
yuragi-sou no yuuna-san: template system.

4 years ago, aiden discovered that her body absorbs a type of strange energy that disappears shortly after entering her body. Now 4 years later her body stopped passively absorbing the strange energy and a strange template system was activated. What will fate have in store for aiden? and what character templates will he get?... read the ff to find out. :v The protagonist is not a reincarnated person. (He didn't know what to write, neither in the name nor in the synopsis, but hey, I did my best.)

MiguelCreative · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

chapter 19

[Aiden POV]

The last thing I knew after having entered a meditating state, is that when I opened my eyes again I was floating in a dark space.

Normally I'm left in a semi-unconscious state after doing it, but shortly after I started using the mind training technique I opened my eyes and it was here.

It's the first time I find myself in this dark space, I feel like I'm close to being able to enter my mind, but still far away, although not that much.

I fell to the "ground" or what I think is the ground, since it is still the same as the rest, it is difficult to differentiate.

I started walking according to my instincts and my instincts were telling me to walk and I would find what I was looking for.


I don't know how much time has passed, I always lose my sense of time when he entered the meditating state, I don't know how those cultivators can know how many hours, weeks and months they have spent meditating.

But hey, I've been walking all this time, I feel my whole body is screaming for me to stop because of exhaustion, but I can't and I don't want to. Who knows when I'll get here again if I stop.

But hey, let's continue I'm almost there... I think.



I don't know how long it's been, honestly it already seems to me like it's been years here in this dark space... But...

I'm almost reaching my destination...

For some time I have been able to see a door very far from me, over time this door has begun to get closer, well the correct term would be that I have been getting closer to it.

Each step is more difficult than the last, but also my body is almost disappearing, it's horrible to see how your body becomes more and more transparent and not being able to do anything but walk.

Unfortunately I can't run in this space, I've tried several times, but my body only walks... it's annoying.

Is this some kind of psychological torture or something? So close to being able to grab the door, but my body almost looks like a ghost very, very transparent, almost no color.


"Hehe, hehehehe, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" - I started laughing like crazy since I finally got there, I lost one of my arms, but the important thing is that I finally got there.

"Ok, here I go..." - I said as I directed my hand towards the door handle.

But suddenly the space began to shake a bit causing her to lose her balance a bit and then a scream was heard.

"AIDEN-SAN, WAKE UP PLEASE!! DINNER IS READY!!" - I heard Yuuna's scream that resounded in this dark space making it tremble very hard and scaring me a lot.

In that I feel how my body begins to rise from the ground making me open my eyes wide when I know what it means.

"NO, NO NO NO NO, I ALMOST MADE IT, NOOOOOO!!" - I screamed desperately while trying to grab the door handle, but my hand went through it and I was quickly lifted into the dark sky, disappearing into it.


[Third person point of view]

"NOOOOOO!!" - As soon as Aiden opened his eyes, Aiden yelled sweating a little and feeling a huge headache.

"EEEK!..." - The sudden shout scared yuuna that almost made her activate her poltergeist.

Aiden began to breathe heavily as he tried to calm his heart and his pounding headache.

"I... I'm sorry... was it a bad time?" - Yuna said a little embarrassed and scared.

"... no, it's fine, thanks for letting me know..." - Aiden said as he shook his head, she didn't know and he had warned her beforehand, he can't be bothered with her.

"Mmmm...well, dinner is ready, so I...I'll go finish helping Chitose-san set the table..." - Said yuuna as she quickly left the room leaving aiden alone.

"... now I understand why cultivators prefer to train alone... 'should I change rooms?'..." - Aiden said in a low voice and then thought about it.

'Or no, better not, the only rooms left are the ones on the ground floor...' - Aiden thought as she shook her head at the idea of her, he prefers to be on the second floor.

"(Sigh)...we'd better go have dinner..." - Aiden said as he got up and used his spiritual energy to wipe some of the sweat from his body. One effect that he managed to get with the new character template, is that now his energy can be heated, not very much, but enough to dry a few drops of sweat.


Aiden opened the door of the room and what he found was chitose and yuuna together with a beautiful woman with pink hair and a cute girl who has a jacket with cat ears

"Ah, so you must be honton aiden-san? Welcome, come let's drink and celebrate" - Said the woman as she raised a bottle with a happy smile.

'I better stay away from her...' - Thought Aiden as he smiled and made a denial gesture.

He doesn't like alcoholic beverages, he already tried it when he was at his father's house and it brings back bad memories. He had used it as a soother for his sadness... of course after his father found out, he took it from him and punished him.

"Nonko-san, you shouldn't offer drinks to minors" - Chitose said as she gave nonko a look.

"Hello, my name is Arahabaki Nonko, nice to meet you" - Nonko introduced himself with a smile.

"Fushiguro Yaya, my pleasure..." - Said the girl in the jacket as she finished with a yawn.

"These two are tenants here in yuragi-sou, one more is missing, but it seems that she will arrive a little later" - Chitose said finishing introducing them.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Honton aiden, from now on I'll be living here so I hope we get along...". - Aiden said while he smiled and inside he thought that maybe it wasn't a bad idea to come to live here... there are many pretty girls.


After eating, the yuragi-sou girls and aiden stayed in the living room talking a bit to get to know each other better.

"Ehhhh, so you have spiritual powers?" - Nonko asked as she looked at Aiden with interest.

"Oh, well yes, and you?" - Aiden said while he laughed a little embarrassed... his secret is no longer a secret.

"Mmmm yes, all of us who live here have spiritual powers"-nonko replied, explaining the obvious, aiden also realized the stupid question he asked. they had been talking to yuuna the whole time… But he just got flustered.

"Nonko-san is an Ogre(Oni) and yaya-san is human, but she is host to a cat god" - said yuuna.

"Wow" - was the only thing aiden said when he found out, so did gods exist in this world? It was surprising to know. But he suddenly he felt he had a chill, as if something dangerous was watching him.

"So you were the new tenant... Honton Aiden-san" - said a girl's voice behind aiden.

"AAAAHHH!!... (sigh) what a scare..." - Aiden said after turning around and seeing a familiar girl with purple hair.

"Sagiri-san, you shouldn't be scaring others like that and why didn't anyone tell me that there was someone after me?" Aiden said as he looked at the sagiri girl and then asked the others.

"Don't talk to me like we're close, talk to me by my last name, you pervert...". -Sagiri said as she raised a kunai scaring aiden since she suddenly appeared.

"Hahaha... sorry, Ameno-san you scared me so I forgot about that and don't call me a pervert since I'm not...". - Aiden said while he apologized and then remembered... although he didn't sound very convinced either.

"Hmph, I'll just tell you this honton-san, don't do anything perverted or else you will receive divine punishment." - Sagiri said as he looked at aiden with bad intentions squeezing the kunai.

"..." - Aiden was silent as he looked at Sagiri...he didn't like being threatened.

"Well, well, let's just leave it at that, tell me aiden-san where did you meet sagichan?" - Nonko said as she felt the atmosphere between the two of them.

"Oh well, ameno-san isn't completely an acquaintance, we only met a couple of times when she was with a friend of mine that she is friends with ameno-san." - Aiden replied, now ignoring Sagiri.

"Oh, and who is that friend? Don't tell me... is she your girlfriend?" - Nonko asked with a smile that said "I want to know more"

"W-well, she is not my girlfriend, we are just friends." - Aiden said a little embarrassed in the first part, but he recovered quickly and responded as if nothing had happened.

"Mmmmm..." - Nonko and the other yuragi-sou girls stared at aiden that he wanted to leave right now because he doesn't know if he can resist this pressure.

"He's talking about ayaka-san, nonko-san" - Sagiri said who had sat down and now they are looking at aiden as if to say. - "Give me a reason, just one to punish you" - Oh that's what Aiden thought Sagiri's look was saying.

"Ah!, ayachan, ehh!!" - Nonko said now looking at aiden even more intensely.

"Wh-what?" - Aiden asked, no longer holding Nonko's gaze.

"You have such good taste, aiden-san. Ayachan would make a good wife, she knows how to do all the things of a housewife very well... especially her cooking." - Nonko said as she seemed to remember ayaka's food that made her drool.

Ayaka who is a possible reincarnation of a food goddess or something similar since the meals she makes are at the level of those admitted to the totsuki culinary school.

Aiden has already tasted his students' food at one of his events, so he knows what he's talking about. His food alone is at the level of normal experts not even close to those monsters with a human body that go into totsuki.

"W-well, I'm leaving... bye..." - Said Aiden as he got up quickly, no longer holding the pressure they were exerting on him.


I hope you liked the chapter.

I decided to add more anime, although only the normal ones and some others with the same theme of ghosts and others, although I still haven't decided how many or which ones, so I'm open to suggestions.