
Yu-Gi-Oh! Gojoing GX

Yugioh GX Fanfic Branch off timeline from Help me Step Gojo, I'm Stuck. -YuGiOh and the official cards are all owned by Konami. -This is an AI generated DMG. Volume 2 is Arifureta Fanfic.

AnHa8 · アニメ·コミックス
63 Chs

The Music Videos (Filler) - 10


Alexis's eyes darted between Jaden and Gojo. "A battle between heroes," she whispered, her voice tinged with anticipation. "And the clash for the coveted title of number one duelist."

One of them seemed extremely excited and passionate, while the other was yawning. The latter's nonchalant attitude annoyed her; after all, this was a challenge from the other number one pro duelist. The entire room, filled with students, turned to face and watched Jaden and Gojo intently.

"What?" Gojo asked boorishly, "What are you all looking at me for?"

"Y'all are starting to make me feel a little shy now." Gojo added sarcastically, waving off the attention, much to everyone's annoyance.

'Yep. This is Satoru Gojo. A completely different duelist from any other in the world,' Alexis thought, closing her eyes briefly and sighing. 'Completely different from Aster Phoenix.'

With that, the day ended, and all the students were dismissed early.

As everyone got up, I clasped my hands and teleported myself and Dark Magician Girl back home. Alexis wanted to hang out with Jaden and the others. And who was I to stop her from doing that? I was very busy today after all!

I decided to pick up a new hobby and wanted to use Kaiba Corp software and AI to create quality entertainment for this world. After reaching out to Kaiba Corp, I managed to get a special request approved from Kaiba and so his company went to develop custom programs specifically for me. Though I had little to some experience as a content creator and with AI software, I was determined to give it a try.

I sketched a design of what the program should look like, using my own art to provide a clear direction for the developers. This served as a template for the software engineers and UI developers.

And today, I received a text from Seto Kaiba. They had finished the program and provided me with some account information for features I didn't really need.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang, pulling my attention away. I hurried to answer it, only to be greeted by a package emblazoned with the emblem of Kaiba Corp.

'Looks like they've even thrown in a laptop… And a helmet?' Gojo opened up the box.


Throughout the day, Gojo found himself immersed in his projects with the help of Kabia's Corp Artificial Intelligence and incredible programs. Gojo was busy recreating a music video from his world using the advanced technology of Kaiba Corp. He planned to reanimate scenes of Yu-Gi-Oh! ancient Egypt into a parody song video with the help of AI and Kaiba Corp programs.

Without realizing it, while lost in his work, Gojo found himself singing telepathically:

[Stop moaning, stop groaning, I stopped caring hours ago ♪ Only a fool picks a fight with the pharaoh ♫ Stop moaning, stop groaning, I don't even want to know ♬ How in the hell you got screen time on this show—]

A/N: If you want to know what he is singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KbqRPuQetY&t=91s

[Hubby, what in Ra's name are you singing?]

Dark Magician Girl who was playing with her other spirit friends stopped what she was doing when she telepathically heard whatever the hell Gojo was singing. She frowned in disapproval.

[Ah! Don't worry about it.]

Gojo nonchalantly replied. Thankfully, it was his voice she was hearing. She would have been shocked if it had been the Pharaoh Atem's voice. All this technology was available to Gojo, so it's only natural for him to use everything at his disposal to create things with it.

The AI did most of the work, making Gojo's custom characters move precisely as he wanted. The program and AI effortlessly replicated the voices of Bakura, Kaiba, and many others (Especially the pharaoh), thanks to Kaiba's meticulous data collection (for reasons unknown). By using the special helmet, Gojo was able to extract precise images, videos and sounds from his mind, which the AI then enhanced for clarity when uploaded to the device.

To add an authentic touch, Gojo sought permission from the Egyptian Gods to feature them in his video of his. With their permission granted, he went all out. Typically, this would risk divine punishment unless one wielded a Millennium Item or hailed from an Ancient Egyptian bloodline. However, Gojo's vision was grand—he intended to animate the gods with AI, making them cooler than ever before.

The final result was a remastered parody music video inspired by Little Kuriboh's work into this world. It featured various figures from ancient Egypt and the gods, accurately representing the world of OG Yu-Gi-Oh! The entire video played out as a comedic skit with parody lyrics, featuring the Pharaoh and Evil Bakura singing.

With most social media platforms under Kaiba Corp's control, Gojo had a verified account that had special privileges. Unbeknownst to him, anything he uploaded was immediately highlighted on the front page. When he finally posted the full six-minute video, it went viral within minutes, while also flooding users' notifications.

It was later that Seto Kaiba, Ishizu Ishtar, Yugi Muto, and Joey Wheeler who saw this bombarded him with calls, demanding an explanation, seeing the video was published under his name. Pegasus, on the other hand who saw this, seemed to enjoy the content, chuckling to himself. It took a while for Gojo to calm everyone down, as most of them were feeling a strong sense of nostalgia.

Viewers were stunned by the video. For those in this world, it seemed incredibly realistic. Gojo even edited parts depicting the world in danger at specific moments, referencing dates people remembered vividly, especially the times when Evil Bakura threatened the world. Although they hadn't known it before, they seemed to understand now, especially the reference what "season 4" meant, which included brief appearances by Dartz, his goon squad, and the Seal of Orichalcos.

Whether they wanted to believe it or not, Gojo didn't provide an explanation in the video, only a description starring the individuals featured in the video. This was for shiz and giggles after all. At least he thought it was funny.

Of course, this wasn't the only video and stuff Gojo had made and uploaded. Overnight, he had become a sensation, steadily gathering followers and subscribers for his captivating media creations.


In the quiet of the night, when everyone else should have been asleep, Alexis tossed and turned in her bed. Her eyes shut tight, but her mind was anything but at rest. There, in the darkness, she heard voices — her own voice, echoing softly towards her.

However, it wasn't anything sinister that filled her ears; rather, it seemed to have a musical rhythm, expressive and really daring. But what followed was really peculiar: along with the voices, there drifted a weird tune, weaving through the air.

Strangely, Alexis found herself hearing not just her own voice, but also that of Dark Magician Girl, blending together in an unusual song:

"Stop callin', Stop Callin',

I don't wanna think anymore!

I left my head and my heart on the dance floor!

Stop callin', Stop Callin',

I don't wanna talk anymore!

I left my head and my heart on the dance floor!"

A/N: Song - Lady Gaga ( Telephone )

Startled, Alexis snapped her eyes open, realizing this wasn't a dream. The voice she heard was undeniably hers, yet she hadn't uttered a single word.

Alexis rose from her bed and followed the sound to its source.

Pushing open the door to Gojo's room, Alexis was met with a blast of music. Closing the door softly behind her, she found Gojo lost in his own world, wearing headphones that weren't even plugged in and bopping his head to the catchy tune. Meanwhile, Dark Magician Girl danced to the beat. Despite the jovial atmosphere, Alexis's expression was far from joyful.

Sensing her presence, Gojo paused the music, shut the laptop, and removed his headphones to meet her gaze. Alexis was wearing her nightly armament which made her incredibly charming and she was also crossing her arm that emphasizes her booba.

"Suh, Alexis," Gojo said, breaking the tension. "Is this a booty call?"

Alexis remained silent for a moment, her eyes narrowing slightly. "...No. Just what exactly are you doing?" she asked, her tone firm.

Gojo scratched his head, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Oh, me? Just working on a little project, you know?"

Alexis stepped closer, her gaze shifting from the laptop to Gojo. "And what is this 'project' that I can even hear even in my own room?" she inquired, a hint of accusation in her voice.

"I mean, yeah, it's a video project. Just some fun stuff. You tryna join?" Gojo tried to make it sound like it wasn't a big deal.

Alexis raised an eyebrow skeptically. "At this hour?" she remarked, her tone tinged with disbelief. "Don't you have a duel tomorrow?" She muttered under her breath, sounding tired.

Dark Magician Girl floated beside Gojo, her expression innocent but knowing. "He's making a song!"

Alexis sighed, her expression softening slightly at Dark Magician Girl's explanation. "Oh. Is. That. So…. As long as it doesn't cause any trouble," she relented. "But try to keep it down, okay? Some of us are trying to get some sleep. Also your headphones aren't plugged… in" She gave a yawn.

Alexis was a bit tired today. If she had paused to think a bit longer, she might have realized there is a serious problem with this 'video project' he is making. Like how did Gojo get her voice and make it sing like that?

As Alexis returned to her room, both Dark Magician Girl and Gojo exchanged a thumbs-up, silently celebrating their small victory.


The following morning, excitement filled the airwaves as news outlets across the globe couldn't stop talking about Satoru Gojo. Some media outlets were even praising Alexis Rhodes as she also made an appearance in the mix, along with the mysterious Lady Gaga within Gojo's videos. Even some global celebrities were found in Gojo's video. However, life on Academy Island carried on as usual, with its residents blissfully unaware of the commotion until the sun had reached its midday peak.

Occupied with their academic work and playing children's trading card games, academy students rarely paid attention to the media. As a result, almost none of them were aware of the music videos that Gojo had uploaded the previous night.

As students logged into their social media accounts, they were greeted with a flood of notifications. Videos, all posted by none other than Satoru Gojo, began to populate their feeds. The videos quickly went viral within the academy, sparking discussions across group chats and messaging apps throughout the afternoon.

That afternoon, Alexis's phone was bombarded with calls and texts from her parents, constantly praising her. Initially flustered and completely confused, she soon discovered why… It was because of two music videos, one of which featuring both her and Dark Magician Girl (under the alias of Lady Gaga). Gojo's creations had captured widespread interest, leading to numerous partnership offers flooding in for the Rhodes family. Despite the tempting offers, the Rhodes family politely declined, expressing their intent to collaborate exclusively with Kaiba Corp Inc.

For Alexis, dealing with this was a complete headache. The entire school was buzzing with shock and surprise at her supposed 'singing talent,' despite the fact that she had done no such thing. As if that wasn't enough, her friends Mindy and Jasmine were both envious and admiring, praising her non-stop during class. Who she kept trying to say she didn't sing. Though they didn't believe her. The world wasn't aware of deepfake technology and the advanced capabilities of AI.

The excitement sparked by Gojo's videos far exceeded the anticipation for the upcoming duel between Aster Phoenix and Jaden Yuki. Besides, in this world, apart from technology, the quality of life resembled that of 2007-2008, and it is where card games were always the predominant form of entertainment and music wasn't as widely popular.

"Did you see Gojo's video?" one student asked another.

"I heard it—it's surprisingly catchy. Hard to believe the guy who made the video is from our school," replied the second, glancing around.

"And did you see Alexis singing in it? Crazy stuff, especially with Lady Gaga, right?" the first student exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Wait, Alexis sang? I didn't know she could sing… When did this happen?" muttered a bewildered friend.

"Seriously? Well, you're lucky I saved this video. Check it out for yourself—there's Alexis cosplaying as Dark Magician Girl alongside Lady Gaga in the second video!" the first student exclaimed excitedly.

"Ah… Aweesomeee… Wait, do you think Lady Gaga happened to be Gojo's wif—" the second one asked.

Their conversation abruptly halted at the sound of a cough behind them. Mindy and Jasmine motioned for them to quiet down, noticing Alexis' flushed face and embarrassment. Alexis, beside them, was trying to hide her face in embarrassment for something she didn't do, her face crimson as she glared at Gojo with looks that could kill.

What happened had already happened, and Gojo claimed he couldn't take it down because of "company policy," a random excuse he made on the spot. Alexis managed to 'calm down' when Gojo surprisingly provided an explanation that sounded somewhat logical, though it was clearly something he had fabricated on the spot.


"Alexis, what you're getting is free publicity. In this world, what matters most after graduating? It's publicity and appearance. Without these, you won't get far. Skills, connections, and money certainly matter, but you're not the only one with those resources in the world, and as many are competing for exposure. And did you know? Not a single person in this world does not know who and what Kaiba Corp is. Now you've got exposure that's worth billions, even trillions that many would pay for. This is the best thing that could happen for you. Pretty much everyone in the world knows who you are!" Gojo lied as naturally as he breathed, clearly uncertain if there was any truth in his own words.

With no other options, she chose to believe him, as it was the only way she could cope.


In one of the videos, Gojo had managed to make Alexis appear as an idol singing beside Dark Magician Girl in his video, fueling the video's viral sensation. This second video of his became incredibly popular right after uploading "The Pharaoh's Throne." Gojo's first idea was simple: have Dark Magician Girl dance in front of the camera and let the AI replace Dark Magician Girl with a realistic-looking Alexis Rhodes wearing the same costume and mirroring the exact movement of Dark Magician Girl. A generated Dark Magician Girl danced alongside them.

For the rest, Gojo just wore the helmet that allowed the AI to read his mind, to recreate the exact effects, filters, lyrics, songs, sounds, beats, camera movements, and editing he envisioned. The dance choreography drew inspiration from the dynamic styles of Kpop groups like Black Pink, with the AI playing a creative role by suggesting ideas and even generating a dance tutorial for Dark Magician Girl during the recording process.

Title: [Telephone - Lady Gaga (Featuring Alexis Rhodes)]

Published by: Satoru Gojo *KC* ✅

Description: <Alexis Rhode Currently enrolled in academy island.< p>

Lyrics: ~~~~~~~>

For a more descriptive idea of the video, imagine Alexis and Dark Magician Girl dancing in a club environment generated by the AI. A phone on the table shows Satoru Gojo's name as the sender of text messages, spamming profanity, all while dialing the phone at the same time. The song also featured both Alexis Rhodes and Dark Magician Girl's voices singing the lyrics. These things did not exist in this world and Gojo was forcibly recreating them in this world.

All of this was possible because the AI and technology of this world was generations ahead of what Gojo was used to in his own world.


A/N: Lemme know if you like something like this. Might make more stuff like this in the future maybe.

Prob might have to re-edit this. Currently 3:25 am for me. I am fkeed.