
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · アニメ·コミックス
76 Chs

CH 11: Plans

(Third person POV)

Zane smirked as he nodded :"good choice. You have good taste, Ali. Dragons are also my favorite. I used to use them before I got my Cyber Dragon deck."

Ali chuckled as he slapped his back :"hey, we have more in common than I thought. Now that I thought of building a deck, let's see how much DP I got from beating Chazz."

Ali reached into his pocket and took out his PDA and after pressing the button on it, it came to life.

Ali whistled as he nodded :"damn, good stuff! I actually got 3,200 DP from beating the haughty bitch in a single turn!"

Zane nodded as the two Slifers whoaed :"even though Chazz is arrogant, he actually isn't that bad compared to other Obelisks.

The reason for why he was defeated so easily is because he didn't get any chance to pull any moves with you just destroying him.

Defeating Obelisks also brings quite a bit more DP that beating Ras and Slifers. And because of you defeating him in a single turn, that how the results came to be."

Ali nodded in understanding as he thought :'wish that was how Tag Force worked. That game was fun as fuck, but it was a bitchuary to get DP in it ಠ︵ಠ.'

He then turned the PDA off and put it inside his pocket as Alexis gave a small smile :"you should be able to get quite a few packs with that much DP."

Ali nodded as took a deep breath in and stretched his body once they reached the min gate :"yeah, and with them, I will probably be able to make a small deck."

He then turned to Jaden and Syrus as he smiled :"well guys, see you tomorrow. I wish you a good sleep."

They parted ways after the two waved goodbye. The voluptuous blondy turned to him with a curious look on her features :"by the way, Ali, do you already have any idea on how your going to make your new deck?"

Ali nodded as he winced :"yeah, but it will probably take a good while and a good amount of DP to complete.

The cards will probably be in the store, but I'm afraid that they will probably be expensive. So I will need to duel quite a lot."

Alexis raised an eyebrow in curiosity :"oh? You expect that? Considering how you think that you will spend a lot, are you going to make another strong deck?"

Ali shrugged after he laughed :"of course, Alexis! Why would I make a weak deck? If I'm making one, I'm making it at least decent."

Alexis nodded with a small, challenging smile on her beautiful features :"alright. Then I will hold on to when you make a descent deck and we can duel. Haha, but dragons, huh? You really like them it seems."

Ali smiled as he shrugged :"they're cool, they're powerful, and many more. Why wouldn't I love them?

They've been my favorite type of monsters since I was a little kid. And well, I have found quite a few ways of using them to their potential."

"Well, happy to hear that my patience won't be for nothing." Alexis mused before frowning :"but making a dragon themed deck will probably take a long time too. Sigh, I guess I just have to wait then."

Ali gave a chuckle as he flashed her an amused smile :"you are really looking forward to our duel, huh? You really seem to love dueling."

She nodded as they walked towards their dorms :"yeah, it's what I love the most. And yes, I'm really looking forward to our duel to see what your made out of."

A teasing smile and expression formed on Ali's handsome face as he raised an eyebrow :"oh? And why would you want that? Do you happen to have some... Other motives?"

The sexy blond with a wet dream for a body playfully rolled her eyes as she gently slapped his arm :"get your mind out of the gutter.

Your duel with Dr Crawler and the one just now really fired me up, that's why I want to duel against you. Oh, and I'm planning on winning by the way."

Well, wasn't she funny. And Ali thought so too as he started laughing out loud :"hahahaha! Sigh, Alexis, that was a really funny joke. Didn't know you were one for such a jokes."

Of course he couldn't win with the deck that he hadn't even begun making. But with the cards that he was planning on putting in, his victory was 100%.

It's just that, the cards that he was planning on putting in his deck were probably hella expensive. So it was gonna take a little time.

But since Alexis said that she will wait, he wasn't worried. And besides, even though he said that he doesn't care about money, it was still a necessary thing for life.

So, he was planning on challenging Obelisk Blues left and right to duels and make it rain with DP.

After all, 10 DP meant 1 dollar in this world. And just now, he made a total of 320 dollars in a duel that was more of a bullying case.

<So, I'm planning on making it like this. You know how duel links gives those points when you win a duel? I will measure the DP like that but divide it in 2 since that would be just a few thousand DP in every single duel>

Honestly, even though he said that he didn't care about money, he fucking loved it. In fact, he loved money to the point where his family in his past life called him Mr Crabs.

But well, he wasn't stingy in using it. As long as it was for himself. Don't misunderstand, he would happily spoil his friends, but he was greedy like a real dragon.

And now that he was bonded with a dragon and his Ka was one, he assumed that his greediness will become like a real dragon's.

Alexis gave a playful glare as she frowned her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes :"oh? You think I'm joking? Just wait till we duel, I will show you then."

The reincarnated teenager shrugged with a teasing smile on his face :"sure. I will wait, as so will you. Then I will show you what this Majesty is made out of."

Alexis couldn't help the amused snort that left her as she raised her eyebrow :"Majesty? Aren't you full of yourself?"

How could she know the greatness of Ali? So Ali had to explain it to her with another shrug :"I'm not.

Seriously. Majesty is literally what my name means. So it has gotten stuck to my mind and I Fing (fucking) love it."

Alexis gave a low chuckle as she shook her head in amusement :"well, good name. It has a cool meaning too.

Bye the way, it's kind of unrelated, but what are you planning to have as your ace monster? I'm curious."

Her words, honestly left Ali speechless. Not because it was a weird question, but because it was really interesting and important.

To him at least. After all, the ace monster was like the soul of the deck. It was what represented the deck.

He hadn't thought about it, so he put hand under his chin as he tapped it while frowning :"I completely forgot about that...

Shit, I was so excited about making another new deck from scratch that I didn't even think about what my ace monster will be..."

Alexis couldn't help but sigh with a helpless look on her face :"you don't even know that? I wonder just how long I have to wait for our duel at this point..."

Ali with his hand under his chin, kept tapping his cheek as he thought. But in the end, he could only sigh in defeat :"forget it.

I will go to the store tomorrow and see what fate will bring my way. Who knows, my luck isn't bad in these kind of things."

"Alright then, I wish you good luck." Alexis said as they reached the boys dorm :"I will go now, good night. Oh, and try not to look for any further trouble. Goodnight now."

As she walked away while Ali totally wasn't looking at her heart shaped butt, he folded his arms in front of his chest with a smirk :"I don't look for trouble. Trouble looks for me!"

But unfortunately, the voluptuous heroine was already gone and couldn't hear his comeback."

But Zane beside him did snort with a roll of his eyes :"considering that I was with you all along, I guess I can't disagree on that."

Ali gave a chuckle before he slapped his bicep with the back of his hand :"alright, let's go and sleep.

We will deal with any further bullshit that comes our way tomorrow. But now, I'm beat. I wanna go and sleep."

The older boy with dark green hair nodded as they both made their way towards their rooms where they bid each other farewell.

Once Ali closed the fancy door behind him, he interlocked his fingers as he stretched and popped a few things.

As Ali took his clothes off and got ready for bed, he asked his partner and Ka :(by the way, Red Eyes, how long will it take for my soul to completely adapt to you and I'm ready to bond with other duel spirits?)

(Boss, considering that this form of mine is really weak, it will be done in a day or two.) Red Eyes chirped inside his head :(but I don't really know much about these things, so how about you ask one of your spellcaster spirits?)

Ali hummed as he put his black shorts on and wore his back tank top that had a zipper to make it even more comfortable :(yeah, I should do that.)

He put his hands behind his neck and got his smooth, midnight black hair out of his tank top before he walked towards the strap that had multiple deck holders on it.

But before he reach out to grab it, he looked away with a thoughtful expression :'hmm... Which one should I pick?

I have a few magicians in my decks... Hmm... I think Dark Magician, Maiden With Eyes Of Blue will know a lot about it.

Dark Magician is a really powerful magician, and Maiden With Eyes Of Blue has a crazy powerful effect, so it can count as a spell... I guess?'

As he grabbed his strap <ಠಿ_ಠ>, multiple voices with different tones and sounds echoed :"hello, master."

But the respect in their voice wasn't hidden at all. Ali smiled, but he didn't know if they could see it or not :"hey everyone.

Look, I know it's kind of rude of me, but how about we all get to know each other tomorrow?

Right now, I'm just gonna ask a few specific duel spirits a few questions to know our situation and then I will hit the bed."

And fortunately for him, the duel spirits didn't sound dissatisfied:"as you wish, master." Causing Ali to smile in satisfaction :"thank you all for understanding."

And he unlocked the deck holders with Dark Magician and Blue Eyes in them before he took out Dark Magician first.

As he looked at it, he was satisfied to see that the monsters cover was of the anime film, Dark Side Of The Dimensions.

He honestly preferred that sick ass looking design than the other ones. He smiled at the card in his hand :"hello, Dark Magician."

A light gently got out of the card before it expanded and a very tall man in black robes stood in front of Ali :"hello, master.

It's an honor to finally meet you. May I ask how could I be of any assistance to you, my Lord? I will try my absolute best. So ask me anything you wish."


DP: 3,200