
Yu-Gi-Oh: Fate Of Time

A normal guy transfer to a 21 year old body in the Old Era Of Yu-Gi-Oh World, with his skills from his old world and a 3 Blank cards obtained by the Gods at the Beginning of his journey, He will take this world by storm, challenges from around the world, against friends, foes and the unknown Darkness from all around the world of YUGIOH, will he succeed to help Yugi and his friend? What plans have destiny for him? I suck at writing so if I don’t have a good grammar, i apologies but I try my best. i’m sorry If i update slowly somedays or fast other days, IRL stuff is annoying. I don´t own the Yugioh character except for my OC, I do not own the picture, (Will change picture if needed to.)

Glace · アニメ·コミックス
39 Chs

First Duel!

"The End Of Anubis, Mirror Force and Axe of Despair, at least some good cards and finally got a monster with an ability, well in this era I mean. System, Where is the nearest card Shop?"

System: [The nearest card shop is 20 min away from this apartment.]

While putting the rare cards into the deck, I head out to towards the card shop with excitement on dueling again and after awhile, got closer to the shop.

"Man it's been awhile, I hope i still got it."

System: [You have been chosen by the world, we know you got this."

"I'm not sure, I was chosen because else I wouldn't have the system, AKA you, and that would only mean that I was not so powerful so you could assist me."

System: […]

"… why are you quiet suddenly?"

System: [It"s just in your head.]

While walking, you noticed a small card shop in the middle of the street and you felt like it looked familiar.

"Hmm? It looks familiar?"

While I was looking at the card shop closely, Someone from behind me tapped me on my shoulder which made me turn around.

"Hello there young man, are you looking for som something? Or are you looking for some cards?"

While turning around I saw a short old man with a bandanna on his head and unusual spiky hair from the side of the bandanna sticking out.

(No way, that Grandpa Moto, Yugi's grandfather! So this is Yugi's home!) "Ah no I was not looking for cards this time around, I just stopped by to see if someone would duel me, I would really test out my deck for the Battle City."

Grandpa Moto was looking at me and was not suspicious, and then he was smiling that could make anyone smile too.

"I see, well unfortunately our shop is about to close young man, so no one is here to duel at the moment.

Hearing the news, I was disappointed and was about to say goodbye until he stopped me.

"Hold on young man, we still have some time, if you don't mind a challenge from an old man, I could duel you."

"Really? I wouldn't want to bother you mister."

*laughing* "Ohohoho, it's fine, I want to test out the new rules of the game after all, come young man."

While following old Moto, a sound in my head start talking and a pop up screen shows up in front of him.

System: [Mission start! Win against Solomon Moto!, Reward: 5 random rare cards.]

(Hmm, 5 rare cards, okay, what else can I say then I try my best.)

Old Moto dragged Ryze toward an empty table and both sat down preparing their decks, Shuffling each other decks and drew their 5 cards.

"Okay youngster, I let you go first!"

Old Moto aura changed and was looking confident toward me, the small pressure I felt was new but excitement was starting to grow on me.

"Let's do this!"

{Let's Duel!!!}

Old Moto: 4000LP

Ryze: 4000LP

"I begin then! I draw! I start by set on monster in defense mode, After that I set 1 card face down, with that I end my turn!

"My turn then youngster, I draw! I first summon my Feral Imp, In attack mode!

A green beast with wings and a unicorn on it's face was shown and for a second it felt like the card come to life and was looking towards me.

Feral Imp

Normal Monster

Attack: 1300

Defense: 1400

"I will activate my trap card, A Feint Plan, what it does is no monster can attack face down monster this turn!"

"Oho, very clever youngster, I end my turn then."

"My turn then! I draw!, I begin by sacrificing my face down Frenzied Panda, To summon my Flame Cerebrus

Flame Cerebrus

Normal Monster

Attack: 2100

Defense: 1800

Old Moto was looking at the young man and was thinking that his opponent know what he is doing, he knows the new rules well and play the cards carefully.

"Flame Cerebrus, Attack his Feral Imp and with only 1300 attack, your monster is destroyed, and since he was in attack mode you lose the difference of my Flame Cerebrus, and from what I checked, the difference is 800 Life points!"

Old Moto: 4000 - 800 = 3200LP

"Very well done youngster, I better step up, I see you know the new rules well."

I was looking at Old Moto and was smiling, (You have no idea), while I was thinking that, I set another card face down and ended my turn.

"Very well, I draw! I begin to summon my Winged Dragon Guardian Of The Fortress #1 in defense mode and then I set 2 card face down, Over to you youngster."

Winged Dragon Guardian Of The Fortress #1

Normal Monster

Attack: 1400

Defense: 1300

I was looking at the 2 facedown Old man Moto set and already knew it was a trap, but I knew better to let 2 face down scare me.

"I draw, I begin to summon my Toad Master in defense mode."

Toad Master

Normal Monster

Attack: 1000

Defense: 1000

"Flame Cerebrus attack his Winged Dragon!"

Old Man Moto was smiling and activated a trap, Negate Attack, Stopping my attack and ending my turn.

"My turn then, I draw, I begin to sacrifice my Winged Dragon to summon my Summoned Skull in attack mode!"

Summoned Skull

Normal Monster

Attack: 2500

Defense: 1200

Summoned Skull, one of Old Moto most powerful cards, if it wasn't for Weevil, he would of have all the pieces of Exodia and that card is one of the most powerful card in this era.

"Summoned Skull, Attack his Flame Cerebrus and with my monster stronger then yours, your monster is destroyed, and don't forget, your monster was in attack mode, That means that you lose the difference between our monster, 400 points to be exact."

Ryze: 4000 - 400 = 3600 LP

"I set one more card face down and-"

"And I step in! I activate my face down, Remove Trap! I target your face down card, And since it's face down, the card will show itself and if it's a trap card, it is immediately destroyed but if it is a spell card it returns facedown!"

Old Moto had a surprise expression and showed the face down and the facedown card is Mirror Force.

(NICE, Mirror Force is a very rare card, it's good it's destroyed else my monster would be destroyed.)

"Oho, you took a gamble with that play, what happens if it would been a spell?"

"If it was a spell, then at least I would know what spell it was, which allows me to think of a strategy at least, even as a gamble it would let me think ahead."

Old Moto was looking at Ryze with big eyes and was smiling, Maybe Yugi and Joey might have some competition in this tournament.

"My move then, I draw!"

Old Moto noticed that Ryze was smiling and had a bad feeling about it.

"Heh, I begin to activate my spell card Share The Pain, What it does is that both of us have to sacrifice one monster on the field and send it to the graveyard, I send my Toad Master to the graveyard, and since the only monster you have on the field is your Summoned Skull."

Old Moto with regrets sends his Summoned Skull to the graveyard.

"I'm not done yet, After that I activate my other spell card Monster Reborn, And with it I resurrect your Summoned Skull to my side of the field."

Old Moto was looking at Ryze with surprise, to think he use my monster.

"And for the final spell card I use Axe Of Despair and equip it to Summoned Skull, Making his attack to 3500, which is enough power to end your life points, Attack his life points directly Summoned Skull.


Old Moto: 3200 - 3500 = 0

"Thanks for the duel." Ryze put his hand out for a handshake and saw Old Moto was just looking at him funny.

Old Moto sighed and handshaked Ryze hand and was smiling.

"Good duel young man, tho you could of hold back on this old man, Hahaha."

"Hahaha, I was afraid if I hold back, I would of lose."

Old Man Moto and Ryze was looking towards each other and smiled.

"I wished we could duel som more but it is time to close the shop, and I need to get my grandson from the hospital."

Ryze was surprised, Yugi is in the hospital? And then realized this must be the time he dueled the mind controlled Bandit Keith, which mean the Battle City might start sooner then he think.

"Okay, family does come first, i see you around… I just realized that I never got your name shopkeeper?" I said that while put my hand on my head.

Old Moto looked at me and realized as well and start to laugh.

"Hahaha, you can call me Old Moto, as you can see, I'm the shopkeeper in this store, I do hope I see you around Young man, I wish you all the best towards the tournament."

"Old Moto, got it, My name is Ryze Minato, i hope your son is doing well in the future."

While Ryze walked away, Old Man Moto was looking at the back of Ryze and was thinking of Yugi and his friends.

"Hoho, if Yugi ever meet Ryze, I do hope they become friends, I have a feeling we will see him around."


Hello everyone, Hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm slowly writing the chapters as good as possible since it's been awhile since I wrote something.

I do want to mention something tho, The Yugioh will follow the TCG side and not OCG since I know barley anything of the OCG, And will follow the Anime rules which they activate Spell cards as trap cards as well, at least untill the Battle City Tournaments is over, After that we follow the rules as normal.

I hope you like the chapter and see you soon.