I can't believe we are stuck in the bathroom at Walmart as zombies roam the store. How the heck are we going to get out of here?

"Bang! Bang!" I jump hearing gunshots. "Ahhhhh!!! Stop!!! Ahhhhh Nooooo!" "Bang!'' Then it goes quiet. Tears stream down my face as I feel my stomach turn and blood turn cold.

"Momma." My daughter cries. "Be quiet baby." I manage to shakily say. Mentally I feel foggy and consumed in pain. I struggle to breathe. I want to give up but I can't. I have a daughter. I need to think smart.

I hug my daughter tighter. Think we are in Wal-Mart. We need weapons and food. I gasp and my lips twitch to smile. The hunting department is right beside where we are at. I saw the gun counter to the right over two aisles on our run to the bathroom since the front doors had too many people and zombies to make it through it without any weapons.

I grab my daughter and walk to the bathroom door. "Be quiet baby girl okay? Don't say one word or make a sound. Do you understand?" I whisper to my daughter. She nods her head then gulps. I kiss her head and take a deep breath in. I walk over to the door and slowly, quietly unlock it. I push it slightly open then peak my head around. I Instantly shut the door seeing someone eating someone else a few feet from the door.

My heart pounds in my chest like a hammer as sweat starts to drip off my forehead. I can do this. I have to. Just keep breathing. I got this. I'm a mom who is not going down without a fight. "I will be right back sweety be quiet okay?" She nods her head then I slowly open the door.

I shut the door behind me quietly feeling adrenaline run through my veins. I sprint down the aisle passing the zombie eating someone and run past one reaching for me. I fight the urge to scream. I run to the weapon counter and jump over it. I grab knives and shove them in my pockets and grab a few rifles. Luckily the amo for them are right beside them. I try to quickly load them and jump as a zombie bumps into the far end of the counter. I take the safety off, aim, hold. my breath then fire.

I shoot the zombie straight in the head and watch blood fly everywhere. I shake from the horrific sight. My eyes widen and I gulp as I see four zombies walking towards me. I shoot at them and it takes me all the bullets in one gun to kill them then here comes three more. I drop that gun and shakily shoot at them until they fall to the ground twitching.

I jump the counter grabbing amo and run. I run straight to the bathroom then stop outside of the door frozen with a thought. I need to protect my daughter. I don't want to chance her getting hurt. I need to kill as many as these things I can. I look around not seeing anyone then go into the bathroom.

"Shhhh. Momma is gonna..." I pause looking at my daughter. Should I tell her theres zombies and I need to kill them before us? No. She's a child I'll just tell her Im gonna play a game or something. Freak why is this happening? Why?

I gulp then look at the weapons and amo i have in my hands. I sigh. "I'm gonna be right back honey. Just stay here and dont be scared about the loud noises your gonna hear okay baby girl?" She nods her head in agreement. She watches as I load the two guns I have and put bullets in my front pants pockets. I can do this I have too.

I kiss my daughter on her forehead then wink at her faking a smile. She smiles at me making my heart skip. I can do this. Here i go. I take in some shaky breaths then walk out of the bathroom.

I don't see anyone surprisingly. I slowly shut the door behind me then point my gun ahead of me taking off the safety. I walk by the wall with it to my right and open asile to my left. My skin crawls as I slowly walk through the store. Not a zombie in sight until I walk past two asiles then im met with two 6' obese men covered in blood with holes all over the bodies reaking of death. I aim for the one thats closest to me and pull the trigger.

"Bang!" His brains and blood squirt out and he falls lifeliessly to the ground with a loud thud. "Bang!" I shoot the other one in the face and watch the blood splatter. My stomach turns at the sight of everything as I feel adrenaline in my veins and can't help but feel a little stronger, a slightly lit bit more confident. Well that is until I turn the corner and see over 20 zombies eating people. Fuck.