
Chapter 23 - Entering the Palace (III)

Huanzhang Hall in the northwest corner of the palace, is away from the taiji hall is farther from a palace room, although you can take the soft sedan chair to go, but Yuan Xi has been bumpy for half a day, really do not want to suffer from the pain of that bumpy, will be accompanied by Qian Lan walk to the taiji hall.



Taiji Hall of the East Hall, the hall is extremely luxurious, beams and pillars are carved with nine curved dragons, dragon scales and whiskers are sprayed with gold paint. The dragon seat and phoenix chair on the main seat, also by the good tung wood carved with dragons and phoenixes, seems to be with the table on the table and beams and columns on the swimming dragon, a distant response.



A group of dancers dressed in light green dance clothes, their long sleeves stretching out as they danced to the music. The sound of the zither was very soothing, and a group of dancing girls raised their sleeves and danced.



The soothing sound of the zither was suddenly mixed into a strand of spiritual flute sound, the flute sound was clear and melodious, just like the song of the Heavenly Palace.



Dancing girls suddenly gathered together, and then spread out but found that unconsciously a dancing girl has changed into a pink dress. Thousands of green leaves in full bloom set off the pink color, like a new lotus in the rain.



The crowd could not help but clap their hands, Liu Yi eye thief, could not help but step forward in front of the emperor, said: "Is not the slave old eyes faint, how do I see the middle of the pink woman like Li Chunhua it?"



Although Liu Yi is in front of the emperor to speak, but the empress is very close to the emperor, so his words were also the empress also ears, the empress to Li Chunghua's seat to look at, see is indeed empty. And carefully looked at the person dressed in pink, and found that the person who offered to dance is Li Chunghua.



All people are dressed in green dresses, only Li Chunghua a person dressed in pink, such as the stars of the moon is very conspicuous, within a few moments of all the concubines will have been recognized in the hall leading the dance of the person is Li Chunghua.







Before the showgirls into the palace, the most favored in the palace belongs to the cloud Guihua and Sima Guiren. Yun Guihua long a pair of peach blossom eyes, with a cherry mouth, as if the poppy flower, appearance is very beautiful, although the nature of the arrogance of some, but the pettiness is also lovely to the extreme; Sima nobleman is as cold as ice, long and thin eyebrows are always a kind of bland look that does not care about themselves. If the flowers to do than, it is like a lily, although noble and beautiful. Although the emperor also like her withdrawn nature, but ultimately not as gentle and know how to please the woman lovely, is to Yun Guihua more favored some.



Under the Empress is the three ladies, the three ladies are divided into concubines, Guihua and Guiren, concubines, Yun Guihua highest position, since they do not care and some of the concubines of the low position. But now Li Chonghua just into the palace, will dare to eye without others in front of the emperor to invite favor and pander, really did not put her and the people in the eyes, looking at the dance floor suddenly rotating suddenly jumping pink figure will be angry for no reason.



In fact, the concubines in addition to the Empress can be calm, the other are the same as Yun Guihua, all people are upset, but did not dare to put on the face.



After a dance, the emperor passed a color to Liu Yi, who declared, "The emperor declared Li Chunhua to speak in front of the temple."



Li Chonghua rose lightly and came to the imperial court with a smile.



The emperor said, "You dance this song extremely well, I still wonder when the Division of Music has come to such a good dancer, I can't imagine that it's you!"



"Thank you for your compliments, Your Majesty." Li Chonghua's pair of shy and timidly beautiful eyes met the Emperor's eyes and smiled coyly.



Beauty sends autumn wave, the emperor since the heart is happy, then ordered: "Liu Yi, a moment to go to fetch two pairs of Jiangling tribute to the falling water satin sent to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to go, I see, that the light satin is with Li Chinghua's body."



"Thank you, Your Majesty." Li Chonghua slightly lowered her head, but there was actually a smile in the bottom of her eyes as she bent down and returned to her seat.



Li Chunghua got the reward is happy, others are not happy, Yun Guihua would have been gas is not good, now the emperor and rewarded Li Chunghua, but also the heart is not happy, then pretended to be petulant said: "The emperor is eccentric, all sisters are here, the emperor is partial to the Jiangling partial new satin rewarded to the Li sister a person!"



Li Chonghua although not long into the palace, but also know the cloud Guihua's power, which just sat down, see the cloud Guihua difficult, the heart can not help but a shock, slightly sweating.



After entering the palace, although she also individually pay a visit to the cloud Guihua, but at that time has not yet served the bed, the cloud Guihua to see her posture is not provocative, and did not make trouble. But who would have thought, although the posture is not provocative, but this means really provocative!



Li Chonghua is only thinking about getting the attention and favor of the emperor, but forget that he is living in the dragon's den at all times. Her small means and small mind, and how to escape in the palace immersed in many years of people's eyes!



The Empress saw Yun Guihua arguing and Li Chonghua was embarrassed and didn't know what to do, so she smiled and rounded off the conversation:



"Sister Yun looks like this afraid of something jealous or not?"



The Emperor did not give Yun Guihua a reply, so Yun Guihua took her anger out on the Empress and said in a tone that was half petulant and half gambling, "My measure as a concubine is not comparable to that of the Empress!"







This is a good intention to round off the scene, but the fire led to their own body, is the Queen reprimanded feel public reprimand Yun Guihua inappropriate, not reprimanded and was under the face, a doorway to lead the yellow door into the palace to present: "Hu Chenghua to."







Selection of showgirls into the palace means that more people come in to compete for favor, like Sima Guiren, Cui Chunhua who accompanied the emperor around the concubines for many years was on the newcomer to the palace quite a word. Just after the election, and then called into the palace alone a woman, the crowd is even more hostile to it.



Cui Conghua, who was seated at the side of Sima Guiren, fanned his rocking fan and first showed his displeasure:



"Hmph! What a big stand, coming only after the night banquet is almost over."



The emperor looked at Cui Chonghua, and Cui Chonghua was so scared that he immediately banned his words.



The Emperor turned to look at Hu Yuanxi, who was kneeling at the temple, and changed the coldness of his eyes from when he had just looked at Cui Chunghua, and gently looked at Yuanxi and said, "Please invite Hu Chenghua to take his seat."



A burst of clear and moist sound into Yuan Xi's ears, there is no imperial decree, Yuan Xi did not look up, but the voice sounded familiar, like where I have heard generally.



Although the Empress knows that Hu Chenghua will enter the palace today, but did not think that the Emperor will let her come to today's night banquet. After all, after traveling, should rest for a day, so did not set Hu Chenghua's seat.



With Hu Chenghua's position at the end of the concubines, she should sit next to Chen Chenghua. However, there was no prior arrangement for a seating platform, so the yellow door courtesans temporarily raised a seating platform and arranged it on the side of Lan Shifu.



Hu Yuanxi did not enter the palace, the palace will be a variety of speculation, some people guess that she is affiliated with the country to send tribute, with a stunning face will be fascinated by the emperor's soul; some guess that she should be the age of maturity can not participate in the selection of the showgirls; some are guessing that she set the strange and ugly which the official's daughter.



But the Empress had seen Hu Yuanxi, and when she saw her again, she remembered that she was the woman who dared to look at herself in Xibaodang. This woman if the beauty of the palace no one can match, in addition to beauty, its body charm is also unrivaled. She has both the ice and snow like cold attitude, the body seems to be hidden as the hot sun of the fire.



The Empress knows the scar on Yuan Xi's forehead, over the summer will not see a different color, but she is from the bottom of her heart since she is not willing to enter the palace of such a stunning woman.



The Empress smiled bashfully, "Emperor, I have seen this woman before."



The emperor wanted to test whether the emperor was with the intention of blaming himself.



"I know that she lost the election." The Emperor's tone was flat and unchanged, and the Empress did not hear whether the Emperor meant to blame herself.



Tried unsuccessfully, the Empress then added: "I was thinking that Hu Chenghua with a scar on his forehead should not enter the palace to accompany the driver." To avoid the emperor's misunderstanding, the empress explained a little.



The Emperor watched the songs and dances on the stage while he lifted his wine glass, took a light sip and put it down.



The emperor knows that the queen is testing, he likes the person since he has entered the palace, he naturally does not have to do more entanglement with the queen, so he looked at the queen blandly and said, "The queen is not wrong, I do not blame you, just to show people with the color, and ultimately do not last long."



The Empress was shocked, although the Emperor's mouth did not say that he blamed, but it was obvious that he was blaming himself for being superficial. So she had to pull the corner of her mouth slightly at the emperor, and then turned her gaze to the songs and dances on the stage.