
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Level Up

A young soul, recently passed, finds himself being saved from the void by circumstance, before being thrust into a new world, one he had only seen in his childhood on a Television screen. Placed into a younger body how will he handle his new life, in a world where everything revolves around a card game, and everything can rest on drawing the right card.

PsyChotiX556 · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

-.-.-Chapter 6-.-.-

It was two weeks later that Jin found himself standing in front of his hallway mirror, trying to psych himself up, 'You can do this, it's all old gen mechanics, you played them a million times' Jin repeated to himself as he looked at himself or rather his new self.

His new appearance had taken some getting used to. He had semi long black hair that fell down either side of his face with a short back that jutted out at the sides, a light tanned complexion that matched his lean build, but the most striking thing about his appearance was his amber coloured eyes.

From what pictures he'd seen around his house, he took his hair color and build from his father, while his eyes and some of his facial features were all his mother's, while the way his hair naturally fell was a mix between them.

As he took another deep breath Ailsa floated behind him smiling at him as usual.

"You'll be fine, you've planned for this, I don't think anyone will be able to predict half of the strategies you've come up with," Ailsa told him as she tried to help him calm down.

Jin nodded as he let out a slow exhale, "Yeah you're right, I just can't help it."

"Besides," Ailsa giggled, "I'll be right there to help you out, remember~"

Jin chuckled and nodded, yeah that had been one of the biggest surprises in the past couple of weeks that he'd learned from her while testing out the draw power of his deck. Apparently as his deck was made up with Spellcaster monsters she had some control over his deck and could influence what cards he drew and when.

That would be a major help to him he knew, it meant that he could draw what he needed when he needed it and wouldn't risk pulling a brick hand ever, not that he would with how he'd made his deck but it certainly helped ease his nerves somewhat.

'Heart of the cards indeed,' Jin mused to himself before nodding one final time. These last two weeks had given him enough time to reflect properly on his current situation and get used to his new life while also getting a handle on things.

From what he'd been able to piece together the previous Jin had been a rather straight laced kind of guy, as well as studious and a real loner. He had no social media presence, from what passed for social media in this world, and no real friends. He figured out that last part from the fact that the guys mobile phone had practically no numbers in it aside from the numbers to a couple of take out places as well as his dads lawyer's office number. 

And from reading the journal that he had found in the bedside table drawer, he worked out just why that was. The kid had practically threw himself into his studies after coming around from his parents deaths, between that and collecting cards for his deck via online auctions he hadn't even attempted to make friends, and what few he had before his parents deaths he had distanced himself from as he grew more and more obsessed with making his parents proud of him. A goal he intended to fulfill by becoming a pro duelist. 

He had had everything planned out, from getting into Duel academy, starting in Obelisk Blue, and making a name for himself there and during the summer months taking part in tournaments to attract attention for future sponsorships to help him go pro.

But everything had fallen apart for him when his test scores came back and he had scored far lower than he had thought he would, that had been the final straw that tipped him over the edge and made him give up on everything.

'Well his loss is my gain, and I couldn't have asked for a better blank slate to work with, no parents to worry about, no close friends to notice a personality change, and everything has worked out well so far, I can just be myself and roll with what comes my way' Jin mused to himself as he gave his appearance one last look over.

He had gone with one of the less casual outfits in his wardrobe, a high collar long sleeve white jacket and black slacks and shoes, nothing fancy, not that the former owner of this body had any really fancy clothes, he was rather conservative.

His attention was suddenly taken by the sound of a car horn beeping from outside the front of his house and he sighed, "well, no point in worrying any more" he muttered as he took up his bag he had sitting at the front door, his duel disk and deck case inside.

"Time to nut up or shut up" he said as he slung the bag over his shoulder and stepped out the door.

Ailsa giggled before she turned into little motes of light and shot towards his bag disappearing completely as he closed the door behind him as he went to catch the taxi that would drop him off at the testing venue for Duel academy.

Chapter word Count: 871

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